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Thread: Why Donald Trump should win the election

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Why Donald Trump should win the election

    Its been a looooonggg time ID *stretches*

    In case you are living under a rock, Donald Trump, one of the worlds richest and most successful buisinessman in the world is running for US presidency. He has been quoted saying the following during his election campaign;

    “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

    — at a rally in Charleston, S.C. in December 2015

    “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"

    — Trump says of opponent Carly Fiorina in a September 2015 interview with Rolling Stone. He later backtracked during the GOP debate saying: "I think she's got a beautiful face. And I think she's a beautiful woman."

    “I’m owned by the people! I mean, I’m telling you, I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them!”

    — Rolling Stone in September 2015

    “I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.” (my favourite)

    — on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in September 2015

    “Heidi Klum. Sadly, she's no longer a 10."

    — New York Times article in August 2015

    Some of these things are not something you would hear come out the mouth of your typical world leader. But its for precisely this reason I think he should be given more credit. Afterall, there is a reason Trump is so popular and I think it largely has to do with the fact he is not afraid to speak his mind. Which brings me to my first point;

    1. He speaks without filter. He speaks what he truly believes. He is not being puppeted by anybody, unlike the majority of the USA's lying past leaders. There is no transparency with his words and he is truly free from the political correctness which is plaguing this world like an unbhorrent sickness. It is a quality to be admire, and valued. Especially in a person with such a presitgious and powerful position. He is free from corruption.

    2. He is an intelligent buisinessman and has already proven himself successful. He has a background worthy of running for presidential candicy. Often he is critisized for being stupid, careless, no social skills etc, but I promise you, these are the kind of skills you NEED in order to create good buisiness, and he is a multi BILLIONAIRE. Money is not this mans motivation, he already has all he will ever need. He truly does care about his country and the needs of both the lower and middle class.

    3. He is an EASY target for ridicule based on what I believe to be his biggest redeeming factors. Its easy to critisize others to mask your own insecurities. Donald Trump would rather focus on what he plans to do, what he believes, rather than attacking the ideas of other electorial candidates (that will come later).

    4. He is willing to sit down and have talks with world leaders such as vladmir putin who the USA constantly seems to be putting in the media spotlight at every opportuunity as some evil hitman killing everybody. Once again, another tactic to take the focus off the fact that Obama is bombing children in syria. So while Trump is discussing how he wants to meet and have talks with other world leaders, the USA continues to make personal attacks against Trump and tries to manipulate the publics perception on other world leaders via control of their media outlets.

    5. His views on immigration are another example showcasing his true moral stature. This man has morals and he knows what needs to be said, despite how he might appear to the public and SJW's. He knows immagration is a problem, and the statistics are right there to prove it. A recent study revealed that 82% of illegal immigrant families are on welfate, 72% of legal immigrants are also on it. Far too often people (SJW's) are ready to turn a blind eye to these statistics for the sole purpose that 18% and 28% are not on welfare. This logic is what is ruining the country and its great people like trump who worked hard for their assets who are able to speak up and present the world with the facts and are ready to address the problem.

    I think its time...

    To make America great again.

    Vote Trump in the 2016 election.

  2. #2
    He speaks his mind (and has shown he's a racist idiot) and wants to sit down with world leaders (a racist idiot wants to sit down with world leaders)

    Are you serious?

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Why Donald Trump should win the election Clint's Avatar
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    Everybody running for president is a puppet. Everyone should boycott the election. America, and the world, would be much better off without government. I'm a goddamn adult. I can govern myself.

    Trump is a ridiculous idiot who has no plans of abiding by the Constitution. The only people worth voting for are the ones who abide strictly by the Constitution, which is nobody.

    Trump has been quoted stating that the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, is unconstitutional. It seems to be that his plan there is to disregard the Constitution and denounce the citizenship of Americans that he disapproves of (i.e., Mexican-Americans.)

    His proposed ban on Muslims is religious discrimination, and would be a direct violation of the 1st Amendment. Do you know who else was guilty of religious discrimination? A certain German chancellor named Adolf Hitler. Though despite the parallels to Hitler's ideology, the major difference between the two is that Trump just has money and a loud mouth, whereas Hitler had balls.

    He's a terrible businessman who went into bankruptcy four times. He cares more about self-promoting than actually being a servant of the people. He cares more about money than about the people. He would sell us all out to the highest bidder in a heartbeat. He also has connections to the Italian mafia.

    But the thing that aggravates me the most about Trump is that with all his money, he bought the stupidest ****ing hairpiece on the planet.

  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    What you guys fail to realize is that he has the power to see things that we dont. For example, he has actually proved that immigrants are . in fact, wizards.

    Immigrants can simultaneously take all of our jobs and all be on welfare at the same time.

  5. #5
    I invented Go-Gurt. Why Donald Trump should win the election Clint's Avatar
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    Most places to work require proof of citizenship in order to even be considered for employment, so they're definitely not taking jobs that anybody wants to do. And Welfare also requires proof of citizenship, so they're definitely not taking advantage of that.

    Undocumented immigrants aren't eligible for government programs aside from emergency Medicaid, and close to two-thirds still pay federal, state, and local taxes. One could argue that they actually contribute more to the economy then they take away.

    But Trump doesn't talk about that, because it's not part of his propaganda agenda.

    If you're talking about documented immigrants, they have every right to a job and Welfare benefits, being as they went through the processes to make their citizenship in the United States legal.

  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    3400 views - 4 replies.

    Who is reading this ****?

  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Why Donald Trump should win the election Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    3400 views - 4 replies.

    Who is reading this ****?
    Donald Trump?

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  8. #8
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I'm reading it and agree, I love all the frustration from the hypocritical left and how nobody is responding, people are wising up to the fact that people are meaninglessly using controversial words like racism to incite rage from useful idiots. It may have worked in the 1960s when everybody was hoped up on drugs but it's 2016 COME ON GUYS

  9. #9
    Lady Succubus Why Donald Trump should win the election Victoria's Avatar
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    I love how you say they take all our jobs as if you live in the US. Which you don't. So they're not taking 'our' jobs. And if they are, they are shitty part time jobs that they can't live off of. Which is why they seek welfare for help.

    Also news flash, there are lots of American people on welfare, too. Also here's another news flash. Even if an immigrant were to find a full time job, they still would not be able to afford a place to live. The current minimum wage is below the 'living wage' that people need. Which is why a lot of the time, if you live in a neighborhood like mine, you have a nextdoor neighbor that is basically a few families living together under one roof. (Unless they're just one big family, but... I digress.)

    Point is, like Clint said. The jobs they're taking are jobs we 'white' people don't want to do anyways. So let them keep them.

    Also as a tip: You should actually watch one of Trump's rallies. Then come back and say you still want him to win.
    Last edited by Victoria; 03-12-2016 at 09:59 AM.

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Vic, two things.

    1. Immigrants are not unique to the United States, although you are reinforcing the ignorant stereotype of Americans for me.
    2. Sarcasm is wasted on you.

  11. #11
    Lady Succubus Why Donald Trump should win the election Victoria's Avatar
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    1. I know they're not unique to the US. But Aussie is Aussie, US is US. Someone from US can't stop Immigrants in Aussie from doing what they do in Aussie, was my point.

    2. Didn't seem like sarcasm to me, considering text. Also considering the topic at hand.

  12. #12
    On a serious note we do need somebody that is willing to be open about their viewpoint on issues, and not only trying to say what people want to hear. That's the only thing I can give Trump any credit for. Is that credit worthy enough to make him president? Not by a long shot. Not only does this person have some racial viewpoints, but I'd also have to question how good his communication skills would be with people in other cultures of the world. There is no positive outcome out of this election imo, and people in the US are screwed. The situation is bad enough in my eyes that I won't even use the "lesser of two evils" approach.
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the fuck these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a fuck about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a Fuck About Us"

  13. #13
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    People continually discredit him without actually giving any envidence to backup their claims.
    The majority of you call him racist, yet he loves china.

  14. #14
    Lady Succubus Why Donald Trump should win the election Victoria's Avatar
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    ...I'm starting to feel like this entire topic was nothing but a sham and waste of time... >_>

  15. #15
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    ...I'm starting to feel like this entire topic was nothing but a sham and waste of time... >_>
    What did you hope to get out of it?

  16. #16
    Lady Succubus Why Donald Trump should win the election Victoria's Avatar
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    Um, something that wasn't a sham and waste of time.. in ID of all places. You know.. the place that isn't supposed to be full of trolly things.

  17. #17
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    Um, something that wasn't a sham and waste of time.. in ID of all places. You know.. the place that isn't supposed to be full of trolly things.
    I not once gave false information.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    People continually discredit him without actually giving any envidence to backup their claims.
    The majority of you call him racist, yet he loves china.
    My apologies. I should have used the term "discriminating viewpoint". I know for sure he said some stupid crap at one point about wanting to prevent Muslims from entering the country. If you're ok with somebody having a blanket outlook, that's on you. That's no different from if I said all Christian people are evil, or all black people are violent. I know for a fact neither of those statements are true. I get that you may just be joking about your stance on the person, but there are people out there that truly believe that Trump is the right guy to support in reality.
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the fuck these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a fuck about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a Fuck About Us"

  19. #19
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FinalxxSin View Post
    My apologies. I should have used the term "discriminating viewpoint". I know for sure he said some stupid crap at one point about wanting to prevent Muslims from entering the country. If you're ok with somebody having a blanket outlook, that's on you. That's no different from if I said all Christian people are evil, or all black people are violent. I know for a fact neither of those statements are true. I get that you may just be joking about your stance on the person, but there are people out there that truly believe that Trump is the right guy to support in reality.

    I think absolutely everyone in this world has a 'discriminating viewpoint'. I would not trust someone who claimed to be otherwise. The fact Trump is honest about it puts him leagues above every other leader who lies to get into power. Religion is the single cause of the majority of history's violence. People want to overlook heinous acts carried out in the name of religion based on the fact that 'not all of them are like that'. Noone in the world ever and can never be an authority on what 'is' a religion, and what isn't, that is the nature of belief and as is religion to be upto interpretation. Now that may seem like the onus is on the individual, but if anyone who who claimed to be religious or at least educated on the subject, would understand that the texts pertaining to both christianity and islam are violent, obscene, bigoted and downright barbaric. The christians were smart, they realised once they couldn't scare people into believing in their god with threats of burning in hell, they changed not only their approach to preaching, but the actual bible itself (a book comprised of MANY different texts and books from the ages). If you look in the Quran, mostly unchanged since it was written, you will find;

    Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

    Anyone who considers themselves a Muslim worships this as a holy text. Now what does that tell you about someone who worships a book that says to kill someone who doesn't believe in the same religion as you? Yes, there are people who call themselves muslim yet deny this most obvious written fact of their holy book, So why do they still identify with it? This is the argument the terrorists would use against their own kind and justifying their actions. Its not the terrorists who 'misinterpret', they are merely following the religion as it commands.

    This is one of many vile texts in the quran.

    Now I didnt want to turn this into a religious debate against islam, but let me just fixate on something here. Muslim is a religion, you cannot be racist for disliking it nor should you be put down for it.

    To be quite honest, the world is being slowly ruined by 'progressive' archtypes who allow this kind of bullshit acceptance of what is evidently and obviously the root of most problems with our society. Should one be able to practice their religious beliefs? Well that depends, does their holy text tell them that they can kill others who disagree? Then no, and thats exactly what the Quran states.

  20. #20
    Lady Succubus Why Donald Trump should win the election Victoria's Avatar
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    Um, pro tip. "wage war against" =/= "believe in a different religion". Just saying.
    Also, coincidentally when broken down to their basic rules, all religions basically say "don't be an asshole".

  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    Um, pro tip. "wage war against" =/= "believe in a different religion". Just saying.
    Also, coincidentally when broken down to their basic rules, all religions basically say "don't be an asshole".
    "Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost." Those who reject Allah are to be killed in Jihad. The wounded are to be held captive for ransom. The only reason Allah doesn't do the dirty work himself is to to test the faithfulness of Muslims. Those who kill pass the test. "

    theres enough asshole in this passage alone to fullfill most normal persons understanding.

  22. #22
    Lady Succubus Why Donald Trump should win the election Victoria's Avatar
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    ...Okay, then. That's.. pretty ****ed. They really need to rewrite that thing.

  23. #23
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    ...Okay, then. That's.. pretty ****ed. They really need to rewrite that thing.
    Not to derail this furthar, but I disagree. I think it should be recognized for what it is, abandoned , and people move on and live their lives. THAT would be a good example of being progressive.

    Anyway, Trump has said some pretty bold things. But he IS a smart guy, I say give him a chance to prove it in a presidential capacity. The majority seems to approve so far. Given the negativity hes recieved, it really makes you wonder, doesn't it?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I think absolutely everyone in this world has a 'discriminating viewpoint'. I would not trust someone who claimed to be otherwise....
    Yes, that is true in the case of somebody being taught that way or coming to that bias conclusion based on their own personal experience. You went off the deep end on the religion bit. I used religion and ethnic as examples to show that you shouldn't put everybody in the same boat when it comes to judging. Well, I guess you can, but then you would just be using a blanket approach. Now all that would be doing is labeling people based on certain aspects and making a final judgement based on that, instead of judging the person based on their own actions. There are bad Muslims as there are good Muslims. Pretty much replace the religion for another or for an ethnic and you get the same stance from me. You're correct that a person can't be a racist toward a Muslim since it is a religion, but discrimination can still be displayed. That is why I corrected myself earlier. It's great that Trump is being more honest than the average joe at that level, but that doesn't mean he gets a pass when I still view him as a headache.

    We need a leader, I don't care if they are a president or some other high figure, that can start the process to restore the country to a non-laughable state. At one point, I'm sure a ton of people would have said the United States is one of the best countries to live in. Ask that same question today, and I'd take a guess that less people would still have that stance. No, it isn't just Obama's fault, nor Bush's, nor Clinton's. No single person, nor group, can be blamed for this mess.

    Until we start working together, which that isn't going to happen due to greed, things probably won't be getting better imo.
    "I'm seeing it clearer/Hating the picture in the mirror/They claim we inferior/So why the fuck these devils fear ya?/I'm watching my nation die genocide the cause/Expect a blood bath/The aftermath is y'alls/I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying/Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying/Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust/And then they beg when my guns bust/They don't give a fuck about us" 2pac ft. Outlawz- "They Don't Give a Fuck About Us"

  25. #25
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Trump is extremely controversial, I respect your opinion entirely.

  26. #26
    Yanqui UXO Why Donald Trump should win the election charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Pretty sure the Bible and Torah have some pretty dumb stuff stated in them (nobody has rewritten the Book of Leviticus last I checked), not like the Quran has a monopoly on this sort of thing. All the major religions are equally backward at times.

    Trump is awful, so is Cruz though. Hillary will probably win the election anyway.
    "Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"

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  27. #27
    The Mad God Why Donald Trump should win the election Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    It really seems that our options just get worse every election. I kinda hope every current candidate gets hit by a bus. I'll vote for Trump though, just for the lulz.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  28. #28
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why Donald Trump should win the election Rowan's Avatar
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    Why shouldn't trump win the election?

  29. #29
    The Mad God Why Donald Trump should win the election Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    He's extremely divisive. Even if it's not for any valid reason, half of the population loathing the president is bad. It's worse than that though, most of the rest of the world also hates the guy. Personally I think he's a reasonably intelligent guy with enough experience and knowledge of business to actually do some good shit, but the US government has checks and balances, no president can do good shit when half of the nation is vehemently against him.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  30. #30
    Bananarama Why Donald Trump should win the election Pete's Avatar
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    Honestly, he's something of a refreshing change. He's not afraid to give an opinion, no matter how bombastic. He's really a nice alternative to the tumblr, liberal puss-hole generation that America and the rest of the world seems to be suffering from. I'll elaborate on this when I get to work in a little bit.

    Ok edit time:

    I can't trust that Bernie or Hillary will do what's right for me, just a regular white dude who works 40 hours a week, making a pretty fair amount of money. I get taxed plenty for things that I don't agree with. I paid my way through college by working 3 work study jobs at one point, and taking out student loans. I also graduated with a 3.3 gpa, not great but decent. I worked shit jobs for years, plugging away at my student loans abs paying them off within 3 years of graduating. I chose not to go to a super expensive school because I didn't want to get slammed with debt.

    That's a huge problem that I have. I don't want to pay for anyone else to go to college, unless it's my own future children. When you start to pay for things yourself, you start to appreciate hard work and it's a powerful moment when it hits you, that you'd better maximize your education and work hard. Giving everyone free college will only help to foster more feelings of entitlement that are already plaguing society today. Education is absolutely a right, but it's not my right to pay for you. There are lower cost alternatives and merit and need based scholarships.

    Not only will this devalue a bachelor's degree further than its been in the past 20 years, but it will only serve to turn many colleges into high school part 2. Trades will suffer because people would rather dick around for 4 years instead of becoming skilled laborers or tradesmen. While everyone should be allowed to pursue higher education, school isn't for everyone.

    Back to the taxes. All of this free shit will come from taxes. They keep talking about how it works in Sweden. They have a fraction of the population, and have a very different way of life. It works for them, but it would cripple us. For example, I work in construction, which is booming in New York right now. I make good money and there is plenty of work for me. That being said, a lot of it comes from private sector jobs, where people are building luxury high rises. If you take away half of people's salaries, European style, people won't be able to afford living there. Buildings will sit abandoned or made into low income housing, neighborhoods that were on the rise turn into shit again. Construction jobs will dry up, people will spend less as jobs become scarce, and crime will go up.

    When crime goes up, arrests go up and people (morons) already hate cops enough. The people who have already been committing crimes will still commit crimes, but the liberals will blame "racist cops." It'll be an even more dangerous situation for them and that's just not a good thing. That being said, I fully support the police.

    I'm also anti illegal immigration. That's more tax dollars that I'm spending. I'm also staunchly against allowing refugees in. Look what's happening in Europe with that. If they were really escaping war, they'd go to neighboring countries, not to the wealthiest counties in Europe. And then they have the balls to complain and try to make Sharia Law zones. I'm sorry, but if you don't want to assimilate into the culture of the country you're moving to, you can just get the **** out. If you want to follow your own customs at home, fine, but in public, you have to accept the rules and customs of the land that took you in.

    And Hillary? She's just an evil ****
    Last edited by Pete; 03-22-2016 at 04:15 PM.
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