Listen To My Story Part 1
I've wandered far and wide
Fighting for as long as I can remember
Will I ever stop fighting?
I just want to go home...
Yet....I no longer have a home
Oh how I miss it so
My family, my friends, my beautiful love
Why couldn't I protect you?
I can still feel the flames in my heart
The flames that took away all I love
Taken away by a ruthless man with no remorse
My I hate him so
I have travelled the world searching for him
Fighting everything evil on my path to find him
But the more I fight, I worry...
Do I fight to avenge those who have lost? Or do I fight for the bloodshed?
When will all this end? Will it ever end?
Will I forever search for the man who took everything away?
I know not how long I will seek
But I will not stop, until my love is avenged!!!!!!
Part 2 to come next week