I learned that tipping is not just optional in the USA, but expected. In Australia, tipping is optional and never looked down upon if you dont, because waiters get as much pay as anyone else working a job of that standard which could be between $15 - $20 per hour. I would tip a waitress/waiter if I lived in America, just because the food is already so cheap there compared to what we pay in Australia and I do appreciate good service and think that good service should be rewarded.

Just on that topic anyway, I want to give you an idea of how much we pay here for certain dishes (and these prices are pretty much the same no matter where you go.)

General Resturant/Bar
Ceasar Salad $16
Warm chicken salad $17
Chicken parma $27
300g Porterhouse steak $28
250g eye fillet steak with some mash $38

If you find those small franchises that sell chips and burgers prices usually go like this
Medium chips $ 5.50
Cheeseburger $4.50
Bottle of water $3.50
large coke $3.80

These are prices that I pulled from a place I went to recently.

Its not just the food that costs more in Australia, here are more examples:

Billabong brand hoodie $160
Levi jeans $145
Full car service anywhere between $160 - $280, Depending where you go. I remember someone here telling me I should have got a complimentary BJ for that price.
Pack of generic cigarettes $22
Pot of beer $5.50
6 pack of beer $17 - $22
We pay 15 percent more for Iphones and Mac products
Premium petrol costs roughly between $1.40 - $1.69 per litre.

Retail in general charges us anywhere between 15% to 45% of the same product that we could import for cheaper from overseas (usually the U.S)
New Zealand is not really much cheaper either, I've read. Perhaps Alpha might want to chime in with his experiences in retail and general consumerism in NZ.

The thing is, the retailers here are currently in crisis. Hardly anyone is buying and many shops all over Australia are being forced to close down. While this is bad for Australias economy, I think its a bloody big wake up call to retailers that they can no longer rip us off since we have the help of Ebay and online websites that allow us to purchase and import the same product for far cheaper overseas. Even with postage costs, we end up saving hundreds of dollars on general items such as clothing, games, etc. I am laughing my ass off at retailers that are forced to close down, because it appears to me as justice for them overpricing their stock.

Something I did notice with the prices I listed, is that most of the increases in prices could be due to a labouring factor and high wages, all to do with inflation etcetc. But you cannot deny that if someone finds a good quality product thats cheaper, they will go for that option, especially when Australia's taxes on homes and living are at an all time high.

Would you believe that there are advertisements here encouraging us to purchase Australian made and owned products? Yes people, its become THAT bad. I guess I would purchase Australia made and owned products... if they were as good and as cheap as their imported counterparts.

Anyway, since the majority of the forum is from the USA, I would like to hear your thoughts on this and some examples of some prices of stuff from where you live.