Fans of slice-of-life, comedy, romances gather round for what is by far one of the best animes I've seen in a long while. Toradora! tells the story of Ryuuji and Taiga's friendship. The domestic, level-headed Ryuuji has fallen for the vivacious and optimistic Kushieda Minori, childhood friend to Aisaka Taiga. The tsundere Taiga, meanwhile, crushes on Ryuuji's upbeat buddy, Yuusaku. When Taiga and Ryuuji discover their coinciding interests, they form a friendship around gaining the affections of each other's friend.
The show is quite honestly beautiful with both the humour and drama being delivered with equal expertise (Excluding one should-have-been-riveting-moment-that-failed-completely-making-me-die-a-little-inside-as-the-toradora-light-novel-fan-inside-me-wept-bleak-angry-tears... I will not go into detail on that) The five main characters have an almost pitch perfect dynamic which serves to endear themselves to you and helps to increase your emotional attachment to the story as you see them go through both joy and hardship. Even the side characters are fun and interesting in their own way each furthering the story or acting as comic relief when needed.
Visually the show is very good. The character designs are attractive and the animation fluid, a lot of detail has been put into their movements and body language. It manages to make some quite stunning imagery and character interaction. The voice actors are skilled at their trade and really help to breathe life into the characters