The Story of a Hero
This is a story you here again and again
How the comes in to save the day
Fights the bad guy, gets the girl, applauded by all
A story told for generations
But what is a hero?
Do they have to be strong? Do they have to be brave?
Are people born heroes?
How do we see the hero out from everyone?
A hero does not need a sword, or a gun
They do not need catch phrases or special poses
Or be able to look the part of a "hero"
If none of these matter, how do you define a hero?
A hero stands out above all because of their heart
Wanting to save something or someone
Willing to help anyone that needs help
Whether or not they receive an award
So as you read this, this story is not about a person
It's everyone in the world
We Can all be heroes in our life.
Saving the world or saving a life, it matters not.
We can all be heroes, we just need to try.