Need not be mentioned for the topic I'm presenting. I figured there would be enough intellectual input on this matter to make it worthy of ID, so keep that in mind when replying and reading.
tl;dr /b/tards are ruining the internet.
If you don't know about the "Rules of the Internet," then the title of this thread may strike you as strange. It's a set of rules fabricated by people who visit the image board 4chan, on the /b/ (Random) board in particular. These rules in particular should prove my point. They say "Do not talk about /b/," and "Do NOT talk about /b/," respectively. Sound familiar? If not, it's from the cult classic movie and book, Fight Club. This was a funny reference upon first reading it, but it really takes a turn for the worst. Have you ever heard of the group "Anonymous?" The people who browse /b/ all assume they are a part of it. "We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. We are legion." This tagline unites a group of strangers under a flag of stupidity as they grab the internet by the mane and run it into the festering mud that is idiocy.
Allow me to elaborate.
Assuming you're a part of some "Super secret hacker hivemind," just because you browse an imageboard is stupid on so many levels. It's like assuming you're a member of the FBI because you live near Quantico. That's not how things work, and it makes you seem immature. No one is going to respect you for saying you go to /b/. Plus, if you tell them, you're breaking your precious, stolen rules, which segues into my next point.
Creativity is the internet's oil, to speak metaphorically. It's in low supply, but most everyone needs it. Think of internet memes. Remember how funny lolcats were a year or two ago? And now they're unfunny, recycled garbage? This is what /b/ is in its purest form. Not the lolcats, unless it's a Saturday. Just a bunch of people spewing ideas that they heard elsewhere, posting the same pictures over and over, and performing the same "raids." It's all rehashed. Nothing is new.
Perhaps if the content were good, repeated cycles would be more understandable. But, there's nothing worth reading. Guys calling each other faggots, posting pictures of obscure porn, whining about how they can't get girls "cuz I'm so beta," and then reposting things they found funny a few months ago. This behavior started on /b/, and as many of you may have noticed, has spread to the rest of the internet. Facebook is loaded with this nonsense. Websites are made to be mimes of /b/, but without the porn. It's like we've opened pandora's box by simply acknowledging that /b/ is a thing.
So, I reiterate my initial point: /b/tards are making the internet a terrible place.