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Thread: Star Wars: Episode VIII

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Star Wars: Episode VIII Xanatos's Avatar
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    Star Wars: Episode VIII

    This is bit of an odd film for me. Disney made some bold moves, some I love, others not so much. At least no one can say they did not take risks or call it a rehash of The Empire Strikes Back, not that people are not trying. Onto good things...

    As per usual with Star Wars the film is gorgeous, one scene in particular that managed to blow my socks off is when a certain rebellion ship hyper drives through the Imperial battle cruiser, it was gorgeous and the sound, or lack thereof, made it that much better. I'm actually perfectly fine with who Rey parents are...

    I'm kinda relieved they're a bunch of nobodies. Her being Skywalker would have felt so lazy and somewhat even obvious, I'm glad they did not go down that path, not everything needs to be connected.

    One thing that truly irked me about this film is Snoke himself...

    I wasn't even hoping he would be Darth Plagueis or some other iconic character, but there being little to nothing on him is somewhat disappointing. In the end he was just some random dude in the chair.

    As for Luke, kind of mixed feelings here...

    I desperately wanted to see Luke kicking ass, showing Jedi powers in all of their glory. In the end we got just fraction of that. His death was weird to be honest because I felt it was odd, unnecessary even. Yoda's cameo genuiely made me smile, Yoda was just being Yoda.

    Overall, I enjoyed the film. It's a good film, at times even great, if I had to give it a score I guess it would be 7.5/10

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  2. #2
    The Quiet One Star Wars: Episode VIII Andromeda's Avatar
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    I'm still processing it.
    The movie felt like it was way too long, it felt like it had too many plots and sub-plots happening, overly crowded when it should have been much more focused. It felt like it took some scrapped plots from what would have been the next movie and crammed it into this one. It felt like the greatest hits of Empire and Jedi, while still managing to not be carbon copies. And about an hour of the movie could have been removed had people bothered to actually talk to each other rather than create unnecessary tension on secrecy that was unnecessary to keep from the very people that needed to know.

    It felt like it understood Star Wars less and more at the same time than Episode VII. Given that Ep 7 actually felt like a Star Wars movie, but a copy and this just felt like it was a youtube video of all the best parts of Star Wars, I'm leaning on this being worse than Ep 7. But I'm still working out things on it as I think more about it.

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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Star Wars: Episode VIII Rowan's Avatar
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    I thought it was great. I enjoyed it from start to end. It was long, but If you enjoy a movie there shouldn't be any reason to dislike it if its goes for longer than most other films.

    I wouldnt call myself a star wars super fan, but I've seen all the films and I enjoyed them all. I can understand how the 'real fans' might react to how certain characters were written and how their stories played out. However, as a movie, it was great!

  4. #4
    The Quiet One Star Wars: Episode VIII Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't have a problem with a movie if it is long, it just felt like in this case while watching the movie there were a few times it should have just ended or cut things. It was putting too many things in the movie and ended up losing its way as a result of it. It needed a more focused story and not one with so many plots and sub-plots happening. The entire middle with Finn and Rose could have been completely removed and the results of the movie would have remained the same, sort of telling when something is too long that you can remove an entire plot/sub-plot and the movie's course isn't changed.
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  5. #5
    It was a mess, and ive no idea why..
    The movie was off from the get go, instead of the usual light hearted comedic wit star wars graces us with, we were smothered with Paul Feig toilet humor, the whole pretending to be on hold to Hux was just woeful, it got me worried right from the start.

    The following action sequence was decent, thought we were back on track. But then they hit us with the slowest most retarded chase sequence in cinema history that just didnt make sense.. Oh they dont have enough fuel to jump? They are putting the pedal to the metal to keep out of range of the empires laser canons? Good idea, thank god everybody in the empire is retarded and hasn't got the idea to warp one of their countless battleships ahead to cut the rebellion off and destroy them

    Rose's character was pointless and annoying, but hey gotta tick the asian actor box and include a terrible 40min waste of time storyline

    The replacement admiral with the purple hair, another pointless character, only reason she was there was to waste Poe's time by not telling him standard battle commands that would of had his mind at ease if she just took one fucking minute to tell everybody the plan and restore fucking morale. But no, lets waste time, hey everybody, were doing this but dont tell Captain Poe and his flight team, im a psycho bitch and dont want a handful of people to know???? The fuck???

    Dern and Rose shouldnt have been in the movie and they should have done something with Finn and Poe together, that actually... i dont know... MADE SENSE???

    Cut to Luke and Rey, the only bearable scenes, along with Kylo and Snoke, but they even fucked with that a great deal to... Take Lukes character, he spends the entire IV-VI being the best he can be and fighting with every fibre of his being to overthrow the empire and bring his father back to the light. But he gets a lil worried about what Kylo may do some day and decides to maybe cut him down in his sleep???? WTF oh what Luke actually restarted the entire war again? kinda making his entire trilogy void and a failure

    So much wrong.. Why did they blow up Leia only to bring her back? By flying through space without a space suit i might add!!! The biggest face palm cringe fest scene in the entire star wars movies, thats including the prequels and thats something! Why was Luke jacking off and drinking the jizz of a weird anorexic walrus? Why did Rey gain a load of weight after handing Luke the lightsabre? Why was Justin Theroux's cool as fuck looking character only in the movie for 5 seconds? Why did BB8 literally beat up/kill more than anybody else in the entire movie? Why is Rey able to learn so much with the force by doing no fucking training at all and it takes every single Jedi before years of training and honing their skills. Fuck it took Luke weeks of training everyday with a gremlin on his back jumping around a swamp to learn how to pull an X-wing out of water and yet Rey can lift an entire massive cave in without no training at all??? And Hux...poor hux.. thats another big tragedy right there... From fierce leader to comic relief.. Why was it all such a convoluted mess?

    It did have good scenes however, i liked the relationship forming between Rey and Kylo, good acting, it was something new, i liked the entire throne room scene, i would have preferred learning more about snoke before what happened, but fuck it. The Suicide warp looked spectacular.. And i liked Lukes send off, would have preferred if they done more with him and Rey before that though, like i dont know.. maybe fucking train her a bit??

    And fuck that kid with the broom stick at the end.. FUCK HIM BECAUSE!!


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