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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Powerful scenes in Movies Rowan's Avatar
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    Powerful scenes in Movies

    Whats the most powerful scene you've seen in a movie? (obvious spoilers) share it here and explain if it has any significance to you.

    I choose this scene from good will hunting, bares no significance to me personally though.

    not your fault (Good Will Hunting) - YouTube

  2. #2
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Powerful scenes in Movies Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    About a month ago I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 with a bunch of friends, and was deeply moved (to the point of crying, yes!) by the
    Snape's Penseive scene, when we see how much he loved Lily

    It was quite heartbreaking, more so than reading the chapter, which I absolutely loved about the book. I just sat there thinking, what if something happened to somebody I cared about, and they never knew how I really felt? It actually made me re-think my entire life, and as a result I kicked out my useless layabout boyfriend, as our relationship was going nowhere.

    So yeah, a powerful scene, indeed.
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  3. #3
    The Persistent Flourish Powerful scenes in Movies Alice's Avatar
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    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    Just about almost every scene in The Shawshank Redemption was pretty powerful with meaning. I think the last parts of the film were pretty effective in that department. I would link a few videos, but I rather just say go and watch the whole thing. It's amazing.

    I suppose it has significance to me in the fact that hope is a big theme in the movie, and it's one that runs through my life and has gotten me to places via persistence and never giving up in despair. It's something I can connect to, y'know?

  4. #4

    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies


    This is probably my favourite film of all time, the film is soo deep and meaningful and still to this day looks amazing, especially on blue ray. This is the final scene of the movie, its just perfect, and the final quote was unscripted, made up on the spot by Rutger, but it was so meaningful and powerful that they decided to go with it instead of what the scripted..

    Blade Runner - TEARS IN RAIN

  5. #5

    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post

    This is probably my favourite film of all time, the film is soo deep and meaningful and still to this day looks amazing, especially on blue ray. This is the final scene of the movie, its just perfect, and the final quote was unscripted, made up on the spot by Rutger, but it was so meaningful and powerful that they decided to go with it instead of what the scripted..

    Blade Runner - TEARS IN RAIN
    So horrible and full me with scary everytime whenever i watched it again. Think also the most powerful scenes from all the clips!

    Along this list i also preferred to watch CSI New York episodes and some of my favorite bleach episodes on TV.

  6. #6
    I invented Go-Gurt. Powerful scenes in Movies Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    I choose this scene from the Lion King. It's the scene where Simba decides what he has to do, and is building the courage to actually do it, after a few words of advice by the wise old Rafiki. The scene teaches a very good lesson. To learn from your past and your mistakes instead of running from them.

    The Lion King - Simba's Return (English) - YouTube

    Also, a scene from The Fox and the Hound. Right after the fight with the bear, when Copper stands up to his master and chooses to save Todd. After all they went through, it's just very sweet when this finally happens.

    The Fox and the Hound (1981) - YouTube

  7. #7

    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Whats the most powerful scene you've seen in a movie? (obvious spoilers) share it here and explain if it has any significance to you.

    I choose this scene from good will hunting, bares no significance to me personally though.

    not your fault (Good Will Hunting) - YouTube
    I was gonna go with this one too. Great scene.

  8. #8
    Registered User Powerful scenes in Movies RudetheTurk's Avatar
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    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    For starters:

    At the end of Raging Bull where Jake La Motta goes crazy inside his cell and starts punching the wall and bashing his head

    In Slingblade where Carl visits his old home and talks to his dad (Robert Duvall plays a small role but he still owns the 6 minute scene)

  9. #9
    Haven't even seen the movie, but "The Great Dictator" when Charlie Chaplin gives his speech to the soldiers.
    The song isn't out of the movie, but it does a damn good job of taking the emotion to the next level

  10. #10
    Sir Prize Powerful scenes in Movies Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    I looked through my history with films and have compiled some of the most haunting or stirring scenes. These are not all from my favorite movies, some of them I've only seen a handful of times, but it's the scenes I remember. 1=least stirring 5=most stirring.

    Here they are:

    1: The Library Confrontation in "Something Wicked This Way Comes". This scene was foreshadowed before in the movie. It was the ultimate showdown of power versus the weakness in mankind. The creature from the circus confronts EVERY character with their weakest aspect and to be perfectly honest it's cruel and hard to watch.

    2: The Conclusion of Murder on the Orient Express (starring David Suchet)
    The people of this train have just taken a man's life and are glowing with triumph and it literally terrifies and nauseates Poirot. This is a brave interpretation of the original events in the book and somehow a much more human and true one. all aboard - choo choo {8/9} - YouTube

    3: Good Night and Good Luck (the entire movie)
    Though not a scene, I can't think of a moment where I didn't hold my breath rapt with attention in this movie. I HIGHLY recommend it.

    4: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (The speech nearest the end)
    Just listen: Hunter S Thompson's Wave Speech from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - YouTube

    5: Apocalypse Now (Surf Scene)
    Apocalypse Now - Kilgore talks surfing and napalm - YouTube
    ANY scene from this movie could be called powerful. I call this one because it's one of those moments where you must take a step back in awe at the realization that the military force, in this movie atleast, is insane. To me that's power, an insane all-powerful military force.


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  11. #11
    Chief Inspiring Officer Powerful scenes in Movies Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Powerful scenes in Movies

    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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