What I find interesting about Antarctica, other than the penguins, is the study of core samples deep within ice that has been frozen for eons. I'm also a little bit of a nerd when it comes to people studying the science of ancient rocks and formations of the earth. It's the geology and geophysics as well as the possible bio-domes that I find interesting. I'm pretty sure I'll never get to space, so going to Antarctica and watching out for white outs seems like a good alternative.

I've read magizines that describe the surface of Mars as being very much like visiting Antarctica. The winds are supposed to be worse, and you can't breath the atmosphere. In other words, I'll be happy if I just make it to the South Pole. The possibility of testing bio-domes there for future colonies on Luna or Mars is a great idea to me. I came up with that idea when I was watching a movie called Bio-Dome with Pauly Shore, but there's probably a Cosmonaut out there who came up with the idea already.

During the core drilling, you get to see how much time it might take for beach front property in Utah. The bars of ice come out as permafrost, and scientists can measure and compare the age with nearby rocks, etc. I kind of want to take a trip now.