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  1. #31
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    And now the second chapter in the sub-arc, that's had its name changed more times than any title I've had to figure out. Yeah, I kept tossing around names for the sub-arc for quite time some and changed it on a regular basis. It is pretty small sub-arc, but I still wanted a name that made sense.

    Either way, the new chapter is up with it focusing on Yumi still with her doing a flashback for the bulk of the chapter. Yeah, I know not another flashback, but they are important character developing moments. Fortunately, once all of the characters are introduced the need for flashbacks will be greatly reduced.

    I actually found this chapter to be far more emotional than I had planned on it being. It is important to Yumi, but it hit a stronger cord with me than I expected. Not that is a bad thing, it is good. Makes me happy, if you see it the same light will be real judging factor, but still I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

    This is another one of the chapters that I thought was going to be really short because I did not think I had enough material, but I still manage to pull out something to the normal length I stop at. Plus I was able to end things at exactly where I wanted. I plan on finishing up the sub-arc in the next chapter and then going straight into the next one. Moving along a little faster now huh? Yeah, there are two more sub-arcs left and one really quick one that may only be a chapter before the really big sub-arc that I've been waiting for. So I'm guessing around the 40s expect something huge. ^^ I can't wait for that moment since I've been building up to it a little. It's going to be fun.

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  2. #32
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Chapter 32 is up now, though it took a long than I was planning. I think part of it was the way I was sitting, or rather the way I was forced to sit. It made me really uncomfortable making it impossible to feel like I could do much of anything. I felt all squeezed in.

    Anyway, that aside on the subject of the chapter. The sub-arc is completed now with the conclusion of the dramatic turmoil that Yumi was sitting in for the chapters. And Yuki finally makes an appearance in the sub-arc! He had pretty much been left out for the first two chapters since they were so focused on Yumi's problems. But now he and her get the chapter to share.

    The unfortunate thing is that I did not get done everything that I wanted to in the chapter. Yeah, that happened again, but I didn't extend the sub-arc. It was a sub-plot left over from the last sub-arc that I didn't get resolved that I was figuring would be a good time to resolve it. But I'll resolve it in the next sub-arc. When I'm not sure, but I'm acknowledging it. Since it is very important and I don't want to just pretend that it didn't happen because there was no resolution to it.

    There is still some lingering issues with Yumi and Yori, but that will be something that is meant to play out for the remainder of the arc. It will be some nice a little tension to have throughout the arc. The up coming chapter and sub-arc will be introducing another new character to the group. This will be another main cast character with a character focused sub-arc. Notion a trend. ^^; Though I plan to have Yuki featured more in this one. It should be fun though since he'll find someone a little like him.

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  3. #33
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Okay, chapter 33 is now completed and up. Thus starts the new Dreamers sub-arc of the School Days Arc. ^^; Yeah and the names continue. Anyway, I figured out the details of the sub-arc last night. Which was coming together over the course of the week, but I finally hit the necessary inspiration to wrap it up quickly. So the development on the sub-arc reached its conclusion that night.

    The chapter itself I was not certain on where it was going to stop. I had two places that felt right, but I'm a little more pleased with this one since it gave some face time to the new character before the end of the chapter. The other would have cliffhanged it right at the moment of her appearing, which would have left it for next week.

    That aside, I am continuing the running drama and issues that are being carried over from Seiji's sub-arc since as I said they were unresolved. I'm not forgetting about them and they are quite important from a character stand point. So I will be dealing with them through these chapters, but there is going to be the continuing issue of Hiroshi, since he has seen Yuki and his powers, but does not know what to do about it. So that will be a sub-plot through the next few sub-arcs. I'm still deciding on when it will came to a head, but it will.

    For those that have read the chapter, I got in a bit of a strange mood over the weekend. Which was when I figured out the finer details of the sub-arc. I ended up getting influenced I think, but what I was listening to, which happened to have some Yuri elements to it. While I'm doubting that anything will ever become of what I did, I thought it was a humorous little moment, especially since it was Ayumi, which has a level of irony? or perhaps just added humor to it. Ayumi plays in character so well that its easy to forget at times. It really makes me wonder who is the most complex character, since both Yuki and Ayumi act, but you know nothing about Ayumi and know a lot about Yuki. You can only make guesses about Ayumi at this point. So I guess for most Yuki is complex, but from my viewing I have an unseen view of Ayumi thus far, so it makes her pretty complex as well.

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  4. #34
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    And now we have chapter 34. The sub-arc is getting deeper, though I actually do not spend as much time on Fumiko as I thought that I was going to since Yuki and Ayumi ate up a lot of space. But it all worked out how I wanted anyway. Though I'm still uncertain about the length, though I'm pretty sure that I know how long it will be at this point. I'm not going to say out loud since I'll probably just jinx myself.

    But anyway, I mixed in a little more comedy to this chapter, but it is overall a pretty serious chapter. I have been managing to drop in a little comedic touch here and there, but the only moments are with Yuki usually since he is in generally a fairly entertaining character for his quirks. But that aside, I did get to have some more fun at Ayumi's expense. Hope she doesn't hurt me. She gets pretty serious about these sorts of things.

    I'm still weighing on some matters about Fumiko's development. I already know the character pretty well, but I'm not sure how I want to break things up for her. The fun thing is something that is briefly illustrated in this chapter. Fumiko has some things in common with Yuki. So I'm planning on playing around with that, but I don't know when I'll get to put that in since well I don't think it'll end up having a place here in this sub-arc. But I'm considering putting it in the next sub-arc since she is goin to the same school and it wouldn't be that difficult to do. There are so many fun things that I want to do that I want to drop in for flavor of the characters.

    Well anyway, enjoy!
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  5. #35
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Chapter 35! It is up, though I had it done for a long time now. I just ended up doing something else that took a lot long that I was expecting. Anyway, this one ended up being shorter than the previous ones, but I knew exactly where I wanted it to end. So I just had to end it when it ended. I don't really think that I fluffed it either, since I was keeping to my game plan.

    The unfortunate thing that I realize is that Fumiko motives are not going to be explained for a while. She is acting in a manner that is consistent with her character, but that won't be clear to the reader for quite some time. It is just the way that it ended up for her. I'm still getting development for her as a character, but she is a little spread out. You at least know that is in her character from the last chapter.

    The cliffhanger for the chapter was a fun one. I can really easily picture it in my mind what it would look like if it was in a manga. That is a fun thing about so many of the chapters is that I picture how they will play out. Which will help me in drawing them later.

    The strange thing is that Yuki ends up in a different role this time around. He is placed in a situation that he is not familiar with and is actually thinking things out a little. His actions aren't thought out, but he is not going around blindly at the moment, which is a bit of a change for him. I guess having several attempts on your life makes you start thinking and becoming paranoid. ^^;

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  6. #36
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Chapter 36 is up now, continuing from the last point in the previous chapter that left off in a rather dramatic cliffhanger. ^^; Well the fight that you knew was coming is taking place between the little girl and Ayumi. There was a lot of fun stuff that I got to toss in knowing a few things. It will be fun with the pay off for it all happens.

    This actually took longer than I was expecting, but not to write. It was because I was figuring out some things for the assassin. I had only a couple things sorted out and I needed to get the rest of them done before I started in on the fight. And well I ended up getting stumped for a while. There was a lot of things that I could have for the assassin and I knew it, but I wanted to actually do something that was not so over used. It took some time but I finally came up with something that seemed pretty unique. It is certainly different from anything else I've done. The power has an unlimited possibility and I should tap into that creativity. Heck, if I wanted to make someone have a field that just strawberries and chocolate. >.> It'll be a little silly, but it is possible.

    Anyway, the unfortunate thing about the whole chapter is that is ended up going on longer than I was planning. You know it is a familiar phrase for me at this point. I was planning on getting twice as far as I actually ended up stopping at. Which means that it is going to one on for another chapter in addition to what I had planned. But that is good news for you, you get to have two chapters of fighting. So you can't really beat that. The fun is only starting.

    So with the conclusion of the sub-arc two chapters away, the next sub-arc to introduce yet another set of characters will be coming. After that sub-arc is completed there is going to be some big coming. So it is only a little bit away and then everything changes.

    Enjoy! ^^
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  7. #37
    Freezing Ring! Shift Comments Thread Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    IN YOUR DREAMS ^^!!!!
    very very good story ^^ No0 wonder Sheena was telling me about your writing ^^ Your righting is interesting, Unlike her... Well... Uh... Nvm... you have great discreption's, i think it's the best story ive ever read ^.~

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  8. #38
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Chapter 37 is up now. ^^ It was finished a while ago, but I ended up doing other things that pulled me away for a lot longer than the 30 minutes I thought it was going be. Well either way, it came out be true. It will need another chapter after this to complete. But this sub-arc ended up being a lot more important than I was originally giving it credit for. I mean I make all of the sub-arcs to serve a purpose and the fights in each usually serve the purpose of explaining the power that Yuki has. But I did not have a lot of purpose planned out for this fight. It ended up being very important though in the grand scheme of things, sort of.

    The thing that keeps sort of bugging me is trying to wrap my head around the powers that I created. Which sounds a little strange since I made them and everything and they are really cool. I love what I've done with them, but I feel like there is sort of a strange point where it falls apart from all of the explanations I've done. The power all works on area of influence, but when two areas intersect you figure the weaker loses out and can't do anything, but they are still able to fight as it clearly seen in the chapters. I've been able to explain things in that manner to myself, but not so well to others who could be questioning it. The areas of influence are not so finite and rigid as to not be able to exist in the other, it just becomes weaker. Both areas still can exist in there full range, but it is very difficult since the stronger field takes priority. However, if you focus on it you can make something appear in their field if you field would also be there. It is like putting a concentrated amount of your power in that one spot to keep it existing. I think in a way some of that comes out in this chapter.

    Unfortunately, I know that the chapter is also going to seem like I'm breaking a lot of my rules just make things look cool. Honest, I'm not though. Everything is still following my rules. It is just that they have been displayed in this fashion yet. And a lot of things are going unexplained right now as a result, but its all possible. It is not impossible and Yuki makes point to react to this so that you realize that is happening and it is being questioned while still having to be accepted. There is a still a lot that is not understood about the Kasou-ryoko power, so until it is fully understood things will seem weird or strange.

    That said, Fumiko plays a strange role in this chapter. She is the voice of rational thought and encouragement for Yuki. I thought about adding in a little bit about why everyone apart from Yuki seems to be taking this all very well. It is funny, Yuki, the one that seems like he would most likely accept what he is saying finds it the most impossible to believe and deal with. While everyone else around him seems to think it is just another normal occurrence. ^^; I find it a funny little pardox to their characters.

    I'm glad that you're enjoying the story Outdoor. I don't know about being the best or anything, but as long as you're enjoying that is all that matters to me. Hope I don't disappoint.

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  9. #39
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Chapter 38 is done now and up. Though I was really afraid that I was not going to make it. Even still it went into a seventh page which I usually tried to avoid. But I had a lot of fun in the chapter. I got to really showcase Fumiko nerdy side that compliments with Yuki really well. I had been waiting to show that off for a while since introducing Fumiko. I also got to show her in a little more of a girly side for a few moments. She is certainly not Saki, but she is not like Yumi either. She ends up sitting in the middle ground.

    The only thing that I am a little afraid of is that I'm not completely satisfied where I left things. I wanted a little more closer to things, but I did hit everything I wanted for the chapter. So I'm not completely sure if I will end up finishing the sub-arc here or in the next chapter. I might do a little post wrap up on the sub-arc in the chapter since there is not really a lot left for me to do. Though there is something that I want I have been wanting to that might be a good time to do.

    Well either way I guess you'll find out next week what ends up happening. The bulk of the sub-arc is over though and I'm going to be moving into the next one. This will be the last of the character introduction sub-arcs. I'm still not sure how long it will be, but I doubt it will be any longer than the last few. We are quickly coming to the big point in the major arc though. The thing that everything has been slowly building to is going to be here in two more sub-arcs. I can't wait for it, because it is going to be really exciting and I'll be curious to see your reactions.

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  10. #40
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    The new sub-arc is beginning now it the posting of Chapter 39. I've been gone for a while huh? Yeah, I had some things that required my undivided attention for a while. So I'm back and I'm going to be catching up on my work and getting back to where I was and then some possibly.

    I sort of got stumped on the sub-arc when I was planning things out. I had already worked out how it was going to start a while ago, but after that I sort of figured that things would work themselves out when I got down to writing. Unfortunately, that was not the case and it delayed me writing a day. Then I was just like I'll do it and something will eventually come to me. Well it came to today even though I had finished the chapter yesterday. So now I know where I'm going with things. I just have to finish out the development and it will be all good.

    This marks the last of the introduction sub-arcs for the time being. There might be others later on, but for now you won't be meeting any more new main characters for a while. The first arc is about halfway over I think though depending on how things go for the final half of the arc will judge if it was really half or not.

    This chapter brings us back to Saki for some face time. It also brings the story to a darker side and a little bit of a reality dropped in. I'm not going to spoil it, but I really like the impact that it will have Saki for a while to come. This chapter has a lot of significance on several things, but they won't get the pay for a while. I got a lot of things like that. ^^ I have a lot of long big pay offs. So it will be fun and some of the smallest simple things I'm doing could have a greater meaning in the long run.

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  11. #41
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    And here is Chapter 40 up already. Yeah, I sort of delayed on finishing it up, but it is here now. I'm working on getting caught up to being behind. I think I have one more chapter before that is done. But the sub-arc is coming along well.

    I got to have some fun with Yuki, who finally decides to grace the pages with his presence. I think he really got some great moments in this chapter that really help to mind you how much of a nerd he really is at heart. He's got a lot of different sides and you got to wonder if he had that under him even when he was a rough tough fighter. But I really have fun playing up that side of him. I don't get as many chances I wish I could, because it is really such a dominant part of his personality right now. So I try to remind everyone of it when I can since he does have such a variety of sides.

    The strange girl and Saki get to have some fun and Saki is on the wrong side of things this time around. I did not want a long drawn out fight here since it is not really the focus, but just a little tease almost. The stuff to come next is going to be really fun. I look forward to the next couple of chapters.

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  12. #42
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright, this sub-arc is ticking along. Chapter 41 is up now and we are getting into the real fun parts of the sub-arc. A little more action, nothing too heavy just the usual that was going to be expected.

    The fun I had with this chapter was actually more with Yuki this time around. I had some fun with him in the last chapter, but this one really showcases his personality really well. There are some really great moments for him that are just so Yuki. You look at them and read them and know immediately that is something that he would say and can't help but smile or laugh. There's a really great line that I love from his near the end that makes me grin each time I read it.

    I'm starting to almost one up the line of coincidences and just odd things happening with this chapter. Saki find a little girl attacking someone a lot bigger than her and then attacks her and then people that know Yuki and now this. ^^ Things just keep getting stranger and weirder. I've got some really great stuff planned out for this sub-arc. I really like what I've got planned, though some the details are still a fluid state of change. But either way, there are going to be some good moments for everyone in this sub-arc. For being lost it is really turning out to be a good solid sub-arc.

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  13. #43
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Chapter 42 is now up. And I'm continuing to push out chapters at a pretty quick pace. If I did not get so hung up at times I'd be able to do this a lot faster. But either way, this chapter goes through a number of different moods and feelings. It goes from being light to serious to light and serious. But when you have Yuki around and its not a fight he's pretty much the comedic relief in the room, which sounds a little odd at some points. I guess it very from Shonen to Shonen, since I can think of several Shonen characters that are comedic relief and the main/titular character. But the opposite is also true that they are not always the comedic relief, they have their moments, but it is usually left to the others in the group.

    It seems a little late I guess, but I really think that I've started to nail down Yuki and make him really likable. I guess I'll if he is likable whenever I hear from someone, but I think he is finally get to display the personality that I intended for him, but was just difficult to portray in other chapters. Though I guess I don't have to devote as much time to filling him out as I do filling out the other characters that he is really free to just be himself and not the angst boy that you probably all know he is inside.

    Anyway, this is a really fun chapter there is not so much on the action, but things have been really light on it anyway lately. Don't worry the action is a coming as you will see by the cliffhanger. Considering some of the last few have been not heavy cliffhangers this one would be a big one of those again. Not to mention I have walking around a couple of subjects for a while and I still do even more so in this chapter in a less oblique way as I have been before. Don't though the answers you have will be coming.

    I was also happy with myself to be able to continue pepper little tidbits of information about characters in here that play in the short term as being completely empty. However, in the long term they come back to be huge moments of foreshadowing. As I've have said before I've planned a lot of this series out already. A lot of character background is already set. Considering some of the turns I'm going to be eventually making I want to make sure I lay down very light and subtle hints and pokes to things that won't have a pay off for a very long time. Because I really feel like in some series things just come out of left field like they made it up on the spot and doesn't really have a lead up to. So I really want to lay out those breadcrumbs. You'll forget them, but later when you get to the point that they pay off. You'll find out that guess what it wasn't done because I wanted some extra drama or twist it was because it was planned and you can find places that I hint at it. It is quite exciting because I have so many of those little things I'm planning.

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  14. #44
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Sorry for keeping you on a cliffhanger, but you'll have to wait another day. ^^ Anyway, I've been busy at work on the pilot for the series. I'm planning on actually using this pilot for the first look into the series and will be using this as my drawn manga's first chapter. It took me since I finished the last chapter to get this done since I wanted to really get it tightened up.

    It ended up being more of a retelling than a remake or whatever you want to do call it. I started out by copying the passages I would be using, but in the end I think only 5% of the original passages got kept in their original form. Most being at the beginning since I like that opener. The rest I rewrote almost completely from scratch while cutting out and using only little pieces of the passages and editing them in.

    So if you read it and have read the first sub-arc you will find that the events are nothing like what happened, minus the last bit but even that is changed a lot too. The introduction of the characters is completely different and some characters are handled completely differently. Interestingly enough I actually really like the way things turned out for this. I think this does a really good job of distilling the important parts down and hopefully teasing you enough to come back for more. Because I do not go into a lot of details on a lot of things. So a lot of things will keep you in the dark, but the powers Yuki has are so foreign to anything done before with its own rules and uses that it needs development time.

    And if you are reading this for the first time. I would suggest reading the the first sub-arc even after you read the pilot because so much is explained that is left out of the pilot. Things also happen differently, so it would be really jarring to go from the pilot into the second sub-arc. Not to mention I stop the pilot around the tenth chapter and not the eleventh so a lot of kinda of important details are left out. Not to mention there is not a complete resolution on character's situations. So it would be best to read the sub-arc. Do note that the characters end up acting a little differently, but that is because I think they were still a little rough around the edges at the start and I've gotten a really good feel for them now that I can write them as intended. So how you see Yuki acting in the first sub-arc is a little weird, even for me when I was reading it.

    Speaking of which, having done the pilot. I'm considering rewriting the entire first sub-arc. Since I've adapted to the character's styles and patterns better now. I think they would be more accurate reflection of my image and vision than in their current state. Though Yuki was pretty stressed out at that time, so being rude was a natural emotion. Like I said, considering it.

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  15. #45
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    Alright! New chapter is up, 43, and the action sort of continues. ^^; Well you get some answers finally and some excitement. It is actually a pretty straightforward chapter all things considered. Since at this point everyone has a role to play and they play those roles.

    Chiharu gets a lot of face time for this chapter, for obvious reasons. Though everyone pretty much is present and gets their words in. Yuki and Saki I really got to have some fun with. They are long time friends and it comes out often in words how close they are, but it is not so much in actions all the time. I got to really do that a couple times here. They are almost like brother and sister at some points. I really enjoy their dynamic.

    I haven't forgotten about Haruo. He will be returning dispite his very quiet nature. Due to him being so quiet it makes him difficult to insert. He really doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone and the fact that he hasn't shown up yet is sort of proof of that attitude. But he will be showing up and speaking a little. The kid certainly the quiet loner type.

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  16. #46
    i have ears :) Shift Comments Thread Full Life's Avatar
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    great i enjoyed

  17. #47
    The Quiet One Shift Comments Thread Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm glad you're enjoying the story thus far.

    The next chapter is up now! 44 is out and I'm getting really close to 50 and not realizing it. Though I was also saying that I would probably get to around 50 before the big important point in the whole arc hit. So I guess I'm hitting on the money for an estimate. Which is actually a little unusual since I usually guess really poorly when it comes to something I have to do.

    Anyway, this chapter is sort of split between action and drama. Mmm tasty acti-rama. >.>; Anyway, the whole fight takes place in this chapter which I was not really planning to be long to begin with. This a more heavy character arc for development, so the action was not completely necessary to be long.

    The fun parts were with Chiharu, oh and Haruo did show up but for less time than I was thinking. I finally got to shade in Chiharu some with some different emotions and a very brief flashback. Saki and Chiharu spend a lot of time together in this arc, so I guess it is not really a surprise that are together more. The last part of the chapter actually started to get to me as I was writing it. I'm very easy on the emotions, so I guess its no surprise I got pulled in.

    I had planned on finishing the sub-arc with this chapter, but the ending I left it with had such a great image in my mind that it would have been a really kill to the mood to tidy everything up in half a page or something. I can so easily picture the scene on the last page being so very dramatic. ^^;

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  18. #48
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    Alright! I finally got the final chapter of the current sub-arc completed. I know its a few days late, but I ended up getting a little distracted and stumped on how I wanted to write it. It was a delicate chapter to write and I'm still not entire pleased with it. The dialogue I'm more or less fine with, but its the extra that I'm not always completely sold on. It was a more visual chapter than most since pictures would have sold things a lot better, not to mention I would have felt like I was repeating myself if I kept describing the same emotions in a slightly different manner. Plus I wanted to show as being a more silent quiet piece than a wordy one, which made things even more difficult. There would have been so many panels where no words would have been said just the reactions and characters in them.

    That being said and struggling through completing it. It is now done, though I left a lot more things untold than I thought. There is the hinting of it, but I ending up leaving that for another time. So there is certainly still more to her story. Only part of it has been told, but that is pretty much the case for everyone. I purposely left out a lot of details so that they could be used later to keep developing the characters. So that instead of having a huge flashback or info dump on a character. You get a little flavoring over the course of the time.

    I do plan on finishing up the bulk of the development and back story within this major arc. So the characters are nice and solid going into the next arc. That way I can focus more on the arc and the matters at hand than all of the stories for these characters. But good news for you all. That was the last of the character introduction sub-arcs. The next sub-arc as described will be more comedic with a soft tone that is intended to release the dramatic tensions in the story for the moment. Need a pause in the action and plot for a brief relaxation. However, immediately following that I will be bringing the heavy stuff. So expect a lot of drama and a pretty good amount of the fun action stuff too. Plus we'll get see Yuki have some face time. He's been a little on the sidelines lately. So he'll be getting front and center for everyone. And expect a flashback or two of Yuki. He's got quite the history and we have only scratched the surface of him.

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    Hey! I'm back on schedule though it is pretty late. It is technically Monday, but my sleep schedule is really screwed up. So this is normal right now. >< Anyway, Chapter 46 is up now! The new sub-arc is started now and I think it should go pretty quickly. Writing it was actually really easy. I only have a few stopping points, but it went pretty smoothly.

    If you compare the chapter to past you are probably bound to notice a slight change in mood. It is supposed to be a comedic sub-arc, so I tried to write it a little more loose and carefree. I still kept myself pretty close, but you'll notice some things that probably stand out as a little different.

    I had actually planned on doing a little something more with Ken and Jun, but I ended up going with the flow that I was working with at the time. In the end I did not need it and if I had it would have made the chapter too long. As it is it turned out to be a little longer than the last few. Which I had been having a little trouble reaching the normal length. But I find the range I have to be just right for the amount of material I want to carry out.

    I had a lot of fun with everyone. I took specific advantage of Yumi, giving her some renewed face time along with her friends and Hiroshi and his friends. All of who have been left out for quite some time. Yumi has a lot of Hinata in her, though it was not intended to be that way it just turned out to work out for comedic moments best that way. Though I do make it clear that pretty much everyone but Yuki knows while I really wonder sometimes for the other case. Yuki is at his finest, but completely clueless and excited about every little thing. I even managed to bring in the lack of control of his powers again.

    Fortunately, I think I'll be able to make use of that a lot more soon. There are a number of reasons for that, but you'll have to wait to find out. However, the place that they are visiting for the sub-arc is strange. ^^; To say the least, drawing it is going to be a bit of a challenge since it is something in quite possibly with worst possible design taste that it could make you blue just looking at it. I almost want to make the store itself sweat because its too embarrassed by its decoration.

    There's still plenty of fun to be had. I've got plenty of gags and jokes lined up. More fun awaits in the next chapter.

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    It's a day late, but Sunday gave me some troubles outside of writing. So here is Chapter 47. The further I get into the sub-arc the more I begin to question if I want to do more with it or not. I could have a lot of fun and drag it out for like 6 or 7 chapters really easy. There is plenty here that I can do it very easily. They would all end up turning into character development chapters, but it would not necessarily be a bad thing. However, I don't really want to drag on something that is otherwise just a short breather between major points in the entire arc.

    I had determined I wanted to do this sub-arc back at the beginning almost as a divider. It splits things from where things were mostly normal and lightly dramatic to what they are about to turn into. Everything will get turned up side down characters will start changing and the drama will get increased. Not to mention the action will get ramped up as all of the remaining sub-arcs will completely focus on action and drama pretty much.

    Yuki is going to be going through a number of issues that he has been avoiding up until this point. Ayumi will be confronting him about those issues and he'll be forced to make some choices. Along with that his friends will be going through somethings as well. So this sub-arc is really the divider between these sections of the major arc in its overall feel. Nothing is going to be same again with the coming sub-arc.

    I am wondering if I'm going to end up making another two chapters or just one or if I'll give into my desires to actually do fuller chapters. As I said there is a lot I can play with.

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    Well I finally got to this chapter. There were a few things that sort of got in my way and I ended up not doing it when I was supposed to. Needless to say though it must be up now, so Chapter 48 is now presented for your reading pleasure.

    I don't know for those who actually read this and my story what order you do in, but if you read this before the chapter I do please suggest that you read the chapter first simply because what I'm going to be talking about may spoil the moment for you.

    If you don't care either way or have read the chapter already you know what I'm talking about. Which ever the way is I have to say that while I was writing the last page or half page of the chapter I was getting insanely choked up about what I was writing. If you're good at reading into things and making guessing you knew what was coming from the first paragraph, if not you probably knew after the following paragraphs, if you are really bad at it you got the surprise at the end. But I knew from the beginning, because well I'm the author. ^^;

    So as I writing it I had increasing difficulties in actually finishing it. I had to hold back my own tears so that I could finish it. I had shaking hands and on a few occasions just stopped writing, because I was becoming so emotional over what was happening in the scene. It doesn't happen too often for me, but when it does I know it must be a pretty powerful moment. And I really think even if others don't cry, that the last half page to page of the chapter is powerful and emotionally charged more than anything else in the entire series thus far. Considering what happens and all the talk I've done over the course of 48 chapters, its a big moment in the series. It is furthered by the fact that everyone knows its all fake and going to quickly go away only making it even more sad.

    I just know that the next chapter is going to be difficult to write knowing that I have to pick up the cliffhanger and continue on it. I hope that you find it as a moving as I did. I'm not too sure what it means as an author when you cry over your own work. I know I'm visualizing it all very clearly, but I really hope the words are able to convey even a tenth of the impact that I was feeling.


    Tell me if you cried or if I'm silly. >.>
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    Chapter 49 is now up. This was one of those chapters that was just a pain to write. There was a lot of different things going on, but it was difficult. When I went back and read it I really hated a lot of things I wrote. But I also really liked a number of things. Its probably one of the few chapter that really polarized me. So much of the writing feels really awkward to me and then suddenly it feel fine. Which is probably a sign of my own confidence in what I writing probably.

    I really struggled to get it written the way I wanted. In the end I feel like it was mostly a failure while it also managed to hit the emotions that I wanted. It was just weird coming off of the last chapter. But I think this is one of those chapters that really would have served better as a visual piece rather than a text piece. There are just so many silent visual emotions that I wanted to really portray that did not have words to deal the scene justice. It felt like it should have been half as long and just a lot of dead silence that carries out the long depressing feelings that need to be conveyed.

    Well hopefully I'll re-write it later to something that makes me feel a little better about it. I know I said that this would be a comedy sub-arc light and everything, but I guess I can't seem to hold to that. The last chapter ended on a hugely dramatic note and this entire chapter is interlaced with heavy moments of intense depression and sadness. I think at the very least the overall feeling got across which in the end is important.

    So then on to the next sub-arc. This will be a very big moment for the story and series as a whole. I don't know how long it will be but it will take as long as I need for it. I have a lot of things planned and everything is necessary. So sit back and enjoy the ride that is coming.

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  23. #53
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    Alright so I finally got chapter 50 up. I was a little late due to me doing a lot of writing on something else yesterday. It also didn't get finished yesterday because half way though I was hit with the uncertain realization that I was not sure if I was going to be able to meet my length that I strive for and the ending that I wanted.

    In the end I did it without any problems and I even left it off on a better cliffhanger than the other would have been. All of the important stuff happens at the end pretty much, but the chapter in and of itself has a lot of little piece through it that make it pretty packed with developments. It's probably one of the more packed chapters, but there is still plenty more to come.

    The big important eighth sub-arc has now begun and things will only be getting more dramatic and crazy from here on out. The next chapter is going to be fun to write. There's going to be a lot of things happening in a pretty short amount of time. So look forward to that.

    For those that are reading this each week. Or just reading it in chunks whatever the case might be. I've finished introducing the main cast of characters at this point. There will be others, but the people you'll be spending the most time with are here right now. If you have some time let me know which is your favorite character. I'll ask again at the end of this entire arc for reasons that you'll understand soon enough.

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    Yay! I finally finished Chapter 51. Most of it was written last night, but I ended up cutting it a lot shorter than I was planning which chopped off a lot of the material I was going to us. So I have to fill some things out and get things to where they are now, which is certainly in length one of the shorter chapters, but not by word count.

    I actually found the chapter to be be pretty quiet and packed tightly with a lot of visuals that I wanted to portray in the story. It was very important to me that the new character that I introduce here was understood while being mysterious. I'm digging the foundation for the character as one that I want people to really connect with and like even if he is the enemy. I took a lot of extra time on that so that he would come off as being more than just the rest the enemies, though I'd like to think that most of the assassins up to this point have had their own story flavor even if some are not as clearly described as others.

    It's interesting looking back on the previous chapters and the series up to this point and knowing how things will be in the future. The enemies are certainly more toss away, but I know that is going to be changing a lot more in time. Since I'll be giving the characters a lot more face time and chances to really show themselves. The big thing that I want to distance myself from though is all of the whacky crazy villains Shonen Jump manga is so well known for. I've never been fond of a lot of villains they come up with since I think they are beyond even being exaggerated, which I guess is often the point. I just find them rather frustrating. Especially, the wardrobe and fashion sense. It really makes my eyes bleed. ; ; I love my Naruto and Bleach, but really the clothes are just rediculous at times.

    Either way, this chapter brought in the action pretty quickly unlike most of the other sub-arc. However, this is just an opening volley in the long track that is going to be followed. So it is going to be pretty short, but its meant more as building material for the coming drama anyway and introduction of a villain. But I said this sub-arc was going to be different and take time to tell. And I'm still only scratching the surface. More angst and drama to resume in the next chapter and oh the cliffhanger. ^^;

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    I finally got chapter 52 up now. I've been working on it for a while since Sunday. There was a lot that I wanted to do with the chapter and was aiming for a specific goal. However, knowing where you want to go and getting there is two completely different things. Which is what hung me for a while because I wanted to get things as perfect as I could. I'm completely happy with everything, but the dialogue, which need to be correct, worked out the way I wanted.

    There was several things going on in the conversation considering the entire chapter is almost completely a talk between Yuki and Ayumi. However, evening spite of that it I don't really think it comes off as being empty. Ayumi usually berates Yuki, but this conversation is completely different from the others that normally happen. Not to mention a little more gets revealed about Yuki, nothing that you probably did not already know, but it was something that Yuki needs to confront. So actually saying it out loud is the first step.

    The weird thing about the chapter that I was uncertain about was the little humor I tossed in to sort of provide a breather between the depressing drama and angst that Yuki was in. Considering the entire sub-arc is going to be pretty lacking in comedic moments this felt a little out of place with how jarring it is. But I think it was something that helped to really break things and relieve the tense with something so rediculous that you can't help but just smile, nod and laugh.

    The next chapter is going to be continuing with things from here and providing even further focus on Yuki and his past. One of the important points that this sub-arc was going to be addressing is a part of Yuki's past. It's been a while since I really touched on him, so we'll be able to get another look into his past. He has a pretty troubled history and it is only going to be getting worse. So look forward to the fun that is going to be coming soon.

    It is hard to say in terms of chapters, but I don't think we are half way there yet. I think there are still another 5 or 6 chapters left in this sub-arc. But things won't be the same afterwards, so its pretty important stuff. It's making me all excited. ^^

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    Chapter I'm so late on this. I had planned on getting back on schedule but things ended up getting in my way that prevented me from writing on time. But it is here finally. It did not help though that I had some difficulty writing this chapter as well. I'm sort of hitting this point in the story of this sub-arc where I want everything to be lined up perfectly. So I'm sitting around trying to figure out what I'm going to write only letting the time waste away. So it took a while, but I'm pretty pleased with the way things turned out in this.

    The only thing about this chapter is that there are a couple of things that happen that go unsaid throughout the chapter. So you don't really know what they thinking. Even in the end you're not sure what the reasoning is. I planned it that so that you would start thinking a little more. I did not want to provide all of the answers immediately. And even in the end I may not answer everything letting you find the answers on your own. Though needless to say everything is happening for a reason and I give enough in the end that should be able allow you find the rest of the answer on your own.

    I ended up recycling the joke from the last chapter, but I mean come on. Yuki's in a dress and you know Momoko's not going to let him go on that. So she has a lot of fun at his expense, but considering how angsty the sub-arc is turning at this point, a little comedy is needed. Because it is only going to be getting even more angst fill.

    I ended up having trouble finishing the ending to this chapter due to me getting emotional again. I had it all completed yesterday I think expect for the last few paragraphs, but it was because I started getting weepy on myself. So I had to stop and pull myself back together. I really hope that I'm not the only one that is falling for how emotional this sub-arc is.

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    And now Chapter 54 is up as well. And before you think anything, this is not actually this week chapter, but last week chapter. And now you're confused. You look at me with questioning eyes and ask me how can Chapter 53 be for last week and 54 as well. Well I'll answer your question with another question. What happened this week, well last week? It was my one year anniversary for Shift! Yup! Shift has been running for a year now on TFF and I wanted to celebrate with a double issue. Which is another reason why things took so long. I wanted to put them up together. Which means chapter 55 will be coming tomorrow.

    And how do I celebrate the one year anniversary for Shift? With a flashback! Yup, that's right it wouldn't be special without a flashback to bore you to tears as the story doesn't progress forward. No actually, this is a very important flashback since it deals specifically with Yuki. This one has been coming for a while and of course I wanted it to be perfect. Is it? *shrugs* Nothing ever is, but hey I certainly put time and thought into it.

    Yuki's strange behavior from the last chapter gets a little more of an answer while still being confusing here. Which I pretty much already went over in the last post. But Yuki and Momoko really get some personal time together in this chapter. I was really able to dig into their relationship. They used each other for support through so much and give each other a difficult time, but you can still that they really know each other pretty well too. They are very close.

    When I was writing a lot of this chapter I had to stop due to the same reason as last chapter. It was a very emotional chapter overall. So many things happened. I had to stop at the chapter break because I got choked up. And then anything with their mother just gets me too. And then the ending cliffhanger really starts to explain so much about the way Yuki turned out. It makes you really sad, but you also understand better now what happened. But it doesn't end there! There's more flashbacks to come in the coming chapters. It's a very important sub-arc for Yuki and as I said I'm taking my time.

    The funny thing about the ending of the chapter was that I planning on going on further, but still having Yuki saying the same thing at the end. However, when I realized where I was. I knew I had to stop. This ended up being a lengthy chapter and probably the longest in a while that I've written, since most of them have been hitting around 5 pages pretty well and this nearly hit 7.

    Enjoy the double issue special!
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    109 much for that Chapter 55 being up tomorrow huh? It's Sunday again. Well I had started on it, but I got to a really emotional part. I was pretty much in tears like I had never been before. And so I switched to work on my application for a job. And well 4 days later I finally finished the application. >.> And then I needed a break from the stress and then I had a headache possible from the stress I don't know. So I never got back around to it until today.

    But like I said I got really emotional over the beginning of the chapter. As you already know the last chapter was covering a flashback of Yuki's and it concludes in this chapter. It's not really much of a surprise, but it deals with his mother's death. Which considering the build up and the way Yuki has been, it is very easily emotional.

    Things are still a little bit of a mystery around Yuki and what he is planning, but there is certainly the suggestion. The rest of the chapter is pretty much just build up. There is an ill omen hanging on the horizon and I'm really playing it out. Though it'll be coming to a head in the next chapter, which will hopefully actually will be out tomorrow. Which is going to really start some chaos.

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    Hey! Lookie! I'm back on track finally. It's been rough being off like that, but I caught up and even kept to getting it up tomorrow. So here is chapter 56. It is still a lot of tension building, though most of the chapter doesn't really even do that so much. The start certainly does, but I end up flashbacking again. I did say there were going to be a couple at least. At the very least I don't do really long flashbacks for several chapters at a time.

    It was actually a pretty nice flashback. I really liked the way it turned out. I was wanting to do something different with it, but it turned out this way and I'm not really disappointed. Some of it seems a little cliche, but hey it works and it helps to cement Hiroshi's character, especially seeing at he is pretty much just a secondary character. However, he is probably the closest to not being a secondary character out of everyone with how much he is involved with in the story at this point.

    Either way this was done for a reason, which actually doesn't really probably add as much weight to things as I was hoping, but oh well. Things will work out how they should. The point to this chapter will come out in a chapter or two down the road. Since as I said I'm taking my time it is difficult to know if what I have planned will happen quickly or slowly. Either way I leave off on a pretty huge cliffhanger huh. ^^; Well you'll have to wait until Sunday to find out what Yuki's going to do!

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    And I'm posting on time, roughly. Thought that I was going to be earlier, but oh well. It's still done even if it was later than I wished. Chapter 57 is now here! This turned out to be another long chapter as it seems to be occurring the closer I get to the ending of the sub-arc. I was considering ending it sooner, but it would have really ruined the moment. Though I imagine that the next chapter is going to sort of ruin the moment, but it is sort of necessary all the same.

    As expected it picks up immediately from the last huge cliffhanger. Things only get worse from here. Yuki goes in to full on emo-angst mode at this point as though he wasn't really before. But Yuki is a little off like that. He's technically emo even though he doesn't act like it. Reminds you of another Shounen Jump character. >.>

    Oh and the pay off for something from chapter 55 comes in this chapter. So it's significances comes around. I actually managed to bring in a significant part of the cast in this chapter as well. They all got their little moments and I started getting emotional again near the end. Those sorts of things really get me. But another huge cliffhanger is left here. ^^; Yuki's got issues and its time to face them.

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