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Thread: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

  1. #1
    Disciple of Bahamut Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Greeley, CO

    Cool Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    Okay, since there's trivia for a lot of other things here, how about one for one of the greatest animes ever created, Fullmetal Alchemist? With this one, you can use questions from either the original anime, Brotherhood, the movie, or even the games as trivia material. So, to start things off on a good note, we'll go with a fairly easy question...

    Q: What was the name of the city that Father Cornello corrupted with his teachings of the Sun God, Leto?
    I stare out towards the silvery moon
    Basking in its light
    My heart providing me a suitable tune
    To play for this wondrous sight
    I play for my Goddess of Love
    Who resides so far away
    She knows that what I dream of
    Is when she'll be with me to stay...

  2. #2
    I would explode to save your life~ Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    Q:What was the reason Wrath(the 2003 anime Wrath >.<)could use alchemy?

  3. #3
    Disciple of Bahamut Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Greeley, CO

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    A: Because one of his arms was Ed's missing one, as was one of his legs, and was therefore able to use Ed's abilities with Alchemy.

    Q: In FMA Brotherhood, what rank does Armstrong's sister hold, and where is her post?
    I stare out towards the silvery moon
    Basking in its light
    My heart providing me a suitable tune
    To play for this wondrous sight
    I play for my Goddess of Love
    Who resides so far away
    She knows that what I dream of
    Is when she'll be with me to stay...

  4. #4
    I would explode to save your life~ Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    A:Major General and it was in the Briggs Fortess
    Q:In Brotherhood who killed Lust?

  5. #5
    Disciple of Bahamut Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Greeley, CO

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    A: Oh, that was a killer episode! That was none other than Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. It was amazing how he pulled it off, too. ^_^

    Q: When comparing the original anime to Brotherhood, one of the Homunculi is a different gender in each one. Which one is it?
    I stare out towards the silvery moon
    Basking in its light
    My heart providing me a suitable tune
    To play for this wondrous sight
    I play for my Goddess of Love
    Who resides so far away
    She knows that what I dream of
    Is when she'll be with me to stay...

  6. #6
    I would explode to save your life~ Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    A:Sloth right?Sloth was the homuculus of the Elric's mother in the original and in Brotherhood it was a homunculus that dug tunnels for the other homuncli to travel in.
    Q:What was the cause of the Ishvalan war?

  7. #7
    Disciple of Bahamut Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Greeley, CO

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    Yeah, you got it, White Mage.

    A: Going off the Brotherhood storyline, the Ishvalan Civil War began when Envy, disguised as a soldier, shot an innocent Ishvalan child. That one gunshot sparked the bloodshed that lasted for years.

    Q: Easy one. In Brotherhood, what is Winry's reason for her grudge against Scar?
    I stare out towards the silvery moon
    Basking in its light
    My heart providing me a suitable tune
    To play for this wondrous sight
    I play for my Goddess of Love
    Who resides so far away
    She knows that what I dream of
    Is when she'll be with me to stay...

  8. #8
    I would explode to save your life~ Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers) SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Huggling Ion :D

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    A:He killed both her parents.
    Q:In the original,who killed Winry's parents?

  9. #9

    Re: Fullmetal Alchemist Trivia (Possible Spoilers)

    A: Roy Mustang
    Q: in brotherhood how did Ed get his and Al's body restored?

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