Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
You either did or you didn't, really.

"Justice is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics." -Wiki.

Okay, again. As I mentioned before... what's morally right about deciding to do a wrong by killing a person who's done wrong and killed loads of people? Who has any right to give permission for another to kill? Justice was served based on morals? In this case, I don't think so, because it depends on your morals. What kind of moral is a life for a life? Especially in a country which strongly practices Christianity, practices forgiveness* (which makes you stronger and better than them anyway)?

And is death a punishment, especially for a martyr? He was willing to die for what he believed, so a bigger punishment would have been life with his nose pressed the in the shit he'd dealt, wouldn't it? I would rather my tax payers money go towards the punishment of a criminal who's been ducking and diving from the US Army for ten years, than an unnamed criminal who was caught for stealing a packet of cookies from a shop.

Also, he was unarmed when he was shot. Shooting an unarmed man, no matter what they've done, doesn't strike me as justice. I could be wrong. I wasn't in the room when he was shot.

So if justice was served is debatable.

*I'm NOT saying to forgive the guy - heck, I wouldn't. Just if you go into moral based stuff, that's what you get. Wasn't quite sure were I was going with it to be honest.

Sometimes assassination is the highest possible civil service. Good can be done by healing wounds, good can also be done by eliminating those who are determined to wound.

It requires a different kind of person. Different from me, different than you, UE. Different from Moralists. It's all very well for us to speculate on the morality or justice of such a move, and that's our priviledge. But we weren't there, not involved.

And never forget that Justice is democratically decided, it is a vaguery dependent on popular opinion or method of it's interpretation. It's a very slippery term. Far too broad a paintbrush for my canvas. To some, assassination wasn't enough, to some it was too much and to others it was just right.
