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Thread: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

  1. #1
    All evil will see the light The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Assassin's Avatar
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    The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I think that both of them are really really really reall really really really funny. So which show would you choose or which one do you think is more funnier.

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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Both different types of comedy.

    I like them both but I don't watch Family guy that often.
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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    When I was a kid, The Simpsons was someone we always watched as a family. I can proudly say that I watched every single episode of the first fifteen years. Then, one day, we didn't watch it. And I haven't watched it since. Nothing happened, we just didn't watch it anymore.

    Family Guy is funny. I never watched when it is on FOX. I usually waited for when the episode aired on Adult Swim. I like to watch the reruns on TBS. But it isn't something I would stay up to watch.
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  4. #4
    Fueled by Coffee The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Elise's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I'm not a big fan of TV, but I love The Simpsons. I think it's safe to say that I've watched every single episode more than once. I can always count on it to make me laugh, it's probably the only TV show I watched continuously in the past two years. I don't like the sense of humor in Family Guy as much, but I still watch it sometimes... I remember last May me and my classmates were slaving ourselves on our projects the night before the final submission and we suddenly discovered that there was a Family Guy marathon on TV, we all left work and went to watch it together until 4:30am or so... good times.

  5. #5
    .............. The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Family guy isnt that great anymore, but then again the Simpsons has been dying a slow horrible death for the past 9 or eleven years. Amazing how Fox could cancel the genius that is(or was before they cancelled id it) Futurama but keep that shite.
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  6. #6
    Registered User The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I grew up with The Simpsons, so that show has a special place in my heart. :3 My brothers and I would sit together in front of the TV, watch it and laugh, because that show was great and highly quotable.

    Family Guy was good for a while, but it just doesn't have the same impact to me as The Simpsons.
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  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Every fourth episode of Family Guy is funny, and even then there are like two, max three scenes where you can actually laugh. Simpsons, while not as great as they used to be are still fun to watch, which is impressive considering they've been airing for over 20 years now.

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  8. #8

    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I'm not a big fan of either one to be honest, but if i had to pick, i would probably side with Family Guy. The Simpsons has more appropriate themes relating to the modern world, but Family Guy manages to do it in a more 'adult' and humourous way most of the time.

    Plus, Stewie is an epic character xD
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  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    They're both pretty lame anymore. I haven't enjoyed an episode of the Simpsons in years, and Family Guy is more miss than hit, and the misses are pretty bad. Both had their stronger earlier years, but that was a longer period for the Simpsons, and the quality of show back then was much better than the Family Guy's when it was its best. Anyhoo...

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  10. #10
    Fueled by Coffee The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Elise's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Dream_Recluse View Post

    Plus, Stewie is an epic character xD
    Stewie is probably the only thing I love about Family Guy. His episodes are always the best!

    And I agree with everyone who said both shows have been heading downhill. The Simpsons pre-2000 was definitely better.

  11. #11
    Bananarama The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I think that at their peaks, both shows were hilarious and must watch. The Simpsons were at their best when they were able to keep the show as more of a social commentary on the "average" American family. It was funny to watch their antics, with Homer's stupidity and Bart's shenanigans. The episodes, if not believable, were certainly relatable. We all know someone whom we consider to an idiot, having a job that they really have no business doing. The Simpsons problem really came about when they started to make their episodes too big, and tried to cover too many topics and story arcs at a time, all for seemingly one giant payoff, with a series of one liners and some mildly funny moments.

    Family Guy also has its moments where it can be hilarious, or just completely obnoxious and downright offensive and stupid. There might be a few funny jokes and one liners, but then there will be some kind of joke that wasn't funny the first time, but keeps getting brought back up because the writers thought it was gonna work. It's not a bad show, but it can get very hit or miss.
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  12. #12
    G'day The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I'd choose The Simpsons. It's a classic and I grew up watching it. Although, I do think it's time to put it to rest. I don't watch it anymore. Seriously, how many more ideas can they possibly come up with?! AND they've been the same age for the whole time. Family Guy is alright, but I hate those moments when they play a joke for too long. It goes on and on and on and on, and when you think it's over, it goes on a few more times!

  13. #13
    Registered User The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Pug's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Actually i'd rather watch south park.

    It may be childish to most people but it has lots of good morals, views on life, truths, and other deeply meaning things in there. Plus is extremely funny.

    Though wouldn't expect many people to agree. Most people never understand what south park is trying to get at and just think its trying to take the piss out of everything (like the creater would rip the heck out of his own religeon lol)

  14. #14
    Consistently Average The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I'd most likely go with Family Guy as I havent watched a new episode of The Simpons in ages. Family Guy's good when it's Friday and I want something dumb that will make me laugh or even crack a smile. I prefer the newer episodes though because I never really found evil Stewie to be that funny. He could talk and wanted to kill his mother, that was about it. But if you don't get the joke or reference then it's just not funny either.
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  15. #15
    Crash Boom Bang The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Lily's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I think they've both got pretty shit. I really liked them both at one point, though i eventually just got sick of the simpsons because ive seen them all about a million times as they are on every day. Older Family Guy I still find hilarious, but it just seemed to get a bit....pap

    Im voting Futurama

  16. #16
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say...

    American Dad.

    I have really gotten into it lately. All the newer episodes of Family Guy and The Simpsons are pretty rubbish (although I do think The Simpsons has improved a little over the past two seasons, which is nice to see, although Season Four will always be my favourite), and as for South Park, I don't even want to get into how effing s**t that has gotten...

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  17. #17
    Passing fair judgement The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    I would have to go with Family Guy, I just think it's way more....funny.
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    Oh, My Giddy Aunt! The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy The Doctor's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    If forced to choose between them, I'd rather be doing something else. I gave them both their chance and they both wound up being unimpressive.

    I find life pretty damn funny without either of them. Family Guy goes to outrageous lengths to make the same joke and the Simpsons just became stale for me. I like to find my own things in life to laugh at, things that are funny, not unnecessarily obscene or offensive or obvious and generic.

  19. #19
    Carpe Deim The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy stanman666's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    ummmm well there both goin down hill but American dad is hilarious
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  20. #20
    Kiss with a fist. The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Dream_Recluse View Post

    Plus, Stewie is an epic character xD
    You're damn straight he is.

    Family Guy, hands down. I'm not a big fan of the Simpsons. I don't really watch my first pick that much anymore to be perfectly honest, but if I had to choose between the two that's my choice.

    PS - I <3 Stewie.

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  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Classic Simpsons for sure. The past 5 - 6 seasons of the Simpsons are appalling. The jokes arnt clever anymore. They are trying to do what family guy do and appeal to the 'spontaneous' funny bone is our bodies, except it doesnt work. Family guy is good, although same as before, as the series went on it became less funny. This is only my opinion by the way, sometimes it needs to be said.

  22. #22

    Re: The Simpsons Vs The Family Guy

    Umm I cant really say cuz The Simpsons I've watched since I was young and I loved that Show and then I started to watch Family guy. I think both of them are really great and funny.

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