Recent developments in my life have occupied my time, so I have not been able to discover any new YouTube tunes---or lurk/post on this site, for that matter---so how about an oldie but a goodie? Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things in the coming months.

In my humble opinion, Ferdk has established himself as one of the premier video game guitarists on YouTube. His taste in music is pretty rad, and his arrangements never disappoint this spoony bard. It's surprising to note that he only has around 20,000 subscribers--which is a lot, mind you, but the quality of his videos merits a much larger audience. Hopefully this post will introduce a few new people to his channel.

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Artist: Ferdk
Originally composed by: Nobuo Uematsu
Game first featured in: Final Fantasy V
Area of game encountered: Gilgamesh battle

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