I registered to respond to this because I saw the topic while visiting to check release dates. I'll share my experience but it might not be what you consider good advice and may not even be applicable to most others.
What was your level of alcoholism? I've gone from a daily drinker to one of those unbearable people who "doesn't really drink, I mean occasionally I might but I don't really enjoy it" which didn't seem possible.
I ask what level you were (heh) because I was never a 'drink til you're wasted' type and would often only drink three pints (of typically 5% beer/cider) with two pints being my threshold and four being enough that I'd go to bed feeling a mess. It seems like most habitual drinkers were heavier whereas I simply had to drink every evening without fail - one day missed due to outside circumstance (like taking ecstasy instead) was something to hang my hat on!
Basically I've always had something I indulge in to alter my consciousness since age 14 when I discovered cannabis. I was drinking daily from age 20 (still smoking daily too) and added to that a budding codeine addiction from age 25. Here at 31, I've whittled it down to just the codeine habit with weed becoming more take it or leave it, assuming I have the former. That's the thing - I never got clean, I just kicked alcohol and let a less damaging and notably less addictive drug habit take its throne.
The question I'm working towards here is "Is alcohol your only vice?" and "Are you aware of using it to fill a certain void?". I'm a loner by nature and found early on that I enjoyed time alone with weed and my mind just as much, sometimes more, than time with friends. Partners have been few and far between and so that inward indulgence has become surrogate company and as such, will remain so unless I put myself in social situations I'd otherwise pass on.
I'll check back and see what you can tell me about the nature of your alcohol use because I can probably only help in a "consolidate all your nagging addictions" capacity. Also I only managed to flush my body and brain of alcohol addiction (literally overnight) during a path changing strong LSD experience. It's not a guaranteed outcome and this isn't a recommendation (which couldn't possibly be within any rules I know) but it's also far from an isolated effect. I felt reborn the next day and had zero desire for alcohol. I eventually found that I didn't enjoy it when I did try it out to see if I could drink casually - I can but it's not the same, I get tired, groggy, and feel pretty crap.
I'll wait to hear. I have a lot of experience with withdrawl but it's a limited scope.