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  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    They are remaking what?!

    Seeing Hollywood has seemingly ran out of decent plot lines and resorted to revamping older movies by giving them that 2012 make over with a bright and shiney new cast and a butchered variation of the original story line, it brings the question to my mind about what's next?

    In reality I am more curious as to what films you think should be brought into the new age? What films should be left alone? Which remakes have you liked and hated? And why?

    Note there is the "and why" aspect to this. Not looking for a bulleted list. Want some rational reasoning added to the films you pick.

    I will add mine later.
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  2. #2
    Chief Inspiring Officer They are remaking what?! Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Of course. I think Hitchcock's 'Rope' should be re-done. Maybe with Johnny Depp as the nuttier guy. With Russell Crowe as the professor?
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  3. #3
    Crash Boom Bang They are remaking what?! Lily's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    i cant work out why they have remade spider man, it wasnt even that long ago the last lot were out. It just seems so uncessesary. Try to use a bit of imagination and create something new for **** sake

  4. #4
    Consistently Average They are remaking what?! Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    I wouldn't be surprised if they did a remake of Robo-Cop, what with Transformers, Iron Man, Real Steel and Terminator making some serious dosh, there seems to be a market for big fighting robots and the like.

    I don't think I'd like to see a remake of the Back to the Future trilogy. They deserve to stay as they were in my mind. There's bound to be one though, just give it a few years.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth They are remaking what?! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    These remakes are getting out of hand, just few weeks ago I found out we'll soon have American version of my all time favorite TV show, Only Fools and Horses. Part of me died with that announcement, there's no way in hell it will be as good as original.

    I also have to agree with Lily, Spiderman reboot came way too soon. Some older movies may benefit from a well done remake, but seriously you guys in Hollywood, better dish something new.

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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy They are remaking what?! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    They are Attempting to remake oldboy, which would be a disaster due to the artistic and creative nature of the film. Hollywood has none of that.

  7. #7
    My couch pulls out but I don't. They are remaking what?! midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    They are Attempting to remake oldboy, which would be a disaster due to the artistic and creative nature of the film. Hollywood has none of that.
    wtf... I will seriously want to burn some bitches alive if they try remaking Old Boy.
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  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised if they did a remake of Robo-Cop, what with Transformers, Iron Man, Real Steel and Terminator making some serious dosh, there seems to be a market for big fighting robots and the like.
    Funny you should say that...

    Supposedly there was going to be a remake of Bonnie and Clyde, with Hillary Duff (!) as Bonnie. (Faye Dunaway was not impressed by that casting choice, though I don't have the quote anymore.) Luckily that project seems to have dissipated into nothingness.

    Hm... a remake I'd LIKE to see... Well, I'd like to see a Super Mario Bros. movie done by someone who actually cares about the video game series. Not just some hack directors who think they can create their own bizarre vision and not piss the fans off. Anyhoo...

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  9. #9
    Chief Inspiring Officer They are remaking what?! Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Did I hear 'Total Recall' was going to be re-done? That was on another forum I think, so I can't account for the info's reliability... But I think the film's graphics could use a re-haul.
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  10. #10
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Yes total recall is being remade. Outside of the three breasted woman making an appearnce the rest of the cast is laughable. Not a fan of who was picked and not sure if I want to see the butchery of the original story line.

    If it was a hd rendition of the original I would possibly think its alright but to me that's one that should be left alone.

    I am interested to see what would be instore if the remade jacobs ladder but then ahain the film was already perfect in its original format.
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  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy They are remaking what?! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    I am interested to see what would be instore if the remade jacobs ladder but then ahain the film was already perfect in its original format.
    Are they remaking that as well? Argh.. I made a thread about Jacobs Ladder a while ago. That movie definitley creeped me out. Somehow I just dont get that feeling from more modern day films. They just seem so cheap and cheezy.

  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    As far as I know they are not. Its one that I would like to see remade but also a huge part of me would hate to see it redone.
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  13. #13

    Re: They are remaking what?!

    There is a reason why we are seeing an increase in remakes and super hero movies, it costs ALOT less to make them, seeing as they pretty much have the story and script covered without paying a dime.

    I'm strongly against remakes if the original is still capable of holding its own, mainly on how well it ages... Movies like The Thing and Total recall did not need to be remade..

    Movies like the crazies and dawn of the dead, are films that i would consider acceptable remakes and improve on the previous movie.

    And Spiderman, Sony own the rights, Sam Raimi dropped out of making number 4 because he couldnt fit it into Sony's desired schedule, so they decided to reboot it and go with the Amazing spiderman aspect, its pretty much the same, only slightly different as far as im aware. He has to make his own web etc.. But yeah, it doesnt need to be rebooted..

    And now Michael bay is making Teenage mutant ninja turtles, only he's not making them Mutants, but aliens from outer space.... So its Teenage Alien ninja turtles?

    I dont wish death on much people, but Michael Bay needs to and deserves to die!!

    Too much ?

    Anyway, whats next? a scarface remake? ahahaha oh what? They actually are remaking that too? Auh

  14. #14
    Chief Inspiring Officer They are remaking what?! Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    I think I'd like a re-make of 'The Spanish Prisoner'. The acting could've been a tad better. Keanu Reeves can play the boy-scout this time, but Steve Martin is the only one I can think of who could be himself.
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  15. #15
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    If some small Japanese company like Gainax can remaster a bunch of OVAs from the 1980s into glorious HD I don't see why they can't release the rest of The Sopranos on Bluray.

    Hollywood hasn't come up with an original story in a long time and I'm not too keen on seeing them butcher more classics.

  16. #16
    TFF's Token Imp They are remaking what?! Martin's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    It's not just movies - the endless stream of HD collection and remade games seems to pour forth from whence they came, the very bowels of hell itself! But I digress.

    Unless they took Total Recall seriously it's going to be trash. Who's looking forward to Red Dawn 2012? That's right, no one. That was another cult classic that's going to end up screwed. Conan was a failure too.

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  17. #17
    Chief Inspiring Officer They are remaking what?! Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    Hey, how about a rehash of "Highlander"? With new graphics, this one's a shoe-in. And Sean Connery is still alive. (is he still acting?)
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  18. #18
    the night man cometh They are remaking what?! Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: They are remaking what?!

    The Hulk tv series is going to come out next year, didn't they do that one already?

    The Amazing Spider-man is going to have some good come out of it by tieing in the upcoming Venom movie .. I can't believe they made the nerdy kid from That 70s Show 'Brock' R.I.P. old Venom. Hello, Carnage....? I wish

    Stephen King's "It" is headed to the big screen. I'm not sure if it's going to be re-made but that could be interesting.

    Samuel Jackson in "Robocop" Lol, this guy is every where.

    Star Trek 2, these are fun even though they are set in an alternate universe from the tv series.

    Fraggle Rock movie: Dance your cares away... worries for another day...let the music play.

    Battle Angel: and old manga/anime, James Cameron is going to tackle this after the Avatar sequels. Sounds neat.

    I'm not a big fan of remakes but I always welcome any horror-classic reboot. Although that Americanized Godzilla movie was steaming pile.

    [Editor's note] Agreed!! Someone needs to remake Mario Bros. the movie.
    Last edited by Joxsjua; 06-12-2012 at 09:17 PM.


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