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Thread: Is this wrong....

  1. #1
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Is this wrong....

    From the time I can remember when I started watching anime's, I usually liked everyone I ever saw. Soon after, I started to developed this hatred for characters who appear to be awesome, but end up being school by some random girl or guy...mostly girl, OR end up being too much of a sissy for me to even bother listening to.

    This is obviously for male characters, I generally like the female characters that take no crap, maybe it's because their doing what I expected the male characters to be doing...

    I would give examples but then you'd (the readers) be here all day reading so I'm going to go with the prime anime that has plagued my mind mostly because I want so bad to like it but can't get past the main characters.

    Inuyasha: Awesome from the episodes I did watch but what ruined the show for me (and what I learned from a friend to call the *SIT BOY syndrome) is the way Kagome can just easily say SIT BOY and BAM!!!! Inuyasha is a punk... I can't get past this, and more and more animes/mangas are starting to work off of this in different ways... I've only found a few anime's where this deadly syndrome is non-existence but that ruins the fact that out of hundreds of anime's, I can only watch about 10 of them...

    So to the readers... would you consider this wrong to think like that, or is this just some personal conflict I can't get over because it doesn't happen to me personally?

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Is this wrong.... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    It's both. If you paid attention to the series at all, the charm/spell was put in place initially because Inuyasha was a dangerous demon. And there's even times where Osuwari actually comes in handy and saves her.

    I understand guys being wusses or whatever, but Inuyasha isn't a wuss by far at all. It's not like he's 'sitting' because he wants to. The necklace just forces him down.

  3. #3
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    It's both. If you paid attention to the series at all, the charm/spell was put in place initially because Inuyasha was a dangerous demon. And there's even times where Osuwari actually comes in handy and saves her.

    I understand guys being wusses or whatever, but Inuyasha isn't a wuss by far at all. It's not like he's 'sitting' because he wants to. The necklace just forces him down.
    That's exactly what I'm talking about, why not leave him that way and work off of that, but in the end I kinda knew that wouldn't happen, most anime's don't leave such a dangerous character alone like that, and that's what I'm looking for, for them to leave him alone and work with or around him... sad

    I called him a Wuss because he eventually just stayed with Kagome, protecting her instead of just going his own way to avoid the SIT BOY syndrome but he didn't, and that's a fail moment.

    And yes I did pay attention to the series, and of course I knew why they put the necklace on him, it's not like I just out of nowhere said why did they do that without reason, I'm not some arrogant child that ignores the obvious facts. There's always a way around something and Inuyasha failed to find that way.

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  4. #4
    Lady Succubus Is this wrong.... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    He stayed with her because he fell for her, duh.

    And good luck finding a series that is stupid and lets something dangerous run around loose. *rolls eyes* Seriously.. having some kinda restraint for something dangerous is common freaking sense. -_- Even in real life.

    Seriously, go to a jungle and try and live there in the wild and leaving everything dangerous alone and try to work around/with them. >.>;

    Yeah. I thought so.

    Honestly.. I don't know why you have that kinda mind set. It makes no bloody sense.

  5. #5
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    And I'm gone....

    I rather not deal with people, who are so use to the typical things to try and not think outside the box...

    Thanks for the chat, you can go ahead of delete my name or whatever off this forum...

    I'm not coming back... adios

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  6. #6
    Lady Succubus Is this wrong.... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    You're joking, right? It's not like I insulted you or anything.
    I'm not saying you're wrong for thinking it, I'm just saying for that kind of show, it would make no sense. There's always a reason for doing something like that.

    FYI, you're always going to run into someone who has differing views than you do. There's no reason to leave just because someone believes in the "norm" or whatever the case may be.

    So to the readers... would you consider this wrong to think like that, or is this just some personal conflict I can't get over because it doesn't happen to me personally?
    You even asked if the way you thought was the wrong way to think or not. So don't get all offended when I say 'yes'. Okay?

    Edit 2: This has been resolved mostly through PM, I believe, so... yeah. No need for someone to respond with 'Rawr'-like stuff.
    Last edited by Victoria; 01-26-2011 at 08:26 PM.

  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Is this wrong.... che's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    I like how he was talking about you not thinking outside the box, and he can't even "think outside the box" enough to respect someone else's opinion.

    I get what you're saying, Squall. It pretty much happens in every anime, whether it's some sort of actual magic spell or the guy is just whipped. I'm not sure if there is much of an alternative, as I can't think of any off the top of my head. Then again, I dont' watch much anime. In FLCL the guy didn't bitch out around chicks he liked.

    oh and i LOL'd @
    Seriously, go to a jungle and try and live there in the wild and leaving everything dangerous alone and try to work around/with them. >.>;

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  8. #8
    Lady Succubus Is this wrong.... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Yeah, it's fine. We got it resolved. It wasn't really that he didn't respect my opinion, it was just a misunderstanding. Apparently I had a personal vendetta against him or something. It's no big deal.

    But yeah. I'm sure what you're looking for will work in some kinda story. It just hasn't been made often enough yet.

  9. #9
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    Edit 2: This has been resolved mostly through PM, I believe, so... yeah. No need for someone to respond with 'Rawr'-like stuff.

    P.S The guy from FLCL (forgot his name) was pretty legit, one of the best 6 episodes anime I ever watched

    I think the standing now is 1 for wrong, che seems undecided...
    I think ~(>.>)~
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 01-27-2011 at 05:37 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  10. #10
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Is this wrong.... che's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall-Lelouch View Post

    But yeah the Miss is right, we're cool... I think?

    P.S The guy from FLCL (forgot his name) was pretty legit, one of the best 6 episodes anime I ever watched

    I think the standing now is 1 for wrong, che seems undecided...
    I think ~(>.>)~
    I'm confused at exactly what you are keeping tabs on.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  11. #11
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Don't worry about it so much, I already knew I was a solitary thinker, shouldn't just kept my mouth shut instead of trying to find others like myself...

    There aren't any others

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  12. #12
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Is this wrong.... che's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall-Lelouch View Post
    Don't worry about it so much, I already knew I was a solitary thinker, shouldn't just kept my mouth shut instead of trying to find others like myself...

    There aren't any others
    "Dear diary I'M SOOOOOOO the only person like me nobody can be as unique as me LE SIGH". It's like you think you are the only person who can think on a different level, and you are one of a kind. You are not a unique snowflake, although I find you very interesting anyway.

    I guess you are keeping track of the people who agree with your viewpoint? And those that disagree? I agree with you in a way, if you would have read my post you would have seen that. It seems you want a yes or no. Something I can't give you, because I disagree with you in a way as well. Better start making a maybe pile! Did you find any animes that might be what you are looking for yet?
    Last edited by che; 01-27-2011 at 07:58 PM.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  13. #13
    Lady Succubus Is this wrong.... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Honestly.. I'm sure there are others that think the way you do, you just have to present your idea more correctly or in a way that's more easily understandable.

    Also, I believe I said in earlier posts that I like your idea; just in an original story, or in a story where it'd make more sense.

    You said yourself you've seen some series with the ideas you presented; so.. you're not that solitary of a thinker. =\ I'd like to think there are some people out there that think the way you do.

    Also che that was kinda uncalled for.

  14. #14
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Honestly, I don't keep a diary, nor have I ever started one, I don't keep track of the people that disagree or agree with me, it's not something I'm constantly thinking about, It's only when the idea is currently present in an aniime or game, or whatever I'm watching, that's when the thought comes back and enrages me (hmm a little cliche).

    Other than that, everything else is pretty much the same, not to mention where I work not many watch anime's or if they do, they watch for something else, (ie. explosions, kiling people, blood, blah blah blah). I got through that phase when I was a teen, now it's down to business, it's time to see the meat and potatoes of everything and not just the course as it is seen on a menu.

    Oh and on a final note, I could care less whether someone agrees or disagrees, I'm not one of those Youtube Bandits that flame everyone, I just want a reason, something to work off of, maybe a discussion that slowly derails me from what I am looking for. Also, I have found a few that does the job well, not including the funny ones, (FLCL, Dual, Kino no Tabi, GTO, and many others)

    But I must commend you (che) for the comment, it made laugh a bit, since everything you said is not me.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

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  15. #15
    Lady Succubus Is this wrong.... Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Oh, I get it. You just want to see something new/rarely done before. I totally get that and agree that a lot of the anime out now is fanservice crap, be it bubbly moe shit or boobs, or what have you. (Hey, there's nothing wrong with action..)

    I still like a lot of that stuff if it's done well. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not.

    I highly recommend Baccano! and Durara!! for you, then. Also maybe Coyote Ragtime Show.

    ...Dual is just an evangelion knock-off (very blatant, too.) that just happened to not crawl too far up its own ass. I didn't like it much.
    Last edited by Victoria; 01-27-2011 at 08:34 PM.

  16. #16
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Is this wrong.... Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall-Lelouch View Post
    Inuyasha: Awesome from the episodes I did watch but what ruined the show for me (and what I learned from a friend to call the *SIT BOY syndrome) is the way Kagome can just easily say SIT BOY and BAM!!!! Inuyasha is a punk... I can't get past this, and more and more animes/mangas are starting to work off of this in different ways...
    It can really tell that you didn't watch the whole series. The "Sit Boy" does stop. Like Mistress Victoria said, it is used in the beginning because he is pretty dangerous. It's even introduced in a way that makes it relevant. She would have been killed up front if she didn't have that power. Once she gets to know Inuyasha, the "Sit Boy" stops. This is probably somewhere around 1/4 through the original series, which is 1/8 through the manga, I guess. I haven't read the manga.

    I completely agree with you, though. I'm guessing this is more from Japanese culture, though. It seems like most media from Japan (anime, manga, video games) has pretty weak main characters. They have a personality, but they are usually more of a pushover or sissy like you said. This can even be seen by making the male characters pretty feminine. It's also funny how now a lot of characters are becoming "tsundere." The creators should be a little more creative.

    I'm finding that the anime series are seeming to get really generic as of late. Even when the story is original and interesting, the characters end up being cookie cutter. It's rare to see an anime with really original characters, and then when you find one there's a gamble that it might not have the best story.

    I tried to look for a series or two to recommend to you, and it's pretty hard. I was looking at the series that I've watched, and I think 90% of them have either pushover or generic characters. If you like females who take no crap, you might like Michiko to Hatchin. It's pretty unique in my opinion. What anime normally takes place in South America?

    Also, I might recommend Darker than Black and Phantom: Requiem of the Phantom. In these it's not that the characters are really generic, it's more that they are emotionless most of the time. Regardless, I found them pretty interesting especially Phantom: Requiem of the Phantom.

    EDIT: Victoria's suggestions are probably better than mine. I really liked Baccano. Durarara is good too and had interesting characters, but something with the ending missed it with me. It was so interesting up until the end. I guess I was hoping for more since the earlier parts were so good.
    Last edited by Treize; 01-27-2011 at 10:32 PM.
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  17. #17
    Badass Military Agent Is this wrong.... Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is this wrong....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    ...Dual is just an evangelion knock-off (very blatant, too.) that just happened to not crawl too far up its own ass. I didn't like it much.
    You have a point, just something about Kazuki Yotsuga that had me coming back for more lol, not to mention I love his alternate self. Funny how its a knock-off Evangelion, then the creators turn around saying it's an alternate universe for the Tenchi series >.>, I guess it's because of the reference they have to it.

    And as far as my female leads go, you can never really go wrong with them, their just so awesome: Burst Angel, Azumanga Daioh, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Kaleido Star, Fruits Basket (although some parts annoyed me but not enough), Shana, Angel Tales, Crest of the Stars -Banner of the Stars etc..

    As far as other ones that were good: Last Exile, Love Hina, .hack//sign, Chobits, DN Angel, Getbackers, bah you get my drift. Hmm maybe I should have been more thorough....

    There are always gonna be the ones with questionable characters but if they can somehow manage to make up for it with support characters or story-wise, I may not have a problem with it at all (.hack//sign, Fruits Basket, Chrono Crusade?).

    It's just the ones that want to be tough and stuff, then fail at it. Now the next thing they can work on are these characters who at the age of 18+ don't know what man on woman action is, or rather... hmm how can I explain this... bah you probably know what I'm talking about.

    Eikichi Onizuka says it best lol

    Looking up those suggestions as well, finishing up with some recent ones first.
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 01-31-2011 at 04:41 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  18. #18

    Re: Is this wrong....

    I honestly have to mention One Piece, just because its the only shonen series that gets better as it goes, with a constant uphill (bleach was inconsistent and I only started watching naruto again coz I ran out of stuff to watch). Also has the most like-able characters of almost any series I've watched. Sure Sanji is a "sit boy" type, but done in such an over the top way that it's actually enjoyable to watch and read.

    If you like mystery/horror genres, or a storyline that will keep you on edge (I'm guessing from your name that you loved code geass as much as I did), try Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Plays alot with paranoia and perception, and has some gorey parts, but the characters are well developed, and has to be the only 1-guy-many-girl series that isn't a harem rom-com or riddled with fanservice.

    Can't think of much else off the top of my head, but I agree that there are too many wuss characters lately. This is unfortunately a marketing ploy to get girls watching shonen and seinen anime for the "girl whoops guy" appeal (anybody remember the charlies angels hype?)

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