I reaLLy Like this anime, I'm gLad you put up a thread for it, though.. I bareLy remember aLL of the characters name (on the whoLe episodes), but the story is stiLL cLear in my mind, I finished watching this since Last year.. anyway
My favorite character there, are the four main characters, I can't decide! I Love aLL of them! I Love the storyLine, the music (opening and ending song [both season]), the fighting, the Love story.. everything!
Yusuke Urameshi is a bit boastfuL, very caring to his friends and Love ones and aLso he is funny (Raygun)! Kazuma Kuwabara is reaLLy funny (Spirit sword).. Hiei is cooL and siLent (third eviL eye) and has a sister who is very beautifuL (Yukina).. and Kurama is handsome, siLent, and inteLLigent (Rose whip)!
ALot more characters are great!
I finished the whoLe episode.. from.. Yu Yu's death (because he saved a chiLd and got hit by a car) and reborn, became a secret detective to fight the eviL creatures and stop them from coming to the worLd, joining a battLe competition on the other worLd, etc., 'tiL he changed appearance (became Long-haired) and defeated his finaL opponent with his fLying bLue bird (I forgot what it's name)!
It's a reaLLy great and a cLassic anime, with fuLL of Lessons to Learn! This is the first few anime I watched.. same with VoLtes Five, saiLor Moon.. etc.