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Thread: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

  1. #61
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    They're re-doing FMA so that they can animate the story as it happened in the manga. With the first FMA series, the anime caught up to the manga by volume 7 (which was around 30 episodes or so. Slightly after the first fight with Greed). While the creators of the anime worked closely with Hiromu Arakawa to ensure that the show went in the direction she wanted, it was still all original animation.

    Now, with FMA Brotherhood, they're re-animating it according to the manga, which is going on volume 24 in Japan (in the US, vol. 21 was just released earlier this month). That being said, the beginning seemed the same because it was already animated in the first series, but (1)They cover the material that was already animated in a more abridged fashion and (2)That being said, the series starts to diverge from the original anime around episode...14 or so? (I don't remember the exact episode, but still--it's when they fight Greed).

    So yeah, this one's going according to the manga, so, if you're familiar with the manga, you'll get to see the characters from Xing, the differences in the Homunculi, the Ft. Briggs troops, etc.

  2. #62
    Vivi Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? ViveLaVive's Avatar
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    FMA is amazing! it is definatly number 1 on my list(2nd Wolf's Rain) I still enjoy watching ti and cant wait for bortherhood dubbed!

    dare to do

  3. #63
    If you dont want me to spoil it then dont listen to this. At the end your near where the phillosipher's stone when general Mustang and Armstrong try to stop you.

  4. #64
    I would explode to save your life~ Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

    i love this anime

  5. #65
    O Rly? Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

    I loved FMA! i just think it was wayyyy too short. Couldve been alot longer! but loved it none the less. Izumi was my favorite character along with roy. Izumi was hilarious

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  6. #66
    The Quiet One Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

    For those that don't know, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood English dub is airing on Adult Swim now, starting today. For those on the pacific time zone you haven't missed out yet. But you can expect it to run for a while on Saturday as 11pm Central and 12am Eastern.

    I think they have a new Al voice actor or the actor's voice got really softer all of sudden. Otherwise, it sounds like all of the old cast is still around and sounding like their old selves.
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  7. #67
    Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone for Full Metal Alchemist?

    While I didn't catch the dub last night, AS will also be posting it on their site the Wednesday after it airs (so this coming Wednesday, they'll be posting the first episode on their site). For those interested in owning the dubbed episodes prior to the first boxed set release in May, they'll also be available on the PlayStation Network and Zune the Sunday after they air (i.e., the following day).

    And yes, Andromeda--there's a new VA for Al (which is understandable, as Aaron Dismuke was 12 when he first got the role, and I'd imagine he has since gone through puberty.) The only other change they made is Scar. Everyone else should be the same.

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