I actually made a thread similar back when I first joined, and my opinions have changed a bit since. So here goes.
I'm not a religious person, so "playing God" doesn't really come into it; Him being the creator, and then giving us free will over His creations? Doesn't sound like He really cares what we do, if I'm honest, it just affects the ultimate outcome of our lives (if you believe, that is).
I'm not an American, but Planned Parenthood and "reckless" organisations are helpful. Not everyone is religious, will have different views as yourself, and these "reckless" organisations will and do help people who need help. You believe in God, and yet turn your nose up at organisations who're there to help people. Whatever happened to "loving thy neighbour"? Your equal opportunities suck dude.
I've seen a couple of these ridiculous 16 and Pregnant shows (why the **** a pregnant teenager would want to broadcast the fact that they're pregnant, I do not know...). I have this anger towards girls who spread their legs before they're of age for some reason (I blame soaps), and it angers me even more if they weren't careful about it. A girl at my school ended up pregnant when she was fourteen, left school, and never came back. What kind of life can you provide a child without a basic education in western society? JSA and Child Benefits? Money like that doesn't go that far. I'm not even going to go into how the child will be raised without proper morals.
It's things like that which irritate me. Jesus wouldn't have been aborted. Mary was religious, and was contacted by the Angel Gabriel who told her what she needed to do. Being a religious woman in that day and age, I don't think she would have. She was chosen for a reason.Also, this pic I found on facebook really makes you think:
I'm pro-choice. To most degrees anyway. I'm against abortion methods being used as a form of contraception. If you have an abortion because you simply do no want the child, and then become pregnant again within the next year or so, and still don't want a child, then it's your own fault and you shouldn't have right to a second abortion. It's not a procedure to be abused, as it can have some serious health and mental implications on the mother (if the ones I'm thinking of are true).
I'll add more thoughts later. Relatives coming over.