Originally Posted by
Christ Eastwood
At around six weeks, an ultrasound can detect signs of a heartbeat, indicating a living being inside of the woman's womb. You can dress it up at say that it's a fetus, and use that as an excuse to say, "well, a fetus isn't a human," and all that bullshit. But that's exactly what that is. It's bullshit. It's a human fetus, and if it has a heart beat, then it's a living thing, which means that it's a living human being.
Abortions can be performed usually up to 16 weeks into the pregnancy, but in rare instances, can be done up to 24 weeks. That's long after the fetus develops a heartbeat. In late-term abortions, the doctor will go into the womb and crack the fetus' skull, crush it's brain, and essentially suck the body out of the woman with a vacuum type of machinery. All of which paints a very disturbing picture of a form of euthanasia, which is illegal to perform on any human, unless if they're convicted of a crime and sentenced to death by execution, which fetuses are not.
I sometimes feel like I'm the only person in the world who sees things logically and ethically. Whoever agrees that a woman has the right to euthanize her child must be a real asshole with really, really shitty parents. Abortion is along the lines of population control. China does that. They will sometimes kill female babies, because of two reasons. One is that in their view, boys are superior and more likely to succeed in life, which is absolutely ridiculous, as gender has nothing to do with amount of success. And two, because of their ridiculous one-child policy. If parents can't afford to pay the hefty tax on the second child, the government will seize the child, and either abandon it, or kill it.
In the case of Chinese policy, and in the case of abortion, population control is bringing way to a rebirth of slavery, except now, these slaves are helpless defenseless babies who get no support from anybody, because far too many people don't view it as wrong or immoral, even though it definitely is.