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Thread: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

  1. #211
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Oh my.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  2. #212
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Shadow Skill, episodes 1-13

    I <3 this anime. It's one of those series that can make you laugh and cry in the same episode. It focuses mostly on fighting but it has a lot of heart to it. My favorite character is Diaz by far. I like Scarface as well but he's such an enigma at this point. I can't figure out what he's thinking.

    I'll definitely be picking up the rest of the DVDs sometime soon, hopefully.

    Next up on my list is Busou Renkin episode 25, and all of Peacemaker.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  3. #213
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My boxset of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Unfortunately I can't find a copy of the second season boxset anywhere.....
    victoria aut mors

  4. #214
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Busou Renkin, episode 25

    Wow....that was one depressing episode. It makes me extremely curious as to what they could possibly do for the finale. Of course, they won't even show a single scene of it, not even in the preview. Bastards. They don't need to tease me, I've come this far so of course I'll watch the last episode! *sigh* I seriously want to cry now...

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  5. #215
    one piece and prince of tennis. both still short at the end.

  6. #216
    watched an episode of Bleach yesterday...don't remember if it was 38 or 39...oh well

  7. #217
    I just finished watching Full Metal Panic, Fumoffu and The second raid... Good stuff. I liked the comedy in it, as well as the action. If you like Mecha and High School randomness, then check it out. You can skip out on Fumoffu, since it's more of a half assed season 1.5.. but it does deal more with the HIgh School Comedy, which is good too. xD

    The second raid turned it up a notch actionwise. I was pretty shocked when I saw it, but it was still cool.

  8. #218
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    One Piece Episodes 209-219:

    Ah The Davy Back Arc. Oh man, fans weren't kidding when they said this was a great, fun arc. Oda's (and in fair credit, the Anime writer's) fantastic imagination runs wild here. Even though it's not as epic as the Arlong, Arabasta, or Skypeia arcs, I was totally on the edge of my seat with enjoyment. I SO want to play a real game of Pirate Volleyball now. It seems my love for One Piece will never die down anytime soon.

    My Blue Seed Disc Set, Disc 3:

    Can't remember the exact episode numbers I'm at, I think 18. But I've been watching this great classic series in it's original Japanese. It's like a better Inuyasha with better characters, better pacing, but a pretty cheesy dub.

  9. #219
    Sir Prize Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Sinister's Avatar
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    Oh God I love Blue Seed....*sigh* memories...

    Anyway. Sorceror Hunters...Episode...I dunno The one with all the flowers *eyes sparkle* Evil demented soul sucking flowers...

    I WANT ONE!!!

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  10. #220
    I've been watching The Big O (probably my favorite anime) again, and i'm slowly going through season 2 of Yu Yu Hakusho, just watching an episode or two here and there.

    Beyond that, a friend of mine has been trying to get me to watch Naruto, but I guess it's just not my kind of thing. I know it's pretty much the most popular anime out there right now (at least, it is with people I know), but I can't make myself watch it at all. Ah well.

  11. #221
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Busou Renkin, episode 26: The Finale!

    Oh man...pure awesome. That was such a great ending. I'm so happy that everything worked out as it did. ^^ Went from wanting to cry from all the depressingness of 25 to wanting to cry from all the happiness in 26! <3 Victor XD What a guy.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  12. #222
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    I was watching it with Dragonheart as well. 26 Busou Renkin.
    Whew. 25 was depressing, but I had a feeling that they'd somehow pull off a happy ending, or at least I would hope they did. And they did.

  13. #223
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Yesterday brought new episodes of Bleach (ep. 27) and Blood + (episode 3). I've been fairly intrigued by the latter despite never seeing the original movie on which it was based. Perhaps I should do that soon, as it would probably be helpful.

    Also, I finally managed to watch the Lupin III movie "Dead or Alive," which I bought several weeks ago. I've been really excited for that movie for a while now, as it was the one Monkey Punch (the creator of the Lupin manga) decided to direct, so it was good to see him regain control of the animated form of Lupin for a change, as his story was fairly serious compared to the usual light-heartedness of the anime/other movies.

    Today brought episode 10 of Nodame Cantabile, which was wonderful (as always). Seeing Nodame dressed up as a mongoose was very fun, as was the S-Orchestra's performance of Rhapsody in Blue. I can't wait for the next episode, as we'll get some Chikaki action, and he'll be playing a piece I love (Rachmaninoff's second piano concerto).

    Lastly, I watched the first two episodes of Le Chevalier d'Eon. I had started the series a few months ago, but it swiftly got licensed and I only got to watch three episodes before that, so I now picked up the first DVD (containing the first four episodes). Overall, I'm fairly happy with the dub, though there are one or two things I would have preferred differently. The packaging and extras are really something else, though, as it's just loaded with extra information, videos, etc. Overall, I'm VERY pleased with ADV's treatment of the series, and I look forward to following the rest of the series.

  14. #224
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Bit of a coincidence SSJ4 Goku, I was watching The Castle of Cagliostro again. I love the car chase in it, considering it's animated, they've done a great job with the action scenes. Lupin III is mad and hell funny.
    victoria aut mors

  15. #225
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Overdriven's Avatar
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    Let's see.

    I finally got around to buying all of Neon Genesis Evangelion off of Amazon, and I watched it all in a couple days. It was actually pretty good, but the last episode hurt my fragile little mind. x_x

    After that I moved on to Avatar: The Last Airbender. For a Nick show it's actually really good, I think. It's gotta be one of my favorites. There's little repetetiveness like in many animes, where they go over in their mind what happened an episode of two before, and there not often to the characters state the obvious. Those are two things that bothered me about a good number of shows. There's a solid plot, good characters (One of the villians is Voiced by Rufio, off of Hook XD), several love interests, and some actual laugh out loud funny parts. Hoping to get my hands on the third book soon.

    And I have now gone back to watching Inuyasha. I never got a chance when it was coming out to really sit down and watch it all in a row, so my knowledge of the series was broken. Finished the first season last night, and the second and third are on order. Waiting on those.

    Next Up: Martian Successor Nadesico, and Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures when it comes in the mail.
    Quote Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
    I had pretty bad acne going through middle school till late high school and it eventually went away but masturbation did not leave me.

  16. #226
    Zoids I love that show I never see it on TV though
    You just don't get it. There isn't a thing I don't cherish!
    FF3 Friend Code

  17. #227
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Macross Plus Collection and Shadow Skill, while neither are new by any standard, they're both good for repeat viewings. Macross Plus being another futuristic military type romp, good fun. Shadow Skill being a fighting flick, I watched the movie last, by the way.
    victoria aut mors

  18. #228
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zantar's Avatar
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    I... I... I cant remember.
    Okay, so I've been putting the hurting on some anime in the past week so here goes.

    Shakugan no Shana - 1-24(end as far as I know)
    Zero no Tsukaima - 1-13 (end of 1st season)
    Death Note - 1-27 (I think I read there are 36 episodes)
    Rurouni Kenshin - 1-83ish (was about 2 weeks ago watching this, need to finish it only got 12ish more ep. left...)
    Hellsing - 1-8 (also a show I need to finish up)
    Of couse the new bleach (ep123) and naruto shippuuden (ep11) that came out last week too.

    I think that's it..... Maybe.

    I can't wait for Tsubasa season 3 (ep52 was last ep of season 2) to start up in May!
    Last edited by Zantar; 05-01-2007 at 09:26 AM.

  19. #229
    Registered User Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Skywalker's Avatar
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    Ah ! Megami Sama (ah! my goddess)
    episode 26 skuld chan is a grown up

    yeah I'm an adult
    I can imagine Quite a bit
    Being a scruffy looking nerf herder and sky pirate
    I'm damn proud of it hell yeah

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    Mon captaine-->Aiselne
    and to her crew

  20. #230
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Episodes 1-12 of Fullmetal Alchemist

    I know I know, you're all wondering what planet I've been on. Up until last night I'd only seen the first three episodes. Saw the DVDs at Best Buy yesterday and picked up the first 3. I was originally hoping to finish out Trigun but ah well. Night of the Chimera's Cry was one of the most emotional and disturbing things I've ever seen, in any form of media.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  21. #231
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Beck Dub Episodes 1-15

    Well for a few reasons I wanted to check out Beck, specifically the Dub, which is being aired on Much Music in Canada. First of all, my interest was piqued in various AMVs and word of mouth, secondly the dub production team at Funimation who worked on it namely Justin Cook, Mike Mc.Farland, and Chris Bevins who also did FMA are also working on the new One Piece dub, so even though I know how great FMA is, I still had to check out their latest work to scope the kind of cast they might be using.

    Overall, i never thought I'd be much into a Rock Band Anime, but the quality and the likable characters really surprised me. I preordered the first DVD for a mere 16 bucks thanks to RightStuf's Funimation 40% off promo a little ways back.

    Blue Seed Episodes 20-27 (Last Disc):

    Well I'm not going to repeat myself with what I said, just look at my previous post. One thing I love about having the DVDs that you don't get to see on TV (I originally watched these on Encore Action BEFORE the days of Adult Swim) are the Omakes, and man hearing the English versions are so damn hilarious whether it's the Old Movie Trailer spoof or the Matsudaira report. The Anime itself I think is overall better in Japanese, but watching the Omakes are SO much better in English.

  22. #232
    Currently watching:

    Nodame Cantabile
    Heroic Age
    Lucky Star
    Lovely Complex
    Hidamari Sketch
    Toward the Terra

    Whenever something new on AnimeSuki shows up I'm on it. Or at least download it to watch later.

  23. #233
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Kaos_Dragon's Avatar
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    Finally started watching Slayers, been watching Nana.

    And I have been re-watching Magic Knight Rayearth, Escaflowne, and Cardcaptor Sakura. ^^
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  24. #234
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    I just finished watching Kashimashi: Girl meets Girl. Which I have been very eager in seeing since I read an article about in my Newtype a year or so ago now. It was the reason I started full steam on my own anime story that I have been posting. While mine is completely different, there was some similiarities with mine that made me want to see it. Plus gender swaping is an interesting topic for me since it introduces a lot of comedy. It was only subtitles, but it had english dubbing for the 30 seconds they have americans in there. And I'll just say now, they got the worse VA for the english I have heard since pre-1998 english anime dubs. The Japanese dubs were perfect, even if I think they over did the feminine voice for the male character. And then to be accented by some of the worst English VA I have heard in ten years. But I will be buying that DVD when it comes out.

    I also got The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, which for anyone who has already seen it knows it to be awesome. I had only seen the first two episodes as fan subs that were shown at work. But seeing more only further inforced the belief that Haruhi is awesome and a great anime. I can't wait for the rest of the DVDs to come out because it is the funniest anime I have seen since Abenobashi and FLCL.
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  25. #235
    アズテオル Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Azuteor's Avatar
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    I'm watching episodes 120-125 of Bleach on my computer and waiting for episodes 126 and 127. On adultswim I am watching.. Bleach and Blood+. It's too bad Eureka 7 finished months ago, I hope AS will air it again so I can marvel at it's greatness.

    Naruto Shippuden - Episodes 1-5
    5 centimeters per second
    Last edited by Azuteor; 06-01-2007 at 10:26 PM.

  26. #236
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    The last Anime I watched was an episode of Cardcaptor Sakura on YouTube. I would really love to buy the series on DVD if it even exists because it is such a great show. I prefer the Japanese version though because the English version is more for kids so yeah. I originally watched most of the English series on Cartoon Network and got to like it then but I'm really wanting to see the Japanese version!

    If anybody knows if you can get the Japanese version on DVD, please let me know! I'm going to have a look around at different stores to see if they have it otherwise I might have to order if offline.

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  27. #237
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    It looks like your best bet is a Used/Sealed/Collectible copy, as my searches only turn up the movies at places like Amazon and Rightstuf. At Amazon there are sellers who sell either Used copies or New still sealed copies.
    And as I understand it, Geneon snatched the series from Nelvana (who essentially made "Cardcaptors", the watered down English version), and they made Uncut DVDs with I believe a Japanese-only sub, while Movie 2 uses a completely new English voice cast.

    And you might want to check out Tsubasa, which in many ways is a kind of Kingdom Hearts-ish sequel starring an older Sakura. I haven't seen it myself yet but it's at the top of my "Need to watch list"

  28. #238
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The last anime I saw was the newest episode of Bleach forgot the number but its like 129 or something. The last movie I saw was the third Naruto movie with Rock Lee as a team member with Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto.

  29. #239
    That One Guy Last Anime You Watched 2.0 dimmufan's Avatar
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    Excell Saga 1-18

    Cowboy Bepop 1-26

    Cowboy Bebop Movie
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  30. #240
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Treize's Avatar
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    I watched the first five episodes of Inuyasha along with other random episodes of Inuyasha. Also I watched all of .hack//Legend of the Twilight. It was good. I only wish there were more episodes.
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