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Thread: Oh the inhumanity...

  1. #1
    Registered User Oh the inhumanity... HUNK's Avatar
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    Oh the inhumanity...

    Okay so this may actually just be me ranting but I really need to say this somewhere.

    This is in referance to May 1st, 2011. Osama Bin Laden was killed by an American Special Forces team. Now normally I'd feel just a bit safer in my country, for one of our enemies have been taken out. However, the parades of people shouting out "Burn in Hell, Bin Laden" is just plain uncalled for.

    I do not side for Bin Laden and what he's done, and whether or not he would go to Hell I suppose is a matter of debate for the religious folk. Seriously though, why so happy? Are we really so focused on revenge that we've been dragged into the savagery of enjoying the death of another human being? It sickens me.

    Perhaps I'm only feeling this way because I was not personally effected by the bombings of 9/11, perhaps I'm not being hard enough on the guy, but still, I belive this is horid and a terrible representation of what a true american, or any human being for that matter, should act like.

  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior Oh the inhumanity... LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    To be content with the death of a murderer is one thing; however, even having been almost directly affected by the terrorist attacks a decade ago, I do see where you're coming from and share a small part of that sentiment.

    We should have parades for our troops and congratulate them on a job well done. We should be glad that there is one less tyrannical leader in the world.

    Keep in mind, a lot of what you're referencing here applies to mostly extremist groups... not every American is dancing in the street right now. There's nothing wrong with a sense of relief and accomplishment for finally taking out Bin Laden, but you're right that nobody should truly "enjoy" this. We're not all like that. It's only the idiots that make the news, just for reference. You should know! (Not as in, you should know because you're an idiot, but as in you should know because you're also an American.)
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  3. #3
    Registered User Oh the inhumanity... HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    I agree wholeheartedly.

    I do support the our troops and all soldiers who decided to serve their country, I figure, "Well heck, I don't want to do it. I'm sure glad someone's brave enough." I'm always thankfull for our military.

    I honestly didn't know it was just the extremist groups. On the news this morning (Today show I belive it was) I saw an entire stadium of baseball players and fans singing our national anthem after hearing of the news. I know he was one of Americas greatest enemies of this time but is that really all necessary? I even saw college students getting out of thier dorms and starting parties in the street for it. (Although I think that may just be the party-crowd looking for a reason to party...hard to say, given I'm not in college yet)
    I just wouldn't want other countries to be mislead from what our media portreys...but now that I actually think about it, that already happens.

  4. #4
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Oh the inhumanity... che's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    To anyone taking the cynical stance on Bin Laden : politics

    This was a really good read for me on putting things into perspective. A lot of people are confused at what (if anything) to celebrate, it seems. Maybe this will help.

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  5. #5
    Gingersnap Oh the inhumanity... OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    A point that I enjoyed that someone else made, in response to a writer calling fellow Americans indecent (and likening them to terrorists or extremists): "If you notice in the crowd of people celebrating you did not see photos of bin laden. You saw American flags. I believe you have misunderstood the joy, giving us HOPE of our troops to come home sooner."

    Simply worded, but point made. No one was burning photos of him or waving around portraits with big red x's through them or burning another country's flag..... they were just singing and waving American flags and enjoying the presence of a variety of Americans in one space. Last night, everyone was a friend. At least that's how I saw it.

    Also, che's link: agree

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  6. #6
    Bananarama Oh the inhumanity... Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Well, I'll throw my two cents into the fray here.

    I wasn't one of the people in the streets cheering that bin laden sucks. I know he sucks, and that he was the bane of our collective American existence. He was always the one who got away, always the one who just seemed to be one step ahead of us, after he had stuck the dagger into our side, and crippled us for the time being.

    The American people cowered in fear. Some of us stood tall, dusted ourselves off, both literally and figuratively, and swore to avenge the deaths, and to not succumb to terror. bin laden had terrorized the American people. He struck such a fear into our lives and did something that many of us had never expected. He made us afraid to live our lives, in America, where we're supposed to be safe, and we're not supposed to go to sleep afraid, or be too afraid to go out.

    And that's for the collective public. For those of us who were in New York, Schwenksville and Washington, we saw the horror, and just the sadness and grief. The shock was immense, as was the anger and the hopelessness. People walked around aimlessly, in a daze, unable to fathom what had happened. We sat in our homes, watching the news, watching our neighbors cry and desperately look for their loved ones, posting up photos and phone numbers, just in case someone may have known them or seen them. We remember the soldiers in the train stations, and their assault rifles with the banana clips, we remember the Pile, and the buses of volunteers and rescue workers, and the road blocks. We remember the skyline that's forever changed, and the fact that one man could orchestrate and finance such an event that has changed the world.

    We remember for years how we would always come so close, and how there would be a report of a near miss, followed by a videotape of bin laden on the news, and how it would enrage us. He was laughing at us. We would dance this dance for almost ten years. The wounds aren't healed. There's still a hole in the ground in lower Manhattan, albeit the Freedom Tower is slowly rising, but it will never be the same. Too many lives were lost, too many lives were changed forever, and we'll always remember that we're not as safe as we thought we were. Our American dream had been stolen and stripped from us, and we had one man to look to for that.

    Almost ten years later, we learn that WE killed him. It's a moment of pure catharsis. We know that it doesn't change the fact that the Trade Center no longer exists, or that our cultural mindset has been altered, and our American dream put on hiatus, but we finally killed the bastard responsible for all of the heartache and torment.

    It's perfectly acceptable to want to have his body dragged down Broadway, for all of us to spit and excrete on. He was and still is very much the personification of evil. That doesn't make the US "good" (but I am NOT getting into that), but we slayed our dragon, finally. It doesn't matter if he is only a figurehead now, or whatever role he played, but we got the guy who was responsible for the worst of humanity. He slaughtered 3000 innocents.

    It's true, parading in the streets, over a mans death seems no better than when they were parading in the streets after 9/11. We were celebrating that glimmer of the indomitable American spirit. We had strayed so far from that, and we had found it once again, even if for a night.
    Last edited by Pete; 05-02-2011 at 07:19 PM.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Oh the inhumanity... HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    @ Oceaneyes. True, but did you see some of the news headlines? Some of the front pages read "Burn in Hell Bin Laden." That's pretty close to the whole red x thing, if you ask me.

    @ Pete. As I said, I don't live in NY, and I wasn't directly effected by 9/11, that's why I don't want this opinion to be taken "too" seriously.

    Needless to say, my feelings have somewhat been swayed. I still don't think it's right but I do understand the fact that Americas mind was put at ease, in a way. I can get that.

  8. #8
    is not a douche Oh the inhumanity... Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post

    I do not side for Bin Laden and what he's done, and whether or not he would go to Hell I suppose is a matter of debate for the religious folk. Seriously though, why so happy?
    The ****er was an evil douchebag. What more do you need?

  9. #9
    #LOCKE4GOD Oh the inhumanity... Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    I like to think that the people I saw on TV (Americans in Washington and New York (at Ground Zero and Times Square), and Pakistanis (celebrating the same thing)) were not celebrating the death of a person, but the justice that has been arrived at, after far too long.

    As Sasquatch posted in the other thread which is the exact same as this one, "We're not celebrating that he is dead, but that he is no longer alive". (Parahrased)

    At first, I laughed at that statement, as it appears to make no sense whatsoever. Not so. On Sunday, (well, Monday), a man was killed. The killing or death of a human being is never a thing to celebrate. I did not celebrate when 3000 people died that September day. I did not celebrate on the 2nd of May.

    However, on Sunday, justice for that September day, was, in some way, achieved. I celebrated that.

    EDIT: After reading UE's, and recalling something I said on Facebook. It's relief that I feel, not jubilation. That may be just because in my tiny corner of the world, terrorism does not, has never, and hopefully will never affect me personally. But it's what I feel anyway.
    Last edited by Alpha; 05-03-2011 at 04:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    My opinions on the matter developed when writing this.

    I honestly don't know what to think, if I'm completely honest. I wasn't directly affected by this incident in any way, shape or form. What I do know is that my attitude waned when I saw the way some of my friends were behaving over this. I was disgusted by some comments. "I wanna know what gun they shot him with!!" "nah he got headshotted, his brain come out loooool" "hahaha that would be jokes then hang him in trafalgur squar".

    I don't really see the death of anyone, good or bad, as a joke or something to celebrate. When people die, you celebrate their life - not the fact they're dead; when a bad guy dies, no matter what instance it's in (real life, books, films, games, etc), there's a sense of relief.

    Relief is more than a good reason to celebrate, and I am relieved that not everyone conducted themselves the way my so-called friend did. I looked at a link Ally provided elsewhere with pictures from Ground Zero on Sunday, and could only wish that I could be there in the crowds with everyone. It's very rare that people can gather together, no matter what their skin colour, race, religion, disability, and such are, and celebrate a huge release that has kept the world in defence mode for ten years.

    And now we have to put our defence modes back up, because we're still not safe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bubble Boy View Post
    The ****er was an evil douchebag. What more do you need?
    You need to add more content to your posts in ID. Keep that in mind for future posts.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 05-03-2011 at 04:44 AM.

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    Sir Prize Oh the inhumanity... Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    I won't bullshit you. I'm not a patriot, per se. And I wasn't involved in the attacks, nor was anyone I know. I consider myself a member of the human race foremost and a citizen of the world who was born in America.

    But on the day I saw the headline, part of me did exhale a breath that I had been holding for a very long time. Having said that, I do hope that there isn't any retaliation for this and that some effect, if not final, is at least coming to a close.

    Because I am tired of headlines and breaking news. I'm tired of pondering whether or not other people are making the right decision on my behalf as a member of this nation. I'm tired of shaking my head at death tolls and terrorist threats.

    I'll be honest, I never understood any of it anyway.


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    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Oh the inhumanity... Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Well, With The Death Of This Tyrant, There Are Also Consequences To Take Into Consideration. Sure, You Get Rid Of One Guy Who Is The Leader And Founder Of The Terrorist Group, But Then That Leaves An Opening For Someone Else To Take Command, And Retaliate With Something More Cunning, Or Devastating. Hopefully In The Next Few Years al Qaeda Will Cease To Exist, But Until Then, Don't Get Your Hopes Up. They Will Fight Back; But I Also Question, Why The Senseless Killing Of Other Human Beings, Period? Especially The Innocent, Why Must Everyone Suffer? Anyway, Good Job For Getting Rid Of "One" Tyrannical Bastard, But Now You Still Gotta Deal With A Dozen More. Just Be Prudent. I'm Just Happy We Don't Have To Look At The Original Face Of Terror Anymore, Except For In The News Until It Dies Down, Which Should Be In About A Week Or So From Now.

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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    @ Ryu, I love how the only thing not capitalized was the al in Al Queda. I almost laughed at that. Back on topic though I can understand that, the whole, "Congratz, one bad guy down, but there are still more." (Uber-paraphrased) That's probably why I don't feel the need to celebrate, because he was just one of many as far as I'm concerned.

    @ Sinister, This post is probably the one I most agree with. I really don't know much about what this all means and I am alittle confused on how to react to this. Therfore, since I don't know whether or not this is some kinda speical situation or what have you, I go back to my original morales that tell me "Celebrating a guy dieing is wrong". Which is why I found it so wrong to begin with.

    As I have said though, my feelings twords this have changed slightly. I no longer am disgusted with the people celebrating, but I still don't sanction their celebration. I don't care wether or not it's a beautiful thing that all different types of people can celebrate together. There should be somthing else to celebrate. It only makes us look bloodthirsty again, but I realise that it goes back to the feelings of relief coming from a (possibly, he was the one making all the threats) high-ranking member of Al Queda forces being taken down. I can understand the relife. However, as someone who lives in NC and someone who generally stays blissfully unaware of possible dangers of terrorism, I don't feel any relife, I never felt frightend in the first place. Does this effect how I feel about Bin Ladens death? You bet it does, it basically made my decsion. That's why I feel it's so wrong. It just feels to me like we're being patriotic for the wrong reasons...
    These are all my thoughts and opinions though, I was just a kid who saw people dancing in the streets to the news of a mans death and it looked terrible. These were simply my reactions.

  14. #14
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Oh the inhumanity... Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    @ H.U.N.K, I Spelled It The Way It Is Supposed To Be Written, Which I Looked Up First, So I Don't Screw Up My Spelling On That One...LOL

    On Another Note, I May Not Be An American, But I Am One Of America's Brethren. So You Know I'm There When Crazy Shit Goes Down On Either Sides Of Our Continent.

    But I Think Celebrating Can Also Cause More Anger Than Good, Which May Result In The Downfall Of America, Which Would Totally Suck Monkey Nuts. I Myself Am Being As Prudent As Possible, Cause I Really Don't Feel Like Being The Cause Of A Devastating Attack On My Side Of Our Continent Either. Other Than That, If Crazy Shit Happens Again On Either Side, Let Us Join Forces As One To Overcome It Anyway We Can.

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    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Perhaps I am just a bigger bastard than you all, but every time I hear of a violent religious extremist or corrupt political leader die I smile the mad smile of one pleased the prick got what was coming to him, though still saddened by what bastards like that cost us in innocent lives, both those claimed by death, and those claimed by unfortunate circumstances, becoming empty shells of their former selves in the process.

    Were I standing over someone like Bin Laden armed with a gun, not only might I pull the trigger, but I'd also stitch his corpse into a pig's corpse knowing that'd deny him paradise as far as his beliefs were concerned and would also mark his body as unclean to those who would otherwise rally behind it.

    I'm not so idealistic that I belief peace solves everything, no, all my experiences have proven otherwise. Sometimes you have to appeal to people's fears and many religious extremists based on ANY religion aren't afraid of death unless you add no eternal reward into the mix.
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  16. #16
    The Mad God Oh the inhumanity... Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    First and foremost, I'm a moral nihilist. In my view, there is no good, evil, Right, or Wrong (caps to indicate moral stances, not as in correct and incorrect, good idea bad idea kind of right and wrong). Only perceptions. What is undisputable truth, is that Bin Laden was at one point a threat to us, and has committed crimes against us. He was responsible for the meaningless deaths of many once, and we have no reason to believe his opinion of us has improved. There is no other punishment fitting his crimes. There is no other way to ensure he can never possibly do anything to us again.

    I challenge anybody to name one positive outcome of his continued existence. I can't. There's certainly no reason to miss the guy. Kinda hard to mourn for a terrorist and murderer. People are happy about his death for a multitude of reasons. Some percieve an eye for an eye as justice, others, the ideal revenge for lost friends and loved ones. In their eyes, he got what was coming to him, after those who wanted that had been denied the fulfillment for 10 long years. Others percieved a continued threat from his existence. In their eyes his death brings assurance of safety, relief, and escape from a constant fear that had been holding them for a decade. Others are simply patriots, happy to see their nation rising to the challenge of overcoming an enemy, and protecting its way of life. Nobody is simply rejoicing at the untimely demise of a nameless stranger. There are good reasons to be happy with this man's death.
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    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Oh the inhumanity... che's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I challenge anybody to name one positive outcome of his continued existence. I can't.
    Airport security to block people from harming innocent people/civilians comes to mind immediately. I mean, as much as I hate this guy, he woke the United States up. I'm not a real big fan of the philosophy "everything happens for a reason", but in this case didn't it kinda? If it wasn't Bin Laden, then who was going to do it? I'm not trying to say the US was destined or deserved what happend on 9/11, I'm just saying there are people out there who are haters. Haters are gonna hate.

    I get what you were saying, and I don't think there is a reason to MISS him. But if there was one reason, it'd be pointing out flaws in an otherwise working, yet not at all perfect system. For that, I miss him. For the reality of it, I ****ing don't.

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  18. #18
    The Mad God Oh the inhumanity... Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    I definitely don't believe in teleology of any kind, so a reason I can't see. Don't ya think it's kinda lame when the only positive we can think of for having jackasses in the world is to prepare us to deal with OTHER jackasses? Seriously, talk about a useless being. But, I suppose a world devoid of them is just not possible, so I guess there is some merrit to at least one of them doing something ****ed up enough ot get us to pay closer attention to the rest of em, I guess I have to give you that. But you seem to have gotten what I was getting at, so I digress, and this post is likely totally unnescessary, I just don't like not responding to things lol.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Finding this man proved that our world intelligence isn't as intelligent as we thought. I mean, come the **** on Pakistan, and America, well done, but it took you ten years to find the bloke (won't include the PSN being down joke... oops. Kinda did, didn't I?).

    And, in my opinion, his death proved nothing. He might've been the bad guy, and he probably deserved that ****ing bullet rattling around in his skull for what he'd done and invested in. What he done was wrong, but someone else had to decide to do another wrong by killing him. Self defence isn't wrong, but Bin Laden wasn't even armed; he refused to surrender, and he was shot dead.

    The second he was dead, a level of respect had to be kept with his burial in less than twenty-four hours, he was buried in the ocean (which was disrespectful anyway), and his pictures (oh, and there WAS pictures, apparently) won't go on display for the world to stop propaganda and more hate crime towards America.

    Was justice served? That's debatable. On here, people who were in some way affected think it was, but not everyone does.

    And I'm sorry to those of you who are American, but I'm not a patriotic person, and I've never understood the process of bending over for a country to lick its bollocks clean, but it really annoys me when I hear statements like "This proved what we [Americans] can do! We're [Americans, and] the paladins of the world, and we [Americans] killed the threat to our [American] nation!" I will congratulate America for ridding the world of a piece of evil, DO NOT get me wrong. But he wasn't just a threat to your nation. A woman in his house was used a human shield, which just showed the threat level and value of human life in his own ****ing home. The people who served him, those who acted like pawns to his every need, the people who kept the worlds biggest secret for ten years were at more risk than the soldiers digging in the wrong spot of the desert*. **

    *Might be an over-exaggeration. I wasn't quite aiming for that, but who knows (oh, I bet someone knows, and they'll give me shit for this post if they read it).

    ** I'd already stated this opinion to two people; one American and one of my own who's previously been in the army, and they took no offence, and agreed. I don't mean offence, it's just my outlook on patriotism. I love America and Americans - but I just don't get it. <3

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  20. #20
    Sir Prize Oh the inhumanity... Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    UE.... lmfao. Perhaps you feel...strongly on the subject?

    But I have to agree with most of what you said. I don't understand the patriotic drivel, in fact it frightens me a bit. America is a pretty clumsy nation and above all they're overconfident that whatever they do is right so long as all the sheep in the flock nod their heads. So I have to think for myself about every action they take and that's tiring. And I've thought about this, I have. The only thing I can't understand is the burial.

    As was pointed out, the man had a continued career of killing people. Not one or two or three, but crowds of people at a time. Anyone who wants a respectful Islam burial for such a man, then might I suggest they go diving for his corpse and rebury him. Retaliation or not, he doesn't get respect. That's just how it is.

    Last edited by Sinister; 05-06-2011 at 07:09 AM.

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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    As was pointed out, the man had a continued career of killing people. Not one or two or three, but crowds of people at a time. Anyone who wants a respectful Islam burial for such a man, then might I suggest they go diving for his corpse and rebury him. Retaliation or not, he doesn't get respect. That's just how it is.

    That's what I don't get. I don't understand why it was chosen to be respectful with his body. There was no intention to be respectful, and I wouldn't blame the soldiers if they pissed on his body before he was chucked into the ocean. I just don't understand why the soldiers who had his body opted to bury it within twenty-four hours out of respect, only to do a disrespectful thing and dump him in the ocean.

    It doesn't make sense. If they were so keen on respect, they'd have given him an unmarked grave somewhere, as that would make more sense. It doesn't even make sense that respect was chosen in the first place... but I digress.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Sir Prize Oh the inhumanity... Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Good question, really. Well, that's easily answered, in my opinion. It's the administration.
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    Either that or they wanted to bury him at sea so there wouldn't be a rallying point for a martyr's grave and didn't really give a shit. idk.


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  23. #23
    Registered User Oh the inhumanity... HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Was Justice served?
    In referance to this, I'd say no. Revenge and Justice are completly different things. Although, killing someone whom we all can pretty honestly say we view as evil does seem pretty just, we should it even matter? The majority of the people effected use this event as revenge so "to me" that kinda soils the whole Justice ideaology...

    You know, I know absolutly nothing about Islam. So, having said that, I don't blame my administration for not knowing crap about them. (Although, I would like to think that they would learn, given that that's their job, but whatever.) I never really concidered that it was disrespectfull to have his body dumped into the ocean. I don't understand the whole thing... The man's dead, why does it matter what we do with his shell. It's not like he's gonna come back to his body or anything like that. Furthermore, why make his grave a shrine? Who viewed him as a saint?
    (This thread seems to have only brought more questions to be answered...)

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post
    I never really concidered that it was disrespectfull to have his body dumped into the ocean. I don't understand the whole thing... The man's dead, why does it matter what we do with his shell. It's not like he's gonna come back to his body or anything like that. Furthermore, why make his grave a shrine? Who viewed him as a saint?
    (This thread seems to have only brought more questions to be answered...)
    Followers of Islam believe that their bodies have to remain intact, and buried in the ground in order for them to have their bodies in their full glory in the afterlife. Again, this is why they wouldn't opt for a cremation or sea burial - ashes aren't an intact body, and his body at the bottom of the sea will dissolve or be eaten (drinking a glass of water with a bit of Bin Laden in it... terrible thought).

    The fact that they wanted to bury him out of respect, and that his burial wasn't respectful is another matter. Honestly, I don't really care how it was treated. I'm just confused as to why certain decisions were made and carried out.

    The thing about the shrine? Well, I guess you've not read the news yet and seen his followers dancing in the street and chanting his name, and calling him a "guardian of Islam". Link. These people would treat his grave as a shrine if he was buried on land, and if they knew where it was. On the other hand, you've got the people who hate him, and would vandalise his grave anyway.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
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    Bananarama Oh the inhumanity... Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    To answer a few questions, I think that justice was served. On one hand, and legal trial would have been ridiculously complicated and would have cost the taxpayers millions and more. He's committed several horrible crimes in all corners of the world. Who gets first pick to charge him? It would and was much easier to just kill him and be done with it, instead of wasting any more money on him. I could see if he were alive, and in some jail, somewhere, it would be a security nightmare. That's not to say it isn't currently, but could you IMAGINE how horrible it would be to do anything, and how many people would get themselves arrested or killed trying to take him out by themselves? Plus, a trial would make him into more of a martyr, allowing him a public forum to state his case. **** that noise.

    As for the burial at sea, the story is so that his grave wouldn't become a shrine for sympathizers. It's been done before, but mainly with cremations for Nazi leaders, and even Hitlers poorly cremated remains, which are still hidden and known only to one man.
    The fact that we treated his corpse in a respectful manner just shows that we aren't savages, and that we wouldn't turn his death into any more of a spectacle than need be. His body was washed by Muslim men, and then buried, after he was flown to Afghanistan for DNA testing to confirm it was indeed him. It was also reported that Saudi Arabia, his homeland had denied his body. He was a man without a country, and it's really only the radical muslim clerics who are making claims that he wasn't treated properly. America was in a catch-22; they had 24 hours to find bury him, but to find a country willing to accept his body, in secret would likely violate that.

    We tried to do the right thing, as best as we could, to not create a site for worshippers and to also prove to the world, that we could do, more or less the right thing to even our most hated of enemies. What would they have done to the body of a soldier that they had captured, or a journalist? Would there be a beheading, perhaps? Would it be shown on a video filled with anti American and anti West slurs and threats? You betcha.

    At the same time, who's to say that we actually buried him at sea? There's no proof that it was him in any sheet or metal coffin, and there's no site on land to search for to dig him up to prove it. For all we know, Obama could have had his head mounted on a plaque and sent to a little ranch down in Crawford, while the rest of him became pig feed.
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  26. #26
    The Mad God Oh the inhumanity... Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    One truly important question that needs to be answered here to go much further is this. What IS justice? What makes any other punishment to any other criminal justice, and what differs from that situation to this one? Hard to tell if something was justice, or just petty revenge if we can't even say with certainly what makes something just to begin with.
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    Bananarama Oh the inhumanity... Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Well justice is making one answer to and pay for the crimes that they had committed. It can also be the vindication and validation of others, who were victimized. It's a sense of moral rightness, and I suppose ultimately is shaped by morality and ones perspective.

    We call it justice when a criminal is finally caught and brought to trial. The 9/11 terrorists may have called it justice when they flew planes into our buildings. After all, according to them, we'd be slaughtering their innocent and poisoning the rest of the world with our Western-ness.

    We all knew that bin laden was the main culprit, and the figurehead of the whole organization who vowed to take us down. It's almost like the mafia; they do all the same shit, extortion, drug trafficking, murdering, except they're not in it to get as rich as possible, they just want us dead because we're different, and have a thing for girls in Daisy Dukes, while they enjoy the full line of burqas and anything else you could find and Bed Bath and Beyond.

    Granted, the mafia is usually more coy and less often willing to die for the cause. Some do, for sure, but a good deal simply rat out their bosses in exchange for immunity or reduced sentences. Al Qaeda isn't like that; they all want to die for their cause, and that makes things tricky, because it's based on religion. You can't argue that one's beliefs on the afterlife are right or wrong, because you don't know what happens when you die. However, you can only assume that no organized religion truly subscribes to the belief that killing others because they think differently is a good idea, or should be rewarded.

    But, to get back to it, justice is a matter of perspective and belief. These people believe that what they did was a good thing, we don't. These people look at innocent men, women and children, as the enemy, simply because of the country they were born in and their religious persuasion.

    Doesn't that sound a bit like the Nazis?

    Granted, al Qaeda doesn't have the manpower or reach to start herding us like cattle into any kind of new Holocaust, but if they could, they would in a heartbeat.

    Would it be just, and right to slaughter all of them and make sure that they never get another opportunity to see their kids or kiss their wives? In my heart of hearts, yes. Take everything from them that they'd taken from us. Make them fearful that everyday they hopped on a subway could be their last.

    But no, that would just be stooping down to their level. We tried to bring bin laden in, to bring him to trial, and ultimately justice. We wanted him to pay for his crimes. The mission was complicated, and when the SEALs were fired upon, the parameters changed. bin laden didn't attempt to peacefully surender, so he was shot twice. At the end of the day, a mass murder lie dead after 10 years of hunting him down, and some feeling of justice has to be felt by the families of those he killed. Does it bring them back? No, but it does bring some tiny fragment of closure, and I'm surethey feel justice is served. I sure do.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete, post 25
    It would and was much easier to just kill him and be done with it, instead of wasting any more money on him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete, post 27
    We tried to bring bin laden in, to bring him to trial, and ultimately justice. We wanted him to pay for his crimes.
    You either did or you didn't, really.

    "Justice is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics." -Wiki.

    Okay, again. As I mentioned before... what's morally right about deciding to do a wrong by killing a person who's done wrong and killed loads of people? Who has any right to give permission for another to kill? Justice was served based on morals? In this case, I don't think so, because it depends on your morals. What kind of moral is a life for a life? Especially in a country which strongly practices Christianity, practices forgiveness* (which makes you stronger and better than them anyway)?

    And is death a punishment, especially for a martyr? He was willing to die for what he believed, so a bigger punishment would have been life with his nose pressed the in the shit he'd dealt, wouldn't it? I would rather my tax payers money go towards the punishment of a criminal who's been ducking and diving from the US Army for ten years, than an unnamed criminal who was caught for stealing a packet of cookies from a shop.

    Also, he was unarmed when he was shot. Shooting an unarmed man, no matter what they've done, doesn't strike me as justice. I could be wrong. I wasn't in the room when he was shot.

    So if justice was served is debatable.

    *I'm NOT saying to forgive the guy - heck, I wouldn't. Just if you go into moral based stuff, that's what you get. Wasn't quite sure were I was going with it to be honest.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    I'd rather none of my tax money is wasted on worthles criminals. As a moral nihilist, I see no right or wrong to killing, simply what we can and can not allow a man to do. We can't allow a terrorist to come shit all over our country and kill thousands of innocents. I however have no problem whatsoever having a soldier fire at an enemy of the state. The world is a better place without the guy, if there's a such thing as good, I'd think removing evil was it.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

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    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Oh the inhumanity... Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Oh the inhumanity...

    Hmm I guess I need to place some input here.

    I'm happy that Bin Laden is gone from this world, and I'm even loving the jokes referencing his death. ("BRB someone's at the door"). But I never was one to celebrate someone's death. As a Catholic Christian, I don't really take joy at the fact someone's dead. And by that, I mean anyone.

    But I am glad at least justice was served (that's my opinion, apparently). The guy ordered the attack on 9/11, and what better way to avenge the victims than having American soldiers shoot him in the head? I'm not glad he's dead, but rather that he's just gone from this world. I probably would have been just as happy if we had just sent him to Mars with no way of coming back.

    @Unknown Entity: Perhaps he wasn't armed, but he had the audacity to use one of his wives as a human shield. Some justice needed to be handed to him also for that woman he selfishly used.
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