What are some bands that, when you heard one song by them, you really loved it, but then when you went to find other stuff by them, it was either "meh," garbage, or otherwise nothing you cared to listen to? I was just thinking about this today while driving, or something. Usually I do it with bands that are on samplers I get, or mixed CDs people make me.

Motion City Soundtrack were on one of the Punkoramas one year, I think. The song was "The Future Freaks Me Out," and it was all fun and catchy, with a hint of humor. Then I got the album it was off, and none of the other songs were near as good. For some reason, I got another album by them (maybe hoping for at least one song as good as "The Future Freaks Me Out"), and again, the whole thing was "meh."

My brother put this cover that Ted Leo did on a CD for me, and I thought it was awesome. Tempo was good, his voice was good, the two songs meshed together well, etc. So I got an album of his "Ted Leo and the Pharmacists" band, and the only song that wasn't plodding and boring was complaining about religion, which I find annoying. So yeah.

Pretty sure there are a lot of others, but I can't think of them right now.