The fact is not whether idolizing is a good idea... The fact's a phenomenon. It can only be spoken about or shifted. It cannot be killed. People will always exalt someone. The greater number of people, the greater the exaltation. You can color it with hero or anti-hero or war hero or movie star or singer or Japanese Idol or Astronaut.... That will never be taken away. But we take the only parts away from our idols that we respect. There's no fan of a musician who doesn't wish he could play just as well or better than his idol. He doesn't give a shit if said Idol was a pedophile rapist. He only focused on the good music and tried to be better. Sugimaru-sama did something amazing and worked himself to exhaustion just at the prospect that his little bits of paper might save someone's life. He didn't care if the people he saved were murderers or villains or saints. There is a fundamental understanding going on here. Something outstanding happened. A man saved 44,000+ lives with paper, despite he might be sentenced as treasonous.(by the way his family was disgraced, and in Japan that has some context). Afterwards, he sold light bulbs door to door trying to support his own family. This was all after being put in a Russian POW camp. Is he God the father? Of course not. Would I do that if I were in his position? I don't know. But maybe...if his actions had been lauded and celebrated and told everywhere...maybe I would. If he had been presented as a role model. If a man had KILLED Forty-thousand people, he would be presented as an anti-role-model such like Hitler.
And people start to Idolize as kids. I idolized Ozzie Smith, Franz List and a stupid character from the anime Guyver. The truth is it affected me. I had a template to emulate, one that I was told was admirable. That gave me pride and I went forth in life with a spirit of one kick-ass short-stop, a crazed composer and a ....giant demon bug with lazers.
What I'm saying is there is wasted potential here. This man did extremely well without knowing what would happen to him, short of being accused of treason. Saved forty-thousand people. If I had a million dollars...I would go to every single store and buy all the nescient vacuous magazines and draw them all out into the middle of nowhere and burn them. Pile them so high the fire will be seen miles away. And I'd do it on the Fourth of July.