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Thread: What was the last CD you bought?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb What was the last CD you bought?

    The old thread is apparently dead and gone, so I thought I'd make a new one. So, what was the last CD you bought? (or LP/7" if there's anyone into that kind of stuff)

    I just bought Cryptobeast by Usurper (I've been hooked on that band lately) and 3cd box set containing 3 albums by Skyclad. So I got "The Answer Machine?", "Vintage Whine", and "History Lessens" (a compilation) for only 20 Euro. Quite a nice find.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  2. #2
    What was the last CD you bought? Shelus's Avatar
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    I actually came across two that caught my eyes.

    The first one is Running with Scissors by "Wierd Al" Yankovic. And the second is Withering to Death by Dir En Grey. I already had Withering, but when someone stole my radio... that just happened to be in there so I though I should replace it... oh well.
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  3. #3
    let's see...I think it was Korn's self titled album cause my old one broke ;_; but in about eight days, I'm buying Muse's new album black holes and revalations cause I <3 Muse with a passion.
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    So I'm totally all about crayola crayons, crop circles and pokemon, if you share any of these intrests, hit me up =D

  4. #4
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I bought two albums on Friday. One is the Doors Greatest hits, I haven't listened to much of this yet but it has a lot of awesome songs on it. The other one I got was Silverchair's Greatest Hits. It has a few good songs on it as well. Silverchair are an awesome Aussie band and I like a heap of their songs. Both great bands.

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  5. #5
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
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    I'm surprised I can remember this, because honestly, it's been ages since I bought a CD. Last one was "Days of Purgatory" by Iced Earth, thus completing my collection. What I was really looking forward to was the fact that the tracks had been remastered/rerecorded with Matthew Barlow doing vocals. The only problem was that some of it was rather underwhelming. For starters, the tracklist on the back didn't even match the song order on the CD. Somewhat poor, if you ask me. Some of the original versions of the songs actually sounded better than the Barlow versions. A good example would be "When the Night Falls". Regardless, I'd still say it's a pretty decent album.

  6. #6
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    The last CD's I brough were Richard Wager: The Essential Collection and Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons. Richard Wagner is very epic classical which was an influence to Nobuo, and there was speculation about him being anti-semetic but that is up to you to believe. As for Antonio, a classic peice of music, I am sure everybody here has Winter III, it is played on a TV ad here and the whole album is simply beautiful. I brought them ages ago but I want to get some more modern folkish music like Tenhi.

  7. #7
    What was the last CD you bought? Zephyr's Avatar
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    The last CD I purchased was "Hypnotise" by System of a Down. My reason; It was only 5 dollars, how could I not?!
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  8. #8
    What was the last CD you bought? BakersDozen's Avatar
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    "An Initiation into a Terrible Time" by The Whitman Tragedy was the last CD i bought. It's an old deathcore band from my area. They broke up several years ago and i had to seek out one of the members of the band to get my hands on a copy. The cost: $5
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  9. #9
    the newest Funeral for a Friend. That band freakin rocks. I cant tell if he's finger tapping or not on this one song... but its still a damn good song.
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  10. #10
    hmmmz, muse (last one), red hot chillipeppers, panic at the disco! and keane ^^ (i'm a cd-buyer ) all my music is original so....

  11. #11
    What was the last CD you bought? TomStrife's Avatar
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    I got "Rewind" by FLAME. Best rapper in the world, no contest. While this CD may not be his best (out of 2) it is definately worth a buy.

    In the first FLAME CD, every song was good.

    In the second, "Rewind", some songs rock and some songs suck.

    Anyways, I have yet to see a rapper better than FLAME.
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  12. #12
    Synthesized Ascension What was the last CD you bought? Zardoch's Avatar
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    Probably the last CD I ever got was Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle Earth. That was a couple months ago though XD, still good though.

  13. #13
    Vagabond Thief What was the last CD you bought? Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    The last cd I bought was Three Days Grace along with Sugarcult.

    edit- I bought those cd's because I had heard songs from them a while ago and I liked the songs. I also just bought yesterday Flyleaf, I heard songs on their myspace and I really liked them and could relate to the songs, so i guess the last cd i bought would be Flyleaf.
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 07-08-2006 at 06:55 AM.
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  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rikkuffx
    The last cd I bought was Three Days Grace along with Sugarcult.
    Not to pick on you or anything, but notice how everyone else is posting a reason behind their purchase, or saying something about their purchase? I would like to stress that everyone follow that example in this thread. Don't let this turn into another "list your stuff" thread, please.

    Anyhoo, the last CD I bought was Less Than Jake's newest album, "In With The Out Crowd." I've already made a thread about it; it's probably at the bottom of the front page, still. Anyhoo, it's still a fun CD, but it has a lot less ska on it than even the last album. I still like it, though, and I basically bought it because it was Less Than Jake, and Less Than Jake is one of my favorite bands.

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15
    Lets see.. the last CD I got was:

    Lykathea Aflame - Elvenfris

    To be honest I havent heard of this band, even though this album came out in 2000, I just recently read a 10/10 CD review of it, so I decided to check it out, its excellent Death Metal.

  16. #16
    I think it was the Gorillaz CD Demon Days good cd i love it!!

    EDITED BY TACO: The funny thing is if you'd made complete sentences, this post would've been just fine. Try that next time; it'll make your posts longer.
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 07-10-2006 at 12:29 PM.

  17. #17
    What was the last CD you bought? BakersDozen's Avatar
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    I just got a copy of the Cast from Eden demo. Good stuff. They were pretty big in the underground harcore scene back in the day.
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  18. #18
    Imperius Rex What was the last CD you bought? Storm's Avatar
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    Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Show Your Bones.
    Its an album i've been intending to buy for a while. I really like their music, and its kinda unusual for me to like a band that is lead by a female singer. Gold Lion made me really want to buy it, but I had to save up my money and continous birthdays and new releases from other bands such as The Futureheads lead me back. After I heared "Turn Into" I had to buy the album so I did!

    As for The Futureheads: News and Tributes which I bought when it came out not that long ago, it was also a must-have for me. I really liked their debut album, and hearing that this one was different I wanted a listen. On the NME website they had a sneak preview of the album a week before it was released and it was great. A lot different from their debut but still had that uniquely-Futureheads essence. I got it the next week.

    Oh, and Ravel, glad to see another Muse fan! I'm going to get Black Holes and Revalations soon.
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  19. #19
    What was the last CD you bought? Jin's Avatar
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    HIM - Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights
    1. Salt In Our Wounds
    2. Heartache Every Moment
    3. Lose You Tonight
    4. In Joy And Sorrow
    5. Pretending
    6. Close To The Flame
    7. Please Don't Let It Go
    8. Beautiful
    9. Don't Close Your Heart
    10. Love You Like I Do

    HIM - Love Metal
    1. Buried Alive By Love
    2. The Funeral Of Hearts
    3. Beyond Redemption
    4. Sweet Pandemonium
    5. Soul On Fire
    6. The Sacrament
    7. This Fortress Of Tears
    8. Circle Of Fear
    9. Endless Dark
    10. The Path


    Until now!

  20. #20
    Love Is My Religion by Ziggy Marley

    EDITED BY CALAMITY TACO: Read what I wrote in my post about listing CD's. Also, your post is too short anyway.
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 07-10-2006 at 12:32 PM.

  21. #21
    This is way easy. I remember the last Cd I bought because it ended up in my towed car, and I never went back for it. Poor little CD *cries*. was Ana Natlic's new CD called "2AM(Breathe)". Or at least I think that is what it is called. For some reason it's cover always made me think of God Smacks orange one.....With the chick an the nose ring an tatoos. True lies.

  22. #22
    Just got Angel Witch's selftitled album and Beyond The Crimson Horizon by Solitude Aeturnus. I have been looking for those for quite some time (I suppose they are out of print)

    I had actually promised that I'd wait till next month with getting more cd's, but I really have to own those babies.
    "One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged." - Heinrich Heine

  23. #23
    What was the last CD you bought? lolosky's Avatar
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    I didn't actually bought it, but a friend gave me a copy of Kamelot's Karma last week(kickass gift Pande), I had heard all of Kamelot's albums but this, and although I had heard some MP3s of this album's song it's not the same that giving a good ol' spin. The songs are arranged perfectly in an incredible amazing order, which adds a lot to the experience of the album. Kahn's voice are superb as is Youngblood's playing.

    Last record I did bought? i think it was Arcturus' Sideshow Simphonies, which I absolutely ****ing loved and can't describe just the levels of badassity this record has.

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  24. #24
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Katatonia - Tonights' Decision.

    I'd heard of this band from many other people, so I decided to give 'em a try, and I'm damn glad I did!

    My favourite tracks are 1 (For My Demons) and 9 (A Darkness Coming). However, all of the tracks are beautiful.

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  25. #25
    Aerosmith- Big Ones

    I just bought it online, and it hasn't arrived yet, but I love all of the songs on the CD. Aerosmith is one of the best bands ever in my opinion.
    Last edited by BlackMage5992; 07-22-2006 at 11:06 AM.
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  26. #26
    What was the last CD you bought? Jin's Avatar
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    My friend purchased a CD that had a 2 for $25 sticker on it, so I decided to grab the only thing that I'd consider buying that also had the sticker. Rust In Peace by Megadeth. I'm not a terribly large fan of ol' Mustane, but the album was certainly worth the $12.50 that I paid for it.

    Until now!

  27. #27
    The last CD I bought was Boris - Pink, I had no idea what it sounded like, it was in the metal section, but the cover was Pink, very pink, like a pop-cd, so I bought it to hear it, and it's good Japanese metal, good band.

  28. #28
    Lord Have Mercy What was the last CD you bought? Bunny's Avatar
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    Thom Yorke's The Eraser and Muse's Black Holes and Revelations.

    I have not had the chance to listen to "The Eraser" and I have only listened to a few songs from "Black Holes ..." but overall I like the sound of it. I like Muse's earlier stuff more than this one though.

    It pissed me off because I bought them at the first store I went to(Best Buy) and then went to another store(Target) and it was a full eight bucks cheaper. Bah. This is why I don't buy shit in real life. Let me to my internet shoppin's

  29. #29
    What was the last CD you bought? BakersDozen's Avatar
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    Rebel meats Rebel - Rebel meats Rebel

    The self titled collaboration between Pantera and David Allen Coe. ****ing awesome, this CD owns, it's very southern rock-ish with a twist of metal and a hint of country.
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  30. #30
    The last cd I bought was the shop 99 cd from a supermarket here in Japan O_o;
    It's the music theme of this supermarket...and they play it like every 10 minutes. It's quite hyper, and addictive. I feel like a druggie now, bouncing through my room listening to hyper Japanese supermarket propaganda songs.

    Peace out

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