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  1. #1
    Stream Crosser Studio Ghibli's Ann's Avatar
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    Studio Ghibli's

    Have you ever watched Studio Ghibli's masterpieces such as Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Gake no Ue no Ponyo or maybe Princess Mononoke? I love Ghibli, their films are magnificent! If you also love Ghibli's, let's talk about it here

  2. #2
    Registered User Studio Ghibli's
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's


    This thread was made for me! <3333

    I love Studio Ghibli films! All the movies that I've seen have always left a good feeling for me. I love the stories told, and the characters are always really well written and interesting. The animation is superb as well. Even the older stuff, I am very much amazed by. You said it best when you said that their films are magnificent. That word suites these films so well.

    I just got finished watching Whispers of the Heart yesterday, and before that I watched Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. I <3'ed them both!

    My first Studio Ghibli film I ever watched was Kiki's Delivery Service, and I was hooked ever since. I wanted to know MORE about the work that Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli produced, so I watched many, many more of thier movies:

    Princess Mononoke
    Spirited Away
    Howl's Moving Castle
    The Castle of Cagliostro- It has Lupin the Third characters!!! Awesome.
    Laputa: Castle in the Sky- I haven't finished this one yet... I plan to though.
    My Neighbor Totoro
    Grave of the Fireflies- This movie was really sad...

    There's a few more movies that I really want to watch, but just haven't gotten around to doing. I plan to though.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 02-20-2010 at 12:35 PM. Reason: LOLOLOLOL... Title mixup...
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  3. #3
    Ellipsis Studio Ghibli's Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    I watched Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. I'm hoping to see Howl's Moving Castle~ But I've been so busy and tired.

    Their films are.... Breathtaking. ^w^
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  4. #4
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Studio Ghibli's Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Spirited Away is fantastic. Howl's Moving Castle is also pretty good, as is My Neighbor Totoro. I've been meaning to see Ponyo for a while, but have forgotten about it for the most part, I guess. That's basically the extent to my Miyazaki knowledge, but I want to see more of his work.
    Last edited by Polk; 02-20-2010 at 11:49 AM. Reason: Miyazaki, not Hiyazaki
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  5. #5
    Yanqui UXO Studio Ghibli's charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    They're geniuses - especially Miyazaki's works. My Neighbour Totoro and Spirited Away are just brilliant. I saw Ponyo recently, was an adorable film.
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  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Studio Ghibli's Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    I only watched Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away and both are pretty amazing, didn't have the chance to watch the others but I intend to.

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  7. #7
    Stream Crosser Studio Ghibli's Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Well.. Spirited Away was impressed me so much! What a lovely story about Chihiro and Haku. It teaches us to appreciate our name, and how wonderful friendship really is. I've watched Gedo Senki and Ponyo, too. They are nice, although I feel a bit confuse about the story of Gedo Senki. I'm looking forward for Howl's Moving Castle and My Neighbor Totoro

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  8. #8
    I want to play a game. Studio Ghibli's Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    My first encounter with Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki came in an summer art class that I took in 2000 or 2001. I watched Princess Mononoke except there were no english subtitles even!! Pretty lame.

    My next, more enjoyable encounter, came during the Month of Miyazaki on Cartoon Network courtesy of Toonami. My friend and I watched each movie and ordered Papa Johns as well. When Spirited Away - which was great - went to commercials they [Cartoon Network] would show tons of commercials for Princess Mononoke. Anyhuma the Miyazaki films shown were: Spirtied Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and Laputa: Castle in the Sky - all of them fantastic. And if anyone noticed in Nausicaa and Laputa there are certain things that later appeared in the Final Fantasy series.

    I've seen Howl's Moving Castle and that is another favourite of mine - though a lot of Miyazaki's films are favourites of mine. Hahaha. I would say that Howl's Moving Castle is in my top three of Miyazaki films.

    I saw Ponyo in theaters with my girlfriend and, to me, didn't have the same feel of epicness that past Miyazaki films had. The characters were interesting but not as interesting and there wasn't much tribulation - the movie was still good but not amazing as past films.

    Anyhuma, I'm looking forward to seeing Tales from Earthsea, a movie done by Miyazaki's son that will be releasedi in July 2010 as the Sci-Fi rights have finally expired allowing the film to be brought over to the States.

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  9. #9

    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    The first Miyazaki film I saw was Princess Mononoke, I rented it at this video store that had tons of anime I wasn't able to find for a while, I have to say it's one of my favorites, I watched it the other day actually, I never get tired of it. I like all the different creatures used in the films like the different Kodamas. I've seen quite a few, other than Mononoke I've seen Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the Sky, KiKi's delivery Service,Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. I want to see My Neighbor Totoro still. yeah, I saw most of them on the "Month of Miyazaki" On Toonami a long time ago after Mononoke and KiKi's Delivery Service grabbed my interest.

    I'm a big Fan.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-20-2010 at 08:46 PM.

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  10. #10
    .............. Studio Ghibli's smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    My favourite Miyazaki film is probably Laputa. Though I love all of Ghiblis movies( maybe not grave of the fireflies as much) those which stand out are probably princess mononoke and Porco Rosso. I have yet to see Ponyo and the likes of only yesterday and whisper of the heart yet. They are probably my favourite film studio and I believe their work puts Disney to shame.
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  11. #11
    This is my sin... Studio Ghibli's Lucid's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    My favorite is My Neighbor Totoro.

    I didn't like Howl's Moving Castle at all though because I had read the book first and was disappointed at the changes they made to it in the movie. :l

    I would kinda like to see a Studio Ghibli version of Sabriel though.
    I think it would work out really well if they didn't change anything.

  12. #12

    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    My favourite Studio Ghibli movie is definitely Howl's Moving Castle. Miyazaki's attention to subtle detail never fails to amaze me.

    Although, I must add that my 2 year old nephew is obsessed with this movie and I can testify to the fact that you can get sick of a masterpiece. He calls it Sophie.
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  13. #13
    Registered User Studio Ghibli's Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Woow I like that kind of movies
    Howl's Moving Castle and spirited away are both amazing !
    I still remember how lovely was the guy named Haku though I ddn't like his hair style ^_^ but he was awesome and kind
    also for Howl's moving castle since I have watched it recently I still can't forget how disappointed I was when that young girl turned to be old woman though her personality was kinda funny and I really like their company with Lucifer and Howl ^_^
    and Yeah the ending is great unless her white hair should have been black or brown as it was

  14. #14
    Studio Ghibli's Ragtime's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    I love Studio Ghibli. I remember a few years back when Spirited Away was fairly new, Film 4 did a Studio Ghibli season. I thought they would be rubbish because I didn't like Spirited Away (Well, I never watched it but I thought it looked sucky) but I eneded up watching a few including Spirited Away and I loved them. Now I've watched most of them and my favourite would have to be Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke or Laputa: Castle in the sky.

  15. #15
    Our Hopes and Expectations Studio Ghibli's Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Howl's Moving Castle is my all-time favourite movie.

  16. #16
    Memento Rhapso Studio Ghibli's Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Spirited Away is one of my favouite movies of all time

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  17. #17
    the psycho in me wants pie!!! Studio Ghibli's kurohime's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsoBlarg View Post
    Spirited Away is one of my favouite movies of all time
    Spirited away is one of the best movies that they made in studio Ghibli's History!!!!!

  18. #18
    Stream Crosser Studio Ghibli's Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    I think not only Spirited Away, all movies that they made are the best! lol

    Have you ever watched Grave of Pyreflies? I haven't watched it because I still can't found it on local shop but people said that its more stunning than Spirited Away

  19. #19
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Studio Ghibli's ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    I've only seen a few, but they are amazing! I just watched Ponyo, and it was a really beatiful film, definitely one of the best animated films I have ever seen. I also love Princess Mononoke and My Neighbour Totoro. These 3 are my favourites, but Spirited Away was also good.

  20. #20

    Re: Studio Ghibli's

    Studio Ghibli is awesome.

    I've seen Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, and Spirited Away. My favorite was Spirited Away, but they were all grand and enjoyable movies.

    I've been wanting to watch Grave of Fireflys and Ponyo recently, if I can ever find them. And Princess Mononoke has catched my interest recently.

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