Last anime I watched was Tales of Symphonia episodes 1-6
Currently in the process of finally watching K-On! all the way through. I'm really liking it so far. It's making me want to form another band to be honest...![]()
Last anime I watched was Tales of Symphonia episodes 1-6
Nah, but seriously, Baccano, great anime, go watch it if you haven't
I'm sure it was "Working!!". Funny anime~ <3
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
Other than what Adult Swim had new episodes of on Saturday (Bleach, Kekkaishi, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)...
I am catching up on all episodes of Bleach. The first episode I saw was #110, so I have quite a few to watch. I also am watching Sailor Moon and Pokemon (my childhood favorites).
Street Fighter II the Animated Movie, and Witch Hunter Robin are the last two I've seen, I have yet to finish Witch Hunter Robin, though I'm kinda disappointed, it looked way more promising from what I'm seeing right now.
Street Fighter on the other hand was surprisingly good, I've heard some bad things about it so maybe my low expectations had something to do with it. Characters were spot on, some of their design in later games are clearly inspired by this movie. Typical Street Fighter story, the ending could have better though. Funny, haven't noticed Guile's USA tattoo, nor did I expect to see Chun Lee naked, which was awesome by the way =). Also, I could have sworn I saw Akuma selling vegetables in Calcutta, I rewinded it back couple of times, the guy looked exactly like him, maybe it's a small cameo, easter egg or something like that.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Started watching two new ones.
First is Nichijou. It's possibly the most random anime in existance. We get introduced to a lot of characters in the first episode, including an 8-year old 'Professor' and her robot Nano, which she built (where her only special features are a giant key on her back that makes her two shoot off her foot).
Obviously, as a huge Lucky Star fan, I like the random factor in this one. The characters are cute too. Overall, definitely worth watching.
The second is Deadman Wonderland, which is a bit different to Nichijou. It's a very grim story of a boy called Ganta, who's class gets killed by a red-cloaked man, and he gets something put in his chest by the man, which gives him the man's powers. Ganta is the sole survivor, and takes the blame for killing his entire class (which I didn't really get, since the news stated that there were no witnesses, therefore, no evidence). He is sentenced to death (even weirder...). Until then, he is imprisoned in Deadman Wonderland, which is basically a theme park/prison in which the inmates must put on shows for the spectator's enjoyment.
This is a very weird anime. It's good, and is very grim, but the story so far does not add up what so ever. I will keep watching to see if there is a reason revealed for why he has been sentenced to death for something that has no evidence at all, but until then, I will watch on, confused.
I also quit watching 07-Ghost less than halfway through because it annoyed me. I actually read the first 5 volumes of the manga before I started watching the anime and to me, the manga was way better (from what I've read so far anyways).
I recently finished watching House of Five Leaves, which was surprisingly good despite the unique character designs.
I also suffered through Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru (Uraboku). The animation was nice, but the story was kind of...boring. All in all, it was frustrating to watch, especially when every character seemed to know EXACTLY when to interrupt Yuki and Luka. And then they wondered why Yuki couldn't remember his past. Give them some space! Geez!
The most interesting character was probably Luka, but sometimes he reminded me a puppy the way he always went on about Yuki. Seriously, get a grip man!
Hmmm, I think the last Anime I watched was Baccano. I was on an anime spree, but last week I started watching Lost and have to finish it before going back to anime. It's so good. @_@
Personally I find it to be more like Azumanga Daiou (which you should pick up if you haven't already) but more surreal. I don't know what to say at this point, it hasn't really caught me yet but I do enjoy Mai's character.
A-Channel might be up your channel if you like stuff like Lucky Star and K-ON. It doesn't have the otaku references and has more subtle yuri but basically has that Lucky Star feel about it. I have high hopes for it personally.
Baccano! is amazing, it only fails on the fact that it takes a long time to get started then suddenly it's awesome so I expect a lot of people don't give it a chance. I also here it's one of the few decent dubs but I watched the subbed version. Plus Issac and Maria.Hmmm, I think the last Anime I watched was Baccano. I was on an anime spree, but last week I started watching Lost and have to finish it before going back to anime. It's so good. @_@
I've been catching up on ToraDora!, up to episode 20 and it's starting to go into Clannad territory. I used to like Minorin but now shes just getting annoying (almost as much as Flay from Gundam Wing) and Taiga gets more likable with each episode as shes beyond the typical tsundere types often seen.
Also been watching Ergo Proxy which I've been meaning to for a while. So far it looks promising but I haven't seen it much praise either way.
Last edited by Angantyr; 04-25-2011 at 04:17 AM.
Baccano's dub was fantastic! I'm normally fine with either subs or dubs, but given the context of the story and setting, I definitely prefer it in English.
And I just watched the first episode of Angel Beats, I'm likin' it.
I haven't seen any anime in a long time but the last I watched was like the first 15 episodes of Trigun and mabey like 5 episodes of One Piece. (I had no idea One Piece had a more serious version, where there's blood, cussing and other segestive themes. I always watched the more childish version on Cartoon Network.)
About 07-Ghost, I think I've read it, can someone tell me what it's about to jog my memory?
Salior Moon!!! I love that show....haven't seen in years though. I thoght they stopped airing Salior Moon.
I don't remember what was the last anime I saw, but I do remember watching these:
Pokemon (had Ash Catchim and another team rocket)
yu-gi-oh (the original and a few of the newer ones)
Inuyasha (sorry if I spelt it wrong...I've only seen 2 episode of it..don't know which ones though)
Naruto (again...don't remember what episodes but saw at least 3 of the original and 2 of shipendo)
I believe that was it....if there 's more I'll be sure to post again.
"All I did was watch, I didn't even try to stop her...that was my sin and this...this is my punishment." -Vincent Valentine, FF7: Dirge of Cerberus-
They've ended the Sailor Moon series, but the aired every episode in its entirety in Japan in 2008, marking the 10th anniversary or something. I watch it on I stopped watching it recently, because Bleach was getting really interesting.
To update, I am at episode 43-44 of Sailor Moon. And in my catch-up of Bleach, I am at episode 78, where Ichigo and the gang are facing the Bounts (spell check on Bounts). I am still watching the new episodes of Bleach, Kekkaishi, and FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I plan to watch everything on, but it will take some time. There is a lot of shows there.
Last edited by Michael Swayne; 04-25-2011 at 09:33 PM. Reason: Gave the wrong website address.
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
"All I did was watch, I didn't even try to stop her...that was my sin and this...this is my punishment." -Vincent Valentine, FF7: Dirge of Cerberus-
I just started watching DeathNote. Not sure which episode. Its up their with my other favs like Bleach, One piece, Naruto
"My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey, in my own salvation and your eternal slumber."
07-Ghost is not good!It starts out with a pretty good premise, but it turns bad quickly. The pacing seems horribly slow. It starts out well, but after Teito makes it to the church, it becomes pretty boring. It has a couple of good moments, but the majority of it is pretty dull, and the plot doesn't really move in most episodes. A sequel looks like it could be promising, but without one, the series isn't that good.
I just recently watched the two Higashi no Eden movies. I watched the TV series two years ago, but never got to the movies. I have to say that they were good, but definitely not as good as the TV series. The ending was also a little bit of a let down. I was hoping for it to go out with more of a bang.
Exactly! This is why the manga was so much better. The anime was so slow and drawn out, and those 3 nuns were so annoying!
I actually managed to force myself to finish watching the rest of the series the other day. I mean, it's nice seeing it animated, but it doesn't help when it just isn't well paced. At least it followed the manga a little better than some anime adaptions though...
Speaking of which...
Finished Kuroshitsuji II yesterday (after watching less than half of Kuroshitsuji, which I quit because it was so God-awful and went totally off track from the manga).
It was like a completely seperate thing from the manga altogether.
While it wasn't as bad as I thought (didn't have nearly the amount of fillers as the first series did), it was still....strange.
The best part was probably
Spoiler: seeing Alois get stabbed.
I know that may sound terrible, but it's true.
And the ending was just...seriously, wtf... That's all I can say. lol
The only thing this series is good for is AMVs since there are a few pretty good scenes (even though people still can't see to make them properly - ie; WITHOUT SUBTITLES IN THEM).
Last edited by Lucid; 04-27-2011 at 12:27 PM.
I have been watching several anime's lately.
D-Gray Man - I am not to far in the first season yet, but from what I have seen I can already tell that this is gonna be a good series. I am quite fond of the story, and whole concept of this show.
Bleach - One of my favorite's. I am trying to get caught up on it. I went a little while without watching it, and so much happens in one episode. Missing 10 of em' got me all f*cked up as to what was going on.
Deathnote - My fiance made me watch this cause she enjoy's it quite a bit. Can't say that I do. I don't like the story, and most of the characters just piss me off. I am giving it a chance though cause she said I have to.
Inuyasha - This show is essentially the same for me as Bleach is. Alot happens in an episode that if you miss one you gotta go back immediately or you shall be lost forever.
Adult Swim premieres
Mushi-Shi complete series: Awesome, deep, on whole a masterpiece
Rin daughters of mnemosyne: Freakin' hot
Tsubasa OVA's: beautiful art and music
xxxholic season 1: dissapointing after the manga
Basilisk complete series: cried like a 2 yr old, 'nuf said
D. Gray Man started out awesome to me, I was hooked on it, but then *IT* happened. He started getting way too pansy, and that chick just blew my mind with how annoying she was. Unfortunately I forced myself to finish it, and I am so upset that I did finish it, because the ending made me want to sell my soul to Lucifer just to get those 2 weeks of my life back.
Death Note... My first time watching it, I was amazed at everything. BUT, on my 2nd, 3rd, and recently 4th time watching it, I realized something. I got the whole season (9 discs for 2 seasons), I watched from disc 1 to 3, but then skipped to disc 6 because the episodes inbetween was just stupid. As far as disc 7-9 (2nd season), I pretty much fast-forward through a bunch of the episodes.
In other words, Death Note is not as interesting as I had previously thought.
I recently attempted to force myself to watch it, and well it's not going as well as I previously thought. I'm still going strong in watching it, but yeah you can imagine.
~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*
-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
I'm watching Trigun with my boyfriend. :>
We've watched the first 8 episodes so far and we like it. Yet, it could be a LITTLE more serious. ^^" But I heard that it gets more serious towards the end.
Aside from that, I don't really have time to watch anything. .,.
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
I am just after finishing The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I really liked the surreal tone and the pseudo perverse humour. I am considering watching the extended 2009 version. Does anyone know if its worth my time?
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
Durarara episodes 1 to present as of this typing. Cool series, BTW.
The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)
PSN Username: SailorCallie
Nintendo Network Username: Callie1277
XBox Live Gamertag: SailorCallie77
Kyon-kun, denwa~
Umm. That's kind of an odd one to answer. Yes I recommend watching it. However, unless if you want the full experience (you probably don't), I would recommend only watching 2-3 episodes of Endless Eight. Either the first and last, or the first, second, and last. I would probably go for 1, 2, and 8. I watched all of them, and though I enjoyed it, I would probably never do it again.
Other than that, yeah, I recommend it. And if you haven't seen it yet, watch the movie after that. It's great. Movie should ideally be watched after, as it has stuff from the new episodes in it.
Also, I should point out that unless if you want to experience the whole thing in order, since you just finished watching it, you should probably just watch the new episodes and keep in mind where they fit in chronologically. If you watched the episodes out of order though (order of airing, not chronological order), it's worth watching all of it in order.
Last edited by Fluffy; 07-10-2011 at 12:46 PM.
Just got done watching all of Victory Gundam. Heard some things before I watched the show, some bad (really bad), some saying a hidden gem, & a really "dark" Gundam. I'd put it a bit above ZZ but not in the elite class - it was surprisingly good. Not really that dark, but it is depressing with all the people that die. I thought some were going to make it all the way through but died in the end. A bit of a shocker. This show is one of the reasons behind "Kill em All Tomino".
Some things weren't clearly explained, some minor & one I found to be a major plot point. I do have some theories so it isn't all bad. The final battle definitely stands out from a majority of the series' final battles. A long, 9 episode final battle that truly gives off the feeling of a final confrontation.
Victory Gundam had some good villains & plenty of political maneuvering seen in the Gundam series. Uso, the main character, isn't quite "whiny" in the beginning of Victory as are some of the protagonists in the other shows. A bit different and I felt for all the trauma and sadness he went through during the 51 episodes.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
I popped in my Advent Children blu-ray yesterday, and watched On the Way to a Smile: Episode Denzel. I read the novella that came in my collector's edition of Advent Children a few years ago, so for a while, I skipped out on watching the actual OVA thing. Decided to go ahead and watch it, and it was pretty alright. I liked the animation, and Denzel in cartoon form is very adorable. :3
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