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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    So, X-Men: First Class...

    Lookit, it's the trailer.

    So apparently, they got Matthew Vaughn to come back and finally direct an X-Men movie. The guy that did Layer Cake, Stardust, and who was SUPPOSED to do X-Men 3. That is good.

    Apparently, Beast, Havok, Emma Frost and Mystique are all now at a similar age to Prof. X and Magneto, though. They are all present as young adults in a movie based in the 1960's. Also, it's still taking place in the same universe the first three movies took place in. More convolution and plot holes, here we come! Also, XO: Wolverine, while a fun movie, was not particularly a good movie. I enjoyed it, I admit, but I also enjoyed Jonah Hex.

    However, I have faith in this director. Stardust was awesome. Haven't seen Layer Cake, but it's supposed to be good. People are saying, "wait until you see it before you complain!" I suppose it works that Beast and Mystique are that old (although Mystique is still kinda stretching it.) Havok is supposed to be Cyclop's brother, though... and clearly, they're nowhere near the same age. I guess they're like cousins or something in this universe? *shrug*

    WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE IT TO SAY IT SUCKS!! ...okay... but can I be skeptical, at least? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 06-07-2011 at 01:24 AM. Reason: NOT VINCE VAUGHN

  2. #2
    I invented Go-Gurt. So, X-Men: First Class... Clint's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I have faith in this X-Men for a couple of reasons. First being that, although he hasn't directed that many movies, Vaughn has directed some pretty good ones. Second being that Bryan Singer wrote it. He's the guy who wrote the first two X-Men movies, which were the only two that didn't suck.

    One problem I have with this one is the cast of actors. Kevin Bacon is the best actor in the entire cast, and Kevin Bacon sucks. The choice of characters for this one is also quite stupid. The original X-Men team were Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, Marvel Girl, and Professor X. I understand MacTaggert being a member, since she was married to Professor X, but characters like Emma Frost, Angel Salvadore, Azazel make absolutely no sense.

    Havok kind of makes sense, but he came into the X-Men with Polaris, and if there is no Polaris, or no relationship with Cyclops, then Havok becomes a completely pointless character.

    The movie is probably going to be too flawed to be any good, but we'll see.

  3. #3
    Registered User So, X-Men: First Class...
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    New X-Men movie, eh? And it's a prequel to the other three. Hmm... Idk how I feel about that, because while it's nice to have that backstory, it also kills a lot of suspense since you pretty much know how a majority of the characters turn out.

    I suppose I'll watch it eventually, but probably not in theaters.
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  4. #4
    So, X-Men: First Class... death's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    Trailer looks very good should be an interesting watch at least.
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  5. #5
    My couch pulls out but I don't. So, X-Men: First Class... midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    X-Men: First Class was a great comic series. I'm assuming it's about to screw up a lot of timelines again though. The problem with a bunch of movies about one series is the different directors want their own story... and don't care much about what's in the comics / books / etc.

    Even Lucas couldn't keep Star Wars straight though... so, that being said... I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Iceman is by far my favorite Super Hero ever... added benefit he's one of the 8 Omega Mutants <3
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  6. #6

    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    Heck yea dawg, this looks awesome! i loved X-Men Origins so I got high hopes for this thing. I aways wanted to see a movie prequel about charles and magento before they became who they were now. Never seen an x-men trailer this tight yo.

  7. #7
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み So, X-Men: First Class... ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I was skeptical when I first heard of the concept, but from the trailer, it looks good. I'm most excited about Michael Fassbender as Magneto, because I am a fan of him since he did 'Hex' (TV show from Sky One a few years ago, one of my favourite programmes of all time), and he is a really good actor.

    The X-Men films were good, but I thought 'X3' and 'Wolverine' were not very good. This looks, so far, that it is going to best those two films.

    So yeah, I will be checking this out at the cinema.

  8. #8
    .............. So, X-Men: First Class... smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    Matthew Vaughn also did Kick Ass so at least he has some experience of adapting comics to screen. I like the look of the film from the trailer. Its got a great cast, Fassbender and McAvoy are great actors given a proper role and I like the fact it is set in or around the time of the cuban missile crisis. At the very least it cannot be worse than Last Stand.
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  9. #9
    Bananarama So, X-Men: First Class... Pete's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I don't feel particularly confident about this movie at all. Despite the fact that the director may have made a few good films, and that it was written by Singer, I still feel that there might just be too much info and too many plot holes from the previous films to really make this work. I get the sense that there may be contradictions between stories and that while it will have a good deal of explosions and fight scenes, it won't be heavy on plot or any real excitement.

    I just hope they don't continue on the path of the majority of other Marvel films (Iron Man withstanding), and botching the current path so badly that they have to completely reboot, kiiiinda like the Hulk.
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  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I saw this yesterday afternoon with my two bros, and I gotta say... it was pretty awesome. Much better than XO:Wolverine, or X3. Possibly better than X1 or X2 as well, although I'd have to watch those again. Definitely the best movie I've seen this year. Don't really recall everything I've seen this year, but yeah.

    The characters of Erik Lensherr and Charles Xavier are played awesomely by Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, respectively. Fassbender had more to do, so he stands out more, but yeah; they were both great. Kevin Bacon was also great as Sebastian Shaw, and Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult gave great performances as Mystique and Beast. I really liked the inter character relationships between Lensherr and Xavier, and Mystique and Xavier/McCoy/Lensherr. Those four were probably the most developed of all the characters; the rest didn't get near as much, really, although I really enjoyed Bacon's Sebastian Shaw. Very arrogant and evil, with quite the presence.

    There are some issues with continuity between this film and the earlier films, like how characters interact with each other later on, and characters doing things in later movies that they shouldn't be able to due to what happened in this movie,
    ie Charles being crippled in this movie but being able to walk in Wolverine and a flashback in X3, or Xavier and Mystique showing no signs of knowing each other in the original trilogy, or her and Beast for that matter.
    They also didn't clear up why Alex Summers is so much older than Scott Summers, or if they're even going to be related in these movies, much less brothers. But oh well. They should just treat this movie as a reboot and move on. They have a good director now (think of what could've been with X3... Vaughn was supposed to direct that, too.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  11. #11
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! So, X-Men: First Class... Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    It was because of the trailer being constantly Youtubed in the staffroom by one of my colleagues that I went to see this film yesterday. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

    I wasn't really too confident because the last X-Men film I saw at the movie theatre (I can't remember which one it was because it had that little impact on me) I fell asleep in. However I was very impressed by it. Having not really seen previous X-Men movies, the plot holes and confusion regarding the relationships with all the characters didn't really affect me. I just enjoyed the movie for what it was - pretty awesome. It was an absorbing story and a good angle, it even gave me a little bit more understanding of the Cuban Missile Crisis, even though it was just a story.

    I particularly enjoyed Wolverine's cameo (very funny)!

    Also, James McAvoy... *swoon*
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  12. #12
    Registered User So, X-Men: First Class...
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I watched this movie yesterday afternoon, and I thought it was very entertaining. Much better than I initially thought it was going to be. It's a long movie though. Lot's of stuff going on, and characters/relationships to build up on, but after it's all over, it really didn't seem like two hours passed by.

    I was kind of surprised at Xavier's "playboy-like" persona at first, but then I got over it. What I didn't get though (and I already mentioned this to Tele), was why when young Magneto
    saw his mother get shot by Shaw, why he didn't use his power to kill Shaw right then and there like he did with the other two Nazi guard dudes?
    I dunno, but whatever. Minor nitpick in an otherwise good movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    I particularly enjoyed Wolverine's cameo (very funny)!
    I thought that was pretty great too.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 06-07-2011 at 02:04 AM. Reason: Lol, "magento"... Haha...
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  13. #13
    I want to play a game. So, X-Men: First Class... Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    Saw the film this past Saturday with some friends. Initially the trailers had me hesitant but then I saw that the film was getting pretty damn good reviews so I became a bit optimistic. This film was definitely better than X3 and XO: Wolverine, below X2, & on par or a little better than X-Men. I think I forgot how Beast is able to look normal in the brief appearance he has in X2, but that may be a discrepancy. I read that they are creating a different relationship between Havoc and Cyclops. The film does continue the diverging from the comics a lot, but X3 did way worse in screwing things up.

    As for super-hero movies this summer I place this film above Thor. Next up though, is Green Lantern in like 2 weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    saw his mother get shot by Shaw, why he didn't use his power to kill Shaw right then and there like he did with the other two Nazi guard dudes?
    Well I believe it was because they had metal helmets on and Shaw didn't. And since he was just learning of his ability he couldn't control the other metal objects like the drawers of tables directly at Shaw.

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  14. #14
    So, X-Men: First Class... SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    ...I gotta say... it was pretty awesome. Much better than XO:Wolverine, or X3. Possibly better than X1 or X2 as well, although I'd have to watch those again.
    That was the exact same reaction I had when seeing First Class. I also agree with pretty much every other comment you made, too. I could have just quoted your entire post, but where would the fun be in that?

    Anyway, yes...I definitely enjoyed the interplay between Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy as the Professor and Magneto, which is impressive, as I went into it bitterly lamenting the loss of Ian McKellan as Magneto, and Nicholas Hoult was a great Beast, even if I did get a big kick out of Kelsey Grammar's previous performance (given the fact that I'm a big Cheers/Frasier nerd ). Overall, I enjoyed the fresh take on the series, and I think treating First Class as a reboot would go a long way in clearing up all of the aforementioned plot holes. If we can stick to just this one director now, imagine all that the series would be capable of achieving!

  15. #15
    I invented Go-Gurt. So, X-Men: First Class... Clint's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I always knew Kevin Bacon was a Nazi who instigated the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    I really enjoyed this film, much more then I enjoyed any other X-Men film, though there were some problems with continuity. I'm probably just going to ignore the continuity problems, being as this was the most superior of the films. Most of them had to do with X-Men 3, anyway, and that film wasn't exactly very good, except for the end fight scene, which was completely kick ass. I'd rather accept the problems with continuity than accept X-Men 3.

    I also had a problem with a few of the new characters. Like Havok. I liked the character, but they didn't really do anything with him. He was just kind of there.

    And the butterfly lady who stole Angel's name. First she's getting all friendly with the recruits, and the next minute, she's trying to kill them.

    And that damn tornado making guy who they never mentioned the name of. Who the hell was that guy anyway?

  16. #16
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み So, X-Men: First Class... ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Clint Eastwood View Post
    And that damn tornado making guy who they never mentioned the name of. Who the hell was that guy anyway?
    His name is Riptide. Although I can't remember him being able to make tornadoes. I remember him being able to spin round really fast though.

    Ok, I watched it last night, and it was incredible. Easily one of the best Marvel films I have ever seen (I think I've seen them all, apart from Thor).

    The opening scene with Erik and Shaw/Schmitt was really well done. I did wonder why he didn't kill Shaw there and then, but maybe he wanted Shaw to unlock his power? I'm not sure, but that's my theory.

    It was nice to see some of the much lesser known X-Men, like Banshee and Havok. Although, this would make Havok older than Cyclops, even though he was his younger brother in the comics. Oh well, you can't always expect the films to mimic the comics anyway.

    I like how it was set up for a sequel too.

    Overall, this was an amazing film. Hopefully Green Lantern will be as good as this.

  17. #17
    All evil will see the light So, X-Men: First Class... Assassin's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I watched the movie n i luvvvvvved it coz from the beginning i luvved all parts of X-men n dis part waz outstanding ..... The action n effects were great n every part in which magneto wud pick somethin huge made out of metal (Like the time he picked up a sumbarine) i used to be like WHOOOOO ........ I just luv James Mcavoy n he did a splendid job ...... ALL of them did a gret job n i had a great time while watching the movie

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  18. #18
    This ain't no place for no hero So, X-Men: First Class... Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I liked it! Not as much as the other XMen movies but was decent.

  19. #19
    Passing fair judgement So, X-Men: First Class... Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I haven't seen it as of yet, but from all the reviews on here it wasn't that bad. Maybe I'll watch it this weekend.
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  20. #20
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth So, X-Men: First Class... Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: So, X-Men: First Class...

    I was bit skeptical at first, early screenshots followed by short trailers looked far from promising, as if I forgot not to judge movie by it's trailer. Reviews came soon enough, I was relieved to hear that X-Men: First Class is one of the best if not the best movie in Marvel universe.

    I wouldn't go as far as to call it the best Marvel movie, though I do agree with those who claim it's the best movie in X-Men series. I read my fair share of X-Men comics, unfortunately I failed to recognize half of those mutants. Everyone did they part well, Michael Fassbender in particular. The scene with Wolverine made me laugh. All in all a great movie, can't wait for sequel, if they tend to make one that is.

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