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  1. #811
    "my destiny evades me" Last Anime You Watched 2.0 magewarrior's Avatar
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    So I finally got the chance to unbox Sengoku Basara Samurai Kings Combo Set (seasons 1 and 2 + ova) after waiting for more than a couple of weeks for it to come in (because they ordered the wrong set at first) -_- and after seeing a few episodes I'm quite pleased makes me actually want to go out and buy the game now

  2. #812
    TFF's Resident Messenger Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    I just finished the finale of Hikaru No Go. Personally, I think the show should have stopped after the 60th episode. Episodes 61-73 were crap. 74 was okay. And 75 almost made suffering through 61-73 worthwhile.

    Also, I started the second season of K-On the other day. I wouldn't mind watching 75 episodes of that. If only.
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  3. #813
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    Attack on Titan. By FAR one of the best series I have ever experienced. Despite its psuedo mecha feel, I still dont class it as a mecha due to the fact that the titans, while they may be relevant for the sake of story, dont appear enough to warrant any dominant mecha feel. That, and Titans are not robots/made of steel.

    Animation 10/10
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    Currently watching Monster. Getting really interesting.

  4. #814
    "my destiny evades me" Last Anime You Watched 2.0 magewarrior's Avatar
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    Finished watching Phantom Requiem for the Phantom and Air Gear. Both did extremely well at exceeding my expectations. However though Phantom excels in story and plot, the ending was a bit of a disappointment and probably won my WTF face award for the end of this year. Probably one of the most unnecessary endings ever. As for Air Gear, although it was well paced and fun to watch the ending was a bit of a letdown as it felt rushed and incomplete as we don't even get to see the main character finish his climb to the top. Very disappointing but I still enjoyed watching both.

    Currently watching for the very first time *drumroll* One Piece: can't believe this series escaped my radar. I've heard so much about it but didn't think it was any good but boy was I too quick too judge. I guess what through me off initially when I first heard about it was the very cartoony-ish animation and silly humour. But after buying all 8 collections I concluded that this is what makes One Piece special and unique at the same time. Even though there's a lot of filler it's nowhere near as bad as some of the other anime I've seen *cough* Bleach *cough*. Funimation did a great job of recasting and redubbing the series for the current generation. Loved all the opening and ending themes. I could go on but It's pointless as I'm sure most of you already know how good of a series One Piece already is as it's already on its 600+ episode and still sailing. As for where I'm at, Currently finishing up Season 3 "the Alabaska Kingdom" "Skypiea" and "G8" are my favourite arcs thus far
    Last edited by magewarrior; 01-15-2014 at 04:23 AM.

  5. #815
    Bastard, great series might I add.

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  6. #816
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Currently watching Fairy Tail. I'm not certain what draws me to this show so much either. I feel like it has lots of ideas either it doesn't always execute/explain very well, or are lost in translation (but I'm leaning more towards the former.) It has a lot of typical anime humor and anime character and story tropes, but for some reason, I like it anyway. Maybe it's Happy the Cat. Maybe it's that I kinda like typical anime humor. Maybe it's because I'm enjoying watching something that's more simplistic again. Or maybe I just like watching something that makes me go "...wut? What leap of logic/suspension of disbelief would explain/allow THAT?" I do like complaining about things, haha. So here I go...

    Gray's ripping off clothes. When I was first introduced to him, I thought it went along with a lot of the other characters who were characterized with one dimension or characteristic, like the dude who is always going on about being manly, or the girl who drinks a lot, or the guy who likes girls a lot. Eventually there is an explanation, I suppose...
    Gray's teacher trained him by having him strip down in freezing conditions, so now he just instinctively takes his clothes off. I kinda got the impression at one point that maybe it was because he was hot, but he never implies that he's too hot; he just desperately wants to take his clothes off. There was a body-switching episode where he switched with Lucy, and she was constantly trying to stop him from taking them off, and his only explanation for this was "That's it, I can't take it!"
    I will go on record to say that I'm not really satisfied with that explanation, lol. But oh well.

    That is small potatoes compared to this new arc I'm watching from episode 20 on.
    Phantom, another guild in town, has been hired by Lucy's father to return her to him. They find out she's in Fairy Tail... so instead of sneaking in and discretely kidnapping her, they decide to have an all-out war with another guild. Why? How is this even allowed by that shadowy council thing that seems to want to keep order amongst the guilds? How come no other guild is stepping in to aid Fairy Tail, who have been blindsided by this other guild on multiple accounts? Wouldn't this kind of thing disqualify Phantom and turn them into a rogue guild? Also, how is the local government okay with two guilds warring in their city? They are likely causing disturbances and property damage, disrupting the peace, etc. Maybe they're used to wizards destroying things, but a war between two guilds would threaten to destroy an entire city, I'd imagine.
    I'd guess maybe that this is explained better in the manga, or it will be explained more later on...? But from the first 20 episodes, I don't get the impression that this show ever explains itself very well. Oh well, it's entertaining I suppose. (Another thing I'll just add real quick is that I find it funny how all the girls on this show have huge boobs. Like, every single girl. There's not a single one with a realistic body shape, except a few in one episode that were purposefully made to look over-the-top ugly.)

    Also this past year, I watched the first season of Darker Than Black and Madoka Magicka. Both were great, had lots of interesting ideas, and executed them rather well for the most part. Madoka Magicka had a touch more in the emotional department going for it, and I was thinking about it for weeks after I finished watching it. Darker Than Black was a fun, gritty, almost film-noir-esque anime with a lot of interesting characters, ideas, and twists. It didn't have the same emotional impact for me as Madoka Magicka, and the final episode was rather anti-climactic, but it was still an enjoyable experience and I'd recommend it.

    I also started watching Angel Beats and Bubblegum Crisis 2040, but neither held my interest for long and I stopped watching after a few episodes.

  7. #817
    Memento Rhapso Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rhaps's Avatar
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    Recently, I finished up watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and was absolutely captivated. Animation has only been completed through part two so I had to start reading the Manga (which has been running since the 80's) and I have to say the first thing I noticed was the art style. Over the years, Araki (the artist for Jojo's) has grown into and perfected his own style, which I feel is captured perfectly in the show. It's a beautiful looking anime with an amazing story and probably the best cast of characters I've seen in an anime. It's a tie between it and Paranoia Agent as my favorite animes.

    Aside from that, I tried watching Bakemonagatari, because I found the song Renai Circulation and wanted to find the show. It's a decent show, and relatively interesting so far, but I feel like it's a bit too pretentious for my taste. I'm only on episode three, though, so I'm hoping I grow to enjoy it more.

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  8. #818
    Fullmetal Alchemist

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  9. #819
    Queen Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Crescent's Avatar
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    Its difficult for me to get into anime these days. The last good one I made the time to watch fully was Shingeki No Kyojin. But just recently I had also thoroughly enjoyed Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic(ugh that title) it was not the "shounen anime" that I dreaded itd be. It moves past that initial feeling right from the 1st episode and does a great job at exploring the characters and giving them real growth. When it focuses on the logistics of a revolution (ep11) or so, I cant help but find that the most interesting parts. And it only gets better. Magi consists of fighting and magic; a good amount of humour n loss along with a well established plot. I only sought out this anime after seeing a gifset of it on my dash and I was intrigued. Turned out to be a really great anime my friend n I watched the entire thing(Seasons 1&2)in one go overnight. My favourite character is Morgiana(think Mikasa!). And if you dont think this guy is THE MAN well then I cant help u son.

  10. #820
    "my destiny evades me" Last Anime You Watched 2.0 magewarrior's Avatar
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    Currently watching Rurouni Kenshin (TV) great series set in japan during the early Meiji period about an assassin samarui known as Battousai the Slasher. After leaving the past behind him he becomes a wanderer to protect the people and carries a reversed blade sword. The english dub is a bit weak but aside from that it's a good watch. Definitely one of the better samurai anime I've seen

  11. #821
    Registered User Last Anime You Watched 2.0 HUNK's Avatar
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    So while I've been away I've seen so much anime lately and really good ones!

    First of all I finished all the OVA's and just started the series for Evangelion, something that I no doubt should have watched a loooong time ago. The story is dramatic, the characters likeable and the last thirty minutes of each OVA will give you nightmares. (Resisting the urges to type hash tag tumbling down. ) It's excellent though and I really wish I could've caught the English screening of 3.3.3 but oh well, I missed it.

    Next thing I wanted to touch on was Madoka Magica! Now I don't usually buy the whole "slice of life" thing, but this was great! It started out so happy but then takes dramatic turns for the worst and get's horrifically violent really fast. I still loved it because it's just so full of feels!

    Speaking of anime's made solely for the feels, Wolf Children was an excellent movie. I found that the storyline reminded me a lot of my own mother trying to raise myself, my brother and sister with little to no help. It's crazy though, it's like raising children and puppies at the same time.

    I also finished Attack on Titan (Well, what they've got of it...) and I.....REAAAAALLLLY.......WAAAAANT......MMMMMOOOOOO AAAAARRRRRRR!!!!! This is probably like my favorite anime now. It was so packed full of action from like the very beginning and it just contains so much great storytelling!

    I know I've basically said the same thing about each one, but man the point I'm trying to make here is that I've seen a lot of good anime lately and I hope to see more.

  12. #822
    Chief Inspiring Officer Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Cyanist's Avatar
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    I just finished episode 2 of "Sword Art Online" At first I thought the main character was somewhat understated and even a tad drab, but the story appears to be making up for that. So far it's going good and I can't wait to watch more.

    This could be awesome.

  13. #823
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    Just finished cowboy bepop. Reminds me of when anime used to be good and didnt rely on 16 year olds in highschools for the basis of every character.

    cowboy bepop is one of the best anime I've seen.

  14. #824
    Certified tech, come at me! Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I got started on F-Zero Falcon Densetsu (Legend of the Falcon)/GP Legend on youtube and I'm like 6 episodes in and its AWESOME! My favorite parts are watching the races and the intro is pretty cool.
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  15. #825
    "my destiny evades me" Last Anime You Watched 2.0 magewarrior's Avatar
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    Mars Daybreak; usually not a fan of mechs but in this it somehow works. Nothing feels overused and there's an equal balance of how much times the mechs are seen on screen and the character development and plot. If your into swashbuckling underwater pirate adventures then this might be for you. An interesting premise and the characters are the light of the series. Can't help but feel this series is underrated and deserved a little more attention

  16. #826
    "my destiny evades me" Last Anime You Watched 2.0 magewarrior's Avatar
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    Currently watching an anime that I've been meaning to watch for awhile but haven't up until now. XxxHolic. I'm not sure how best to describe it, but the animation style is a little different than what I'm used to. It's kind of like a slice of life mixed with elements of the supernatural. It's really good so far and I like the main character. It's very episodic but I kinda want to figure out where it's headed. Very good anime indeed

  17. #827
    I am Ol' Fartsy and I said So! Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Ol' Fartsy's Avatar
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    It was Kaze no Stigma and Knights of Sidonia. both are good.
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  18. #828
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    It was corpse party, but it was so meh. Dont trust the whimps at /a/

    before I watched that, it was Black Lagoon. Black Lagoon was a great anime. Many people dont realise when they only see snippets of it, is that it can be much deeper than what it appears to be. Its so far the only anime I've seen where there are characters that are truly badass. Balalaika is wow. Much dragonov, very scar, such russian.

  19. #829
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Fairy Tail.

    I haven't even watched an anime in ages but I really felt in the mood, you know? I've seen it up on Netflix for ages but the description makes it sound awful. Glad to say it isn't. So much fun and while the recurring themes are a little too heavy-handed (well what do you want, it's a kid's show), it covers some surprisingly dark material too. In just 3 weeks I watched episode 1 to caught up with crunchyroll, a staggering 200 episodes. I will admit I skipped half of the Starry Sky arc because I got bored and wanted to hurry up and get to the Grand Magic Games.

    The plot is poorly executed in places, but that's more because the anime seems to leave out some details from the manga that seem trivial but actually do make a difference. Like in the Festival arc when they never bother to explain in the anime that Freed's enchantment did actually block the Dragon Slayers from participating. Minor detail, major impact. I was very confused until I stumbled across that in the FT subreddit.

    On the other hand, it does so many things right that it's easy to overlook the poor plotting and (as one person put it) Nakama ex Machina. For one, the anime doesn't draw out the arcs as much as some other shows (coughNarutocough), with even longer ones coming in at less than 30 episodes, and most significantly shorter. Yeah, it's one of the shows where you know no one's ever really in danger, but on the other hand in a way I think it gives them the freedom to really make the battles that much more spectacular.

    The characters. Gods, I love them all. For one thing, it avoids the stereotypical main male character is an idiot thing. Natsu is a goof, sure, but it's made pretty clear that while he does prefer simply beating the crap out of enemies, he's very capable of using strategy and tactics when he needs to. They even manage to avoid making Wendy the obnoxious little girl character, after Oracion Seis anyway. The villains aren't characterized nearly as well, but it's enough to do the job. Even the side characters all have their own stories that are explored from time to time and I really like that not all of the real powerhouse characters are mains.

    My chief character complaint is actually Lucy--she has the potential to be ridiculously strong (she even points out that if she bothered to train her spirits could be as strong as Natsu) but I feel like she keeps getting deliberately pushed into situations where the other characters need to rescue her or her power is rendered useless for plot reasons. :/ You can summon the Zodiac spirits to close the gate but magic is too unstable for them to be summoned near it, what? Pfft. I mean, it wasn't even until towards the end of the Grand Magic Games that we even got to see her strongest spirit on the field for more than half an episode and even then he ended up being primarily support. Come on. Of course, I'm biased. Not mentioning who it is though, cause that's a spoiler, but suffice to say he's my favorite and I always want to see more of him.

    Overall it has some issues but it's so much fun that honestly I don't even care. I just want to see what sort of zany adventures and awesome fights they'll get into next.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  20. #830
    "my destiny evades me" Last Anime You Watched 2.0 magewarrior's Avatar
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    Last anime I watched was Black Butler, a couple of things made me initially feel uneasy about watching it (eg. Subtle hints of Yaoi and Shota) but after watching it I realized that even those are minuscule and often underplayed and that there was little to complain about. If your looking for a darker anime then this might be a good choice. Each and every episode rapidly intensifies the plot but in a good way. Season 2 offers much of the same. The ending was decent albeit bittersweet. Just started watching Karneval yesterday and it appears to be just as dark as BB, forthcoming mini review soon.
    Last edited by magewarrior; 09-08-2014 at 10:14 PM.

  21. #831
    Just watched Memories again. Pretty cool stuff.

  22. #832
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    Space Dandy. You'd think an anime lacking continuity would not be great. But hell,

    Faith in anime = Restored. Holy shit.

    never EVER underestimate Shinichirō Watanabe

  23. #833
    Gotta check it out.

  24. #834
    Kain's love slave ;) Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Holly Highwind's Avatar
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    Im partway through Attack on Titan not just because its wildly popular but also because my friends wouldnt stop bugging me about it. I took the plunge and Im really not disapponted so far.
    ***Holly Highwind***

  25. #835
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holly Highwind View Post
    Im partway through Attack on Titan not just because its wildly popular but also because my friends wouldnt stop bugging me about it. I took the plunge and Im really not disapponted so far.
    It is a very well drawn/ tragic sienen anime. Not many of its kind around these days. Gantz was the last great one I saw but they didnt even get it right, probably due to limitations as to where the manga was at the time, just like how AOT is at now.

  26. #836
    Where do you guys watch all these anime shows?

  27. #837
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    Where do you guys watch all these anime shows?
    I download them. If I enjoyed the anime, I buy it on dvd or blu-ray. By the way, I have a very extensive physical anime collection. I strongly believe in supporting the people responsible for my enjoyment. What I dont believe in is paying for a service in which I must sit through advertisements while I wait for my delayed (sometimes censored) broadcast.

  28. #838
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I use Netflix and crunchyroll, personally. You can block cr's ads easily enough. If I was more into it I'd probably pay for a premium account but I'm pretty casual on anime these days so the week delay on new shows doesn't bother me too much.

    Speaking of...cr recently put up Cardcaptor Sakura, talk about a blast from the past. Haven't seen it in years, decided to check it out for nostalgia's sake. Still holds up pretty well, though you can only watch the first few eps for free right now. So that's what I watched last. I don't even remember most of it so it's pretty fun rediscovering an old favorite, plus watching the sub for the first time as well. The dub wasn't bad for its time really, I'm just really used to subs right now.
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  29. #839
    Boxer of the Galaxy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Rowan's Avatar
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    Some anime is much better in DUB. It frustrates me to listen to weaboo's and their constant preaching of anti-english dubbing.

    "nah seriously, jap way better"

  30. #840
    How good is crunchyroll in terms of anime libraries and quality?

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