I thought about this on the way home today. I think everyone essentially wants to feel that altruistic inner goodness from time to time, and does nice things without getting, expecting or even wanting anything tangible in return. We donate money, we volunteer, we listen. Sometimes we receive it, but when we give it, we generally don't expect anything back. Everyone gets a kick from that unless they're a right ****. But there's some maximum level above which you're not prepared to give of yourself. I imagine that none of us here would be willing to donate every worldly possession you have for the poor, even though most of us have probably done something to help a poor person at some point. There's some altruistic trade-off---an efficient supply of altruism from each person that is enough to give us a nice kick but beyond which the cost to ourselves is greater than the inherent benefit of giving. So we stop giving at this efficient level. That's fine, I think we all do this.