i completely agree with this, each one of those people you listed above that you say we should strive to be like i could point out a major character flaw in. and i do not want my son to try to emulate those people, even though some of the ideas they had were worth taking.We shouldn't idolize anyone, just appreciate their deeds, actions, learn from them and try to be ourselves. All in all, they're just the same people, like us and not some supernatural beings.
Odin is a fiction. don't we all strive to be like the gods? it is much better ideal than striving to be like someone that in their downtime from being a respected freedom fighter was a sexual deviant and maybe pedophile.I think that Odin1199....[message error;I] [Username logical fallacy error]
Something about your post just crashed my positronic brain... I'm in safety mode!! Shit,, that hasn't happenedsas in a long time. I have to go lie down now.