I was very pleased with it. I think it's right up there with the Empire Strikes Back, and for me, it was the most emotional I've gotten seeing a Star Wars movie. I knew what was going to happen to these characters, but I was invested in Jyn, her father, Cassium and K-2SO. I felt like those characters were well developed, and although the others were not so much, they enjoyable to see anyway. With the whole Rogue One "unit," you get a sense that they are sacrificing themselves for a much greater cause, which is particularly touching, given their shady backgrounds. I came close to tears about three times, and when the final credits began to roll, I thought to myself, "I need to sit here a little longer and collect myself, so I'm not crying in front of everyone." I'll admit I cry easily at some movies, heh, but still.
I think it's the second best Star Wars film. I'll see what I think of it on subsequent viewings (though with TFA, I still thought it was awesome when I watched it at home).