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Thread: Final Fantasy VII : Emerald Dusk

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy VII : Emerald Dusk

    Final Fantasy 7: Emerald Dusk


    Chapter I: DG-847

    It had been three years since Meteor had almost decimated the planet. The once great city of Midgar now lay in ruin, yet from deep within the city a heartbeat set out to rebuild and conquer. DeepGround had awakened.

    Far beneath the ruins of Midgar, beings of great power schemed and toiled away, bringing the ultimate plans of a madman closer to realization. These beings were among the strongest of DeepGround and were members of the elite team known as the Tsviets.

    “We would be foolish not to consider his companions.” Rosso the Crimson as she was known. Widely considered the most ferocious and unstable of all the members of DeepGround. She moved with the speed of a panther and would not rest until the whole world was void of human existence. “From the intelligence we have gathered we can assume that they will come to his aid if he calls on them. So it would be in our interests to eliminate them before they can do any damage to our cause.”

    “Agreed,” Azul the Cerulean. A giant of a man whose only thoughts revolved around his passion for battle. “If we eliminate these ‘AVALANCE’ then overpowering the W.R.O will be child’s play. What do you think Nero?”

    The two glanced over to the third being; Nero the Sable. A man constantly engulfed in darkness. A man whose loyalties were to one person alone.

    “We will do whatever Weiss wishes.”
    Weiss then came forth into the room. Weiss the Immaculate, a man who had helped rebuild DeepGround after its collapse during Meteorfall. He had been made its leader, and was the head of Tsviets. He was unquestionable, and untouchable. “What have you three found?”

    Azul offered Weiss a portfolio of photographs.
    “The first picture is Reeve Tuesti, Commissioner of World Regenesis Organization. He will be a key figure that we will need to destroy in order to break the moral of the W.R.O. He will be easily dispensed of.”

    “The second is Cid Highwind. He is leader of the Airship division of the W.R.O. He is currently on a good will mission to Wutai.”

    Weiss chuckled, “Is this all? You’re just showing me pictures of people I already know. Is there anything else?” Rosso stepped in front of Azul and took over.

    “There is only one of these people that needs to be considered.” Rosso pulled one picture from out of the stack and handed it to Weiss. Weiss’s face became stained with anger at the sight of the picture.

    “His name is Cloud Strife. He is the owner and delivery boy of Strife Delivery service. Our intelligence tells us that he is the one who killed Sephiroth. This man should be dealt with immediately. If someone was powerful enough to defeat Sephiroth and has good relations with Valentine then we cannot let him run around. He must be dealt with immediately.”

    Weiss clutched at the picture of Cloud. Anger consuming his face. Then in a sudden, Weiss’s face relieved the anger and his face returned to normal.
    “I agree. This Cloud must be dealt with above all others. Send DG-847 after him.”

    There was an elongated pause after the mention of DG-847. The three looked about themselves.

    “But sir,” Azul spoke out. “DG-847 has never been used in a field test, we still don’t know to what limit we can control him.”

    “I don’t care Azul, send DG-847 after Cloud Strife or I’ll have your head.” And with that, Weiss turned and left the room in an anger that had been consuming him slowly for the last three years.

    There were no more questions asked, Azul went to work immediately in preparing DG-847 for his trip. While Azul oversaw the preparation for DG-847’s bike, Shelke; a girl who looked no older than thirteen approached him.
    “Do you really think DG-847 can beat him?”

    “Maybe, and maybe not.”
    “I’ve heard that DG-847 used to be a SOLDIER: First Class. Is that true?”
    “Yes, in fact he was one of the best SOLDIERS that Shin-Ra ever had. He even defeated Sephiroth on more than one occasion during the war.”
    “Why would he have fought Sephiroth if he was a SOLDIER?”
    Azul watched the men finish the preparations for DG-847’s departure, ignoring Shelke’s question.

    “Everything is prepared.” Azul pressed the button on the COM link so the prep-team would hear him. “Send him out. Now!”

    The bike was charged and ready to go. The sword that was made for him was attached to the side of the bike. The helmet was being loaded with all of the information that he would need.

    The door opened, revealing DG-847. He wore the same outfit that all members of DeepGround wore. He lifted his helmet, removing the cords from the helmet and placing it atop his head. He could see his target, Cloud Strife.

    He mounted his bike, revved the engine. The garage began to open, and once the doors were wide enough for his bike to fit he was off. He rode up the tunnel to the surface, and reached the ruins of Midgar.

    He traveled through the ruins, not bothering to take in any of his surroundings. He didn’t need to notice them, he wasn’t programmed to. Yet as he drove by a broken down church, he had a flash of images race through his mind. A man with long silver hair raised a massive katana over his head and swung at him.

    His bike swerved as his concentration wavered, and the flashing image brought back a pain, like something that was tucked deep away.
    But none of that mattered now, there was only one thing he need concern himself with.

  2. #2
    Final Fantasy VII: Emerald Dusk

    Part I: Dawn

    Chapter I: Silver Moon Festival

    19 Years Ealier

    I had been waiting all summer for this night. The Silver Moon Festival only came once every fifteen years. The last one was here when I was only a year old, so I didn’t get to fully appreciate it then, but now I was going to be able to share it with Akemi. It was strange; we had only met at the beginning of the summer, and after only two months I felt closer to her than I had with anyone else recently.

    Akemi was a traveler from Wutai, and she seemed really bent on seeing the world as quickly as she could. I first met her four months ago: I had been working on the construction of the Rocket and had fallen off the support beam. I broke 6 ribs and fractured my collar bone. The only reason I walked away that day was because she was carrying materia with her. She saved my life, that day and I wanted to do everything I could to show her my gratitude

    She promised that once she was done traveling the world that she would come back to our little village, and she did. She had been here for a week; I had shown her the river on the other side of the forest. I showed her the sunrise from the top of the mountain. Now I was going to be able to share the firework lit sky on the night when the moon shines brighter than it does in fifteen years.

    I took another glance at myself in the mirror before I left to meet her. I began to examine myself and make sure I was ‘date appropriate’. My dark red hair was brushed back around my ears. I gazed into the mirror and my deep brown eyes, why a girl could get lost in those beautiful puppies. Plus all that work at the launch pad had really been helping to tone my body. I was sure Akemi would love it.

    I almost went running out the door. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d say to her. “The sky is pale in comparison to your beauty.” No, I shouldn’t say that. Only an idiot would say that. People who think about saying that should be shot. Nothing seemed right; I must have run through a thousand different things in my head. Anything I could say so she would know I was serious about us. But everything either sounded too cheesy or too cliché. Nothing was good enough to say to her.

    Before I knew what was going on I was at the festival. People were running around, laughing, cheering, and enjoying each others company. Suddenly I was jerked back by the arm by someone laughing and yelling my name.
    “Alius! Where the hell have you been buddy? The parties just getting started!”

    Cid Highwind was probably my oldest friend. Although he would never admit it, he and I were like brothers. We told each other everything. Every sappy story and emotional thing that Cid has ever done I, and I alone knew about. He of course denies anything I say, but that’s ok, he knows the truth.

    “Cid, hey! You haven’t seen Akemi around have you? She was supposed to meet me here.”

    Cid seemed to be thinking pretty hard. Maybe he had had a few too many drinks. He was smoking again. He usually only smoked when he had been drinking.

    “I think I seen her up Millers Hill. She looked like somethin’ was tuggen on ‘er pantyhose. Everything alright?”
    “I sure hope so Cid.”

    It wasn’t often that I felt a need to display public concern. But what could possibly be wrong with Akemi? I just hoped she was alright. I raced through the crowd of people and found my way through the tree line and up to Millers Hill. There she was, sitting on a plaid blanket which had been spread out across the grass. She was wearing a simple outfit; a white sweater with a pink skirt, her long black hair waved in the wind, and the silver moon light danced across her hair. Just then a loud crackle of the first firework went up in the sky. Her head turned to watch the bursting colors. I watched the light bounce off her hair. The blues, the reds, the greens all gleaming off of her hair, making the perfect ensemble of beauty.

    She turned at the crackling of the next explosion of gunpowder and saw me standing there.
    “Hey silly, how long have you been standing there?”

    Forever if I had had it my way. It seemed like all I had wanted to do recently was be with her. But I had to play it cool, had to be suave.

    “Only a moment.” Was that the best I could come up with? Oh God I was an idiot. Hopefully it would go over well. She would hear it and think it was witty. She would love me for it.

    “Well quit standing around like a moron and come sit with me.”
    I moved with the speed of a panther. If one thing could have been said for me to forget about how stupid I was, it was that.

    I sat down next to her and immediately started to feel more nervous and anxious than I had in a long while. She hugged my arm and let out a girlish sigh. My heart began to beat a thousand beats a minute. Was this it? Was it love? It didn’t matter what it was, I don’t think it ever would have. Then I remembered what Cid had told me.

    “Has something been bothering you Akemi?”
    Akemi looked over at me with puzzlement in her eyes. Then a look of serenity returned to her face, “How could anything be bothering me when I’m with you?”

    Her answer did well to quench my paranoia, but I had gotten to know her quite well, and could tell when she was hiding something.

    “Akemi…what’s troubling you?”

    There was a very long silence, disturbed only by the explosion of the fireworks. She seemed to be gathering her nerve. Whatever it was it wasn’t good.

    “I…I’m leaving from here tomorrow. I’m going back home to Wutai.”
    As much as it hurt I always knew it would come. I had tried not to get too attached but I couldn’t help it.

    “That’s ok; I mean it’ll be ok. I can always buy a plane ticket and come down to visit you. Heck I could even get Cid to fly me down once his plane is done.”

    I thought I had found a way around it, but the more I spoke the more she began to tear up.

    “No Alius…I haven’t been totally honest with you.”
    She was fighting off the tears. I took her hands in mine. “Don’t worry Akemi, its ok. You can tell me.”
    She took a deep breath and looked into my eyes.
    “I’m getting married.”

    It felt like my heart had just fallen out of my chest and threw itself into oncoming traffic. My mouth went dry and I was suddenly laughing at myself for being so worried on what to say to her, when she must have been boggling her mind on how to let me know this.

    “But Alius I don’t want to marry him,” Akemi wrapped her arms around me and began to kiss me passionately. “I want to be here with you. I’ve seen the world in the last six months and the most beautiful things I’ve seen in it are here with you.”

    I just sat there like an idiot not, not knowing what to say or how to handle this information. Akemi just looked at me, waiting for my response. I could only think of one thing to do.

    I gave that girl the most electric and passionate kiss that I had in me. The light from the silver moon, with the added color of the fireworks set the perfect mood, and we lost ourselves in it.

    We sat there under the moon and the festival on our plaid blanket, and became lost in each other. We stayed there until the sun came up and lit up our exposed bodies. She sighed gently as I held her in my arms. In only a few hours she would be gone. But that didn’t stop me from living forever in this moment.

    Two lovers under the rising sun, atop of Millers Hill. It was like something from those stories my older sister used to tell me.
    It was when she left that afternoon that I learned one of the most painful lessons that you have to learn in life, that day I learned that a happy ending is the hardest thing in life to come by.
    Last edited by Alius_Neo; 09-30-2008 at 08:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Final Fantasy VII : Emerald Dusk Secret Weapon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Indianapolis, In
    Blog Entries
    Dude, what is this? Is this a book or a some kind of story... what is it? Fill me in cause I'm kinda lost.
    You Are Ichigo Kurosaki....

    {My Loving TFF Family}
    My Mastermind Trivia Dad: Phantom
    My FFVII Obsessed sister : Unknown Entity
    My Caring Big Sis : Crazy Chocbo
    My Most Welcoming cousin : Priscilla
    My Anime-Addicted mother: Athna Loveil
    My High Flyin and Profiling Pilot brother: Final Fantasy Cid
    My FFVII, Tifa Befriended aunt: Winterborn86
    My Kool Aid addicted cousin: Mr. Spike
    My Yaoi Raving mom: Bleachfangirl
    My Cristina Scabbing Worshipping bro: Fishie
    My Ready to Knock Your Lights Out bro: Silver

    Thanks Halie for the sig pic!

    RPG's currently playing: Final Fantasy VII, Pokémon Crystal, Devil May Cry Collections (1,2 and 3)

  4. #4
    Well this is a story about a SOLDIER during the War on Wutai. Prior to Crisis Core and revolves around Alius Neo, a young boy from Rocket Town who gets thrown into the War.
    Also I have noticed an editing error, starting at Chapter I of Part I, it is supposed to say 19 Years Earlier, I will make the change.

  5. #5
    Final Fantasy VII: Emerald Dusk

    Part I: Dawn

    Chapter II: The Bar

    “Come on Al. You can’t just mope around like this forever. Come out with me. We’ll go down to that bar and I’ll get you in.”

    It had been three weeks since Akemi had left. I had only left my house two times since then. Once to take out the garbage, and once to pick up our mailbox which had a habit of falling over for no apparent reason. I guess Cid thought that I had to move on and he was probably right. After all, what good is there to be found in dwelling in the past?

    “Alright Cid, grab my jacket and give me a smoke.”

    Cid drove to the bar. It was a fifteen minute drive from my house. You had to be eighteen to get in legally, but everyone knew that the owner constantly let in the younger guys who helped work on the Shin-Ra rocket.

    I must have had six smokes by the times we got to the bar. Me and Cid were the same when it came to cigarettes. When something was bothering us we would smoke the town smoggy. It was a bad habit and we both knew it, but at the moment I didn’t care.

    Cid went into the bar first while I waited in the car. I found it unfair that Cid could get into the bar without lying to everybody. Cid was the same age I was, but he was able to grow a beard so everyone at the bars figured he was eighteen or nineteen. It took Cid about fifteen minutes to come back out and get me, and when he did come back he had the distinctive smell of vodka on his breath.

    “You’re in Al. Come on.”

    The bar was a lot different than I had envisioned. I always figured that bars looked a lot like the old saloons from the movies. This bar was dark; it reeked of cigarettes and liquor, and every step I took I either stepped on something sharp or sticky. I didn’t much care for the environment, but that didn’t matter as all I wanted to do was forget my problems.

    “Attention losers and drunkards!”

    Cid’s voice bellowed throughout the bar. I turned and looked to him. What in Gods name was he doing?

    “Me and my good pal Alius Neo here,” at this point during his speech Cid wrapped his arm around me. “We’re here to get totally drunk, and the first one of you to get in our way will have to deal with Al.”

    I took a quick glance around the room. Half of the guys in there were three times bigger and I was.

    “Cid, be quiet.” I said in haste, maybe so much of a haste that Cid didn’t hear me, because he just kept going.

    “Now, if you would care to join us for a drink, we have no problem with that, just don’t talk about Alius’s girl that left cuz he doesn’t wanna talk about that.”

    It was at this point that I threw Cids arm off of me and headed straight to the bar.

    “I’ll have a double shot of rum please.”

    The bartended was an elderly man, around fifty years old I guessed. He poured me two doubles and then told me that it was on the house. The guy sitting next to me heard the barkeep and decided that he didn’t like me.

    “Hey! I’m broken hearted too Eddie, do I get a free drink?”

    The bartended Eddie shot a hoarse look to the drunk.

    “No Frank, I only gives decent hardworking people free drinks. Get a real job and stop cheating on yer girl and then maybe I’ll give ya something.”

    I didn’t want to have anything to do with this, so I turned my back to Frank, drank my drinks and started looking for Cid. I saw him going from table to table looking for me. I let out a chuckle as I watched Cid stumble around aimlessly, double and even triple checking some tables for me.

    “You think my life’s funny kid?”

    Frank had grabbed a hold of my shirt and had spun me around on my chair and threw my drink to the ground.

    “What’re you talking about guy?”

    I didn’t really know what to say in this situation since the only drunk person I had ever dealt with was Cid, and he was a happy drunk.

    “You think you can laugh at my problems? Well let me tell you something kid, your little bitch is gone and probably screwing some other guy by now, so why don’t you just”

    The next thing I knew Frank was on the floor with a bloody nose and there was a crazy person on top of him, attacking him in a manner no one in the bar had ever seen. Who this person was I don’t know, but he had decided to use me as his vessel. Can’t say that I regret what happened to Frank, he got what he deserved.

    I didn’t start coming back to my senses until the car ride home. Cid had called a cab because we were both in no condition to drive. Cid wouldn’t stop talking, I can’t remember what he was saying and I don’t think I really cared to hear it. Franks words echoed in my head. As much as he was just trying to piss me off he was right. Akemi was gone and with another man, married by now. This night was supposed to help ease the pain, but I’d be lucky if I woke up tomorrow and my hand wasn’t swollen.

    I got out of the taxi when we got to my house. Cid reached up and gave me a hug.

    “I’m serry about da ber, wer gor fishen tomorrer.”

    “Cid, shut up, give me a smoke and go home.” Cid handed me his pack. I pulled out a stick and then gave Cid his pack back then signaled for the taxi to take Cid home. I paid the driver in advanced, knowing that Cid would be too drunk to do it later.

    I lit up my smoke and sat on my porch while I smoked. I looked up at the night sky. I wondered if Akemi was looking at the same sky and if she was thinking of me as well. I figured it was better for me not to dwell on the matter, as it would only bring me more grief than it already had. So finished my smoke and went inside.

    Inside I found my father on his recliner. He had an empty glass in his left hand and a picture in his right. I took the glass from his hand and discovered the half empty bottle of scotch on the table. I put the glass down beside the bottle and turned my attention to the picture. It was a beautiful woman with dark red hair and beautiful blue eyes. My mother.

    I put the picture back on the mantle where it was usually found. I picked up the blanket on the couch and put it over my father, and then I took the pillow on the same couch and put it behind my fathers head. I then turned my attention to the open bottle of scotch on the table. I stood there staring at the bottle for a moment contemplating what would happen next. I put the lid back on the bottle and went to bed; where I spent the next three hours trying to get to sleep.

  6. #6
    Final Fantasy VII: Emerald Dusk

    Part I: Dawn

    Chapter III: Frank

    The next morning came and went as it always did. I woke up at about nine thirty and my father was still asleep. He must have woken up at some point during the night and gone to his room. I decided to clean up the house for Dad so he wouldn’t have to worry about it that day. Then around noon I got a call from Cid who apologized for acting like an idiot the night before.

    I guess you could say that day was pretty uneventful. I didn’t have to go to work that day. The construction crew was bringing in a bunch of new guys to help speed up production. I was afraid that because of this a lot of the people from my town would lose their jobs at the rocket site. Not to mention that the funds for the rocket were being given to Shin-Ra by a notorious mobster known as Don Giovanni. It was hard to take in that the company that you think is watching out for the people is working with people who specialize in hurting people.

    The workers would always look the other way whenever we saw the Shin-Ra executives speaking with the Don or one of his “Associates”. Now as far as international mobs go Don Giovanni ran with some high rollers. He was the head of a bunch of fronts throughout Midgar, and also in Kalm, Junon, and Costa Del Sol. The workers were always intimidated by any of the mobsters when they’d come through. I always had certain distaste for people like them, the ones who bully the weak and corrupt the dutiful. I always daydreamed about me going right up the Don and beating the crap out of him and his cronies. I only wished I could do it.


    It was about one week after the incident in the bar, and I was glad to have gotten full-time employment down at the construction site. At the rate we were building the station would be ready to begin building the ship in about 5 years. I was really excited to be working on the project, but it seemed like the visits from the mob were becoming more constant and less friendly.

    I was busy moving a support beam with Cid when things got out of hand. There were three of them, a small one with no hair the others called Joey, and two big guys both with jet black hair. One wore a pair of dark sunglasses. The two bigger guys were roughing up Ted, one of the supervisors. Me and Cid tried to ignore it until we saw one of the guys throw a punch, and that’s when I lost it. Whenever Cid talks about it he describes me as a lone avenger standing up for justice, when in reality all I wanted to do was make them hurt.

    The one with the sunglasses was holding Ted while the other was laying on punch after punch. He brought his arm back to throw another one, but I wouldn’t let him do it. I grabbed a hold of his arm as he threw it towards Ted. My mind suddenly went back to when I was 12 training with my father. He showed me how to break someone’s arm and throw them a good 10 feet when you caught their punch.

    I raised his arm over my head and using my free hand pushed up on his elbow. Within a second I heard his joint crack and a yelp of pain escape him. I then wrapped his bent arm around my chest and swung him over my hip and sent him flying into a nearby port-a-potty. I then quickly adjusted my attention to the second one holding Ted. He was reaching for something in the back of his pants. A gun no doubt. I remembered what my father told me about fighting against guns, “Always get in as close as you can as fast as you can.” I moved quickly, getting as close to him as I could and when he pulled the gun out I grabbed his hand, forcing it into the air. He fired seven consecutive shots before he let go of Ted and brought his second hand into the struggle for the gun.

    He had both his hands clasped upon the gun as he struggled desperately to regain power over it. I held strong with my one hand around his, holding the gun in the air. “You!” he cried out. His voice was a mixture of anger and irritation I took a moment to analyze his face. His sunglasses were down to his nose revealing a heavy black eye. My mind raced back to that night at the bar last week. “Good to see ya again Frankie.” I lifted his hand above my head, raising Frankie off of the ground. I brought my free hand back and delivered a powerful punch to Frankie’s gut and sent him flying into nearby sheet metal and left his gun sliding across the floor.

    I felt myself loosening. My battle senses were leaving and I felt at ease. I turned around to see Cid holding up the little bald one in a full nelson. I turned around to search for Ted. He was bending over reaching for the gun. That’s when I heard a loud pounding noise followed by a gurgling grunt. I turned on my feet to see Cid falling to the ground, blood pouring from his nose and mouth, and Joey pulling out another gun. I could only watch on as Joey pulled out his gun and fired a single shot towards me. It was an experience I never forgot, the hot metal barreling through my side, cutting flesh as it tore its way through my body.

    The force of the bullet to my left side sent me falling backwards to the ground. I could feel the blood pouring from the wound. I could feel it making its way up my throat and into my mouth where I could taste it. I had never felt dirtier in my life. Gunfire again!

    I heard Cid yelling, Ted was screaming for help. I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying; I didn’t really want to hear them. I was a dead man. I knew it. I was going to die and maybe I was better off. Akemi was gone, with another man and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt disgusting, thinking those things. Being so weak and pitiful; I should have been thinking about staying alive and fighting for it, but instead I just accepted it, and waited for death to take me.

  7. #7
    Rider on the Storm. Final Fantasy VII : Emerald Dusk sonicisrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alius_Neo View Post
    Final Fantasy VII: Emerald Dusk

    Part I: Dawn

    Chapter I: Silver Moon Festival

    19 Years Ealier

    I had been waiting all summer for this night. The Silver Moon Festival only came once every fifteen years. The last one was here when I was only a year old, so I didn’t get to fully appreciate it then, but now I was going to be able to share it with Akemi. It was strange; we had only met at the beginning of the summer, and after only two months I felt closer to her than I had with anyone else recently.

    Akemi was a traveler from Wutai, and she seemed really bent on seeing the world as quickly as she could. I first met her four months ago: I had been working on the construction of the Rocket and had fallen off the support beam. I broke 6 ribs and fractured my collar bone. The only reason I walked away that day was because she was carrying materia with her. She saved my life, that day and I wanted to do everything I could to show her my gratitude

    She promised that once she was done traveling the world that she would come back to our little village, and she did. She had been here for a week; I had shown her the river on the other side of the forest. I showed her the sunrise from the top of the mountain. Now I was going to be able to share the firework lit sky on the night when the moon shines brighter than it does in fifteen years.

    I took another glance at myself in the mirror before I left to meet her. I began to examine myself and make sure I was ‘date appropriate’. My dark red hair was brushed back around my ears. I gazed into the mirror and my deep brown eyes, why a girl could get lost in those beautiful puppies. Plus all that work at the launch pad had really been helping to tone my body. I was sure Akemi would love it.

    I almost went running out the door. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d say to her. “The sky is pale in comparison to your beauty.” No, I shouldn’t say that. Only an idiot would say that. People who think about saying that should be shot. Nothing seemed right; I must have run through a thousand different things in my head. Anything I could say so she would know I was serious about us. But everything either sounded too cheesy or too cliché. Nothing was good enough to say to her.

    Before I knew what was going on I was at the festival. People were running around, laughing, cheering, and enjoying each others company. Suddenly I was jerked back by the arm by someone laughing and yelling my name.
    “Alius! Where the hell have you been buddy? The parties just getting started!”

    Cid Highwind was probably my oldest friend. Although he would never admit it, he and I were like brothers. We told each other everything. Every sappy story and emotional thing that Cid has ever done I, and I alone knew about. He of course denies anything I say, but that’s ok, he knows the truth.

    “Cid, hey! You haven’t seen Akemi around have you? She was supposed to meet me here.”

    Cid seemed to be thinking pretty hard. Maybe he had had a few too many drinks. He was smoking again. He usually only smoked when he had been drinking.

    “I think I seen her up Millers Hill. She looked like somethin’ was tuggen on ‘er pantyhose. Everything alright?”
    “I sure hope so Cid.”

    It wasn’t often that I felt a need to display public concern. But what could possibly be wrong with Akemi? I just hoped she was alright. I raced through the crowd of people and found my way through the tree line and up to Millers Hill. There she was, sitting on a plaid blanket which had been spread out across the grass. She was wearing a simple outfit; a white sweater with a pink skirt, her long black hair waved in the wind, and the silver moon light danced across her hair. Just then a loud crackle of the first firework went up in the sky. Her head turned to watch the bursting colors. I watched the light bounce off her hair. The blues, the reds, the greens all gleaming off of her hair, making the perfect ensemble of beauty.

    She turned at the crackling of the next explosion of gunpowder and saw me standing there.
    “Hey silly, how long have you been standing there?”

    Forever if I had had it my way. It seemed like all I had wanted to do recently was be with her. But I had to play it cool, had to be suave.

    “Only a moment.” Was that the best I could come up with? Oh God I was an idiot. Hopefully it would go over well. She would hear it and think it was witty. She would love me for it.

    “Well quit standing around like a moron and come sit with me.”
    I moved with the speed of a panther. If one thing could have been said for me to forget about how stupid I was, it was that.

    I sat down next to her and immediately started to feel more nervous and anxious than I had in a long while. She hugged my arm and let out a girlish sigh. My heart began to beat a thousand beats a minute. Was this it? Was it love? It didn’t matter what it was, I don’t think it ever would have. Then I remembered what Cid had told me.

    “Has something been bothering you Akemi?”
    Akemi looked over at me with puzzlement in her eyes. Then a look of serenity returned to her face, “How could anything be bothering me when I’m with you?”

    Her answer did well to quench my paranoia, but I had gotten to know her quite well, and could tell when she was hiding something.

    “Akemi…what’s troubling you?”

    There was a very long silence, disturbed only by the explosion of the fireworks. She seemed to be gathering her nerve. Whatever it was it wasn’t good.

    “I…I’m leaving from here tomorrow. I’m going back home to Wutai.”
    As much as it hurt I always knew it would come. I had tried not to get too attached but I couldn’t help it.

    “That’s ok; I mean it’ll be ok. I can always buy a plane ticket and come down to visit you. Heck I could even get Cid to fly me down once his plane is done.”

    I thought I had found a way around it, but the more I spoke the more she began to tear up.

    “No Alius…I haven’t been totally honest with you.”
    She was fighting off the tears. I took her hands in mine. “Don’t worry Akemi, its ok. You can tell me.”
    She took a deep breath and looked into my eyes.
    “I’m getting married.”

    It felt like my heart had just fallen out of my chest and threw itself into oncoming traffic. My mouth went dry and I was suddenly laughing at myself for being so worried on what to say to her, when she must have been boggling her mind on how to let me know this.

    “But Alius I don’t want to marry him,” Akemi wrapped her arms around me and began to kiss me passionately. “I want to be here with you. I’ve seen the world in the last six months and the most beautiful things I’ve seen in it are here with you.”

    I just sat there like an idiot not, not knowing what to say or how to handle this information. Akemi just looked at me, waiting for my response. I could only think of one thing to do.

    I gave that girl the most electric and passionate kiss that I had in me. The light from the silver moon, with the added color of the fireworks set the perfect mood, and we lost ourselves in it.

    We sat there under the moon and the festival on our plaid blanket, and became lost in each other. We stayed there until the sun came up and lit up our exposed bodies. She sighed gently as I held her in my arms. In only a few hours she would be gone. But that didn’t stop me from living forever in this moment.

    Two lovers under the rising sun, atop of Millers Hill. It was like something from those stories my older sister used to tell me.
    It was when she left that afternoon that I learned one of the most painful lessons that you have to learn in life, that day I learned that a happy ending is the hardest thing in life to come by.
    Simply Wow, you my friend have the workings of a true Final Fantasy CreaTOR! This first part has me already picturing the exact landscape of everything written, the appearance of Alius, Akemi (reminds me of Rinoa) and of course, a young Cid Highwind ahaha. Kudos to you, keep it up.
    An American Poet

    1943 - 1971


  8. #8

    Re: Final Fantasy VII : Emerald Dusk

    Please go to and you can continue to follow the story. The story has also been updated for anyone who would like to continue following it.

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