its a nice thought that once you die you go to a celestial paradise in which you have everything you've ever dreamed of, or burn in a pit of fire and damnation for eternity.
to me its just a tool to get you to be a good person or to get you to believe in a religion "join us or you'll burn in hell" it's a fantastic idea and one thats worked well for many religions, but its so ingrained into most peoples lives, the thought of being rewarded or punished for living a good or sinful life is in nearly everyones mind, whether they believe or not dosn't matter, for allot of people it helps them cope with their own mortality or helps them grieve over lost loved ones, thats what i think anyway no proof whatsoever.

Do find it funny that in a lot of religions you can repent your sins on your deathbed and get into heaven, seems to defeat the whole object