Surfing the Skies
Part one

Well I am not new to writing fanfic’s, but I was bored so here is the result! This is a FFXII fanfic as I have not been able to find one on TFFF, and that makes me sad so here is the pain of my efforts! Please enjoy! (The characters belong to Square Enix, all apart from my char, Aliera, she is mine!)

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I walk along the metal corridors of the back quarters of the airship we are riding, there was an argument going on up on the deck between Filo and Kytes so I decided to get outta dodge before I got involved in it, through my choice or not.
I enjoy the clanking, metallic sound my boots make on the floor and smile, I turn a corner to reach my quiet place, and area cast in shadows where no one else goes, so I can enjoy the silence.
I scream as I see something moving, melting into the shadows, I am completely unarmed, so I am open for attack, and too far away from the deck or any other inhabited area on the ship for my pleads to be heard.
“Quieten down! It’s only me!” I hear a familiar voice say, I can breathe again,
“Vaan! What are you doing here?” I ask, my shock turns into annoyance that there is someone else in my quiet area, that means he knows where it is and can easily come back to break the silence I can only get in the shadows below the deck.
“I was exploring my airship, is that a crime?” Vaan asks me, a slight irritating tone is noticeable in his voice,
“No, it’s just that-“
“Just that what?” Vaan cuts in,
“Nothing,” I say and sigh, he will never learn to listen!
“I thought so,” he says a triumphant smile spreading across his face, “but can I ask you why you are down here?” he finishes, a look of curiosity on his face.
I don’t know whether to tell him the truth or not, he would probably find out anyway, and cause exposing my quiet area to the rest of the crew,
“This is where I come to get away from the world,” I say, “it’s quiet down here, and dark so it makes you more aware of yourself and your surroundings, gives you time to think”
“Think about what?” Vaan asks, he is very curious now, and he’s got a mischievous glint in his eyes,
“stuff in general,” I reply, as if I was really gonna tell him exactly what I think about, Vaan doesn’t look satisfied with the answer I gave him, great!
“Are you sure?” he asks me,
“Yes I am sure, now go away!” I say, irritated, he may be the captain, but he is annoying, and so I just give it to him as it is, unfortunately, this doesn’t usually have the desired effect on him as I hope it will, it either sends him to the point of annoyance that I am driven to the edge, or even worse! It makes him into me! Aggh why me? I don’t know, I think it’s because I am straight with him, I tell him what I think about him when I think it, instead of acting like Penelo and the others, trying to find the ‘tactical’ way of expressing how annoying or rude he is being, I don’t have time for faffing around and wasting breath, and brainpower to think of such things, so there you go,
I try and think of a way to get rid of him, I don’t want to walk away, because he will see this as an opportunity to annoy me even more, and he might even come back here to look for me, so instead I hold my ground.
Just as he is about to speak the airship drops down suddenly, my heart is in my mouth, and I am getting dizzier by the second, I sit on the floor in a daze,
“Get up!” Vaan orders me, “If you sit down you will pass out!” he shouts over the noise of the engines roaring,
“What’s happening?” I shout, my eyes are streaming, am I crying? I dab at my eyes to brush away the tears.
“There’s a malfunction with the engines, let’s go check it out, there must be some sorta control thingy down here to fix it!” he grabs hold of my arm and drags me down the corridors, I pray to the crystals we will be alright...