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Thread: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

  1. #91
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    I bought the first volume of Fruits Basket for $11.99 from Best Buy the other day. After watching it, I'm not quite sure what to think of it. I kind of feel like...less of a man?


  2. #92
    Big O. I watched "Vampire Hunter D" too, but since it is a movie anime I do not know if it counts. It was a good movie too.

  3. #93
    Just finished Soul Taker

  4. #94
    i've just got the whole series of battle vixens, but i'm more into the mange

  5. #95
    Naruto. I watch the crappy edited naruto's on Cartoon Network. Don't get me wrong I love Naruto but not. Americanized.

  6. #96
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Jin's Avatar
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    I finished Saiyuki Reload Gunlock finally, after searching for weeks for the final episode.

    I'm sad now though. I have absolutely no saiyuki to watch anymore. I need to learn Japanese and get a hold of some Gaiden it would seem. =/

    Until now!

  7. #97
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Watched Peacemaker in an attempt to finish the series. Still watching.

    I watched a little bit of Rune Soldiers the other day, which was funny.


  8. #98
    It was episode 4 of Chrno Cross. Im loving this anime, I ordered the manga from America last week, should be here by now Anyhoo its a great series and seems like a immaturer verison of Hellsing, not that Im complaining! And Chrno is a young Vincent Valentine, looks just like him!

  9. #99
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    I finally finished Peacmaker. The ending pissed me off something crazy. So now I started watching Full Metal Panic? and I'm going to start watching Kyo. We'll see how it goes.


  10. #100
    I just picked up Gundam Wing again. I was nostalgic for the convoluted political plot and recycled battle scenes. Don't get me wrong, it's a good series, but the flaws are so...noticable. My 5th disk has a fatal scratch

  11. #101
    This is my sin... Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Lucid's Avatar
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    Let's see...I've watched a ton of anime lately...

    Midori no Hibi 1-13 ~ This series is a must watch for those who like romance comedies with fanservice. It's a story about a tough boy named Seiji who suddenly wakes up one day with a girl (waist up) for a right hand, making way for an interesting story of having to live with a tiny girl (who just happens to be in love with him) on his hand.

    Rozen Maiden 1-12 ~ This anime is about a boy named Jun who likes to order weird things online and he ends up with a strange doll named Shinku who makes Jun her medium (read "slave") so that she can use her powers. Soon, more dolls make themselves home at Jun's house and seem to make his life harder on him. It's an interesting concept and it's funny to watch the dolls acting so human and watching they're favorite TV show and how they pick on Jun.

    Full Moon wo Sagashite 1-52, Special ~ This is a really good shoujo series about a girl who is dying from throat cancer and she wants to become a singer, but she isn't able because of her illness. She meets two shinigami(death gods) who grant her wish to be able to sing until she dies by transforming her into a older and healthier version of herself. It's a nice series, but it's a bit different from the manga.

    Gravitation 1-13, OVA 1 & 2 ~ This series kinda sucks. It's about a guy who wants to become a famous rock star and will do anything to achieve it. He meets a guy who thinks the song he wrote sucks and then he suddenly falls in love with the guy...and then the annoying whining starts.

    Kyou kara Maou 1-39 ~ This series is about a boy who gets flushed down a toilet and ends up in a fantasy type world where he learns that he is the next Maou (demon king). It's really hilarious and although it's a bit of a shounen-ai anime, it's not really a main part of the plot and doesn't force itself like in Gravitation (i.e, so far that haven't been any kissing scenes...only crazy bishounen who seem to want to hug Yuuri to death after he's come back from being in danger. lmao).

    Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 1 ~ So far, only having watched one episode, I really don't know much of what's going on except that the girl's sister has suddenly disappeared and she must search for her.

    Pita-ten 1 ~ Very cute anime about an angel named Misha who suddenly appears to a boy and always wants to cling onto him. It's really funny and cute.

    Bleach 1-10 ~ This is a cool anime about a guy who suddenly becomes a shinigami (death god) and has to send the good spirits to Heaven and fight evil spirits to keep them from harming living people. There's alot of action, drama and comedy.

    DN Angel 1-8 ~ I don't like this series. It's like a crappy, weak plotted shounen version of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne about a boy who tranforms into some thief named Dark and steals...stuff.

    Rizelmine II 1-3 ~ A rather strange anime about a girl named Rizel who likes some guy, but he doesn't have any interest in her because she's a little girl, so she uses special capsules to transform into an older version of herself, but it only lasts 3 minutes. It reminds me of a strange and ecchi version of Minky Momo. o.O

    AIR 1-13 ~ A well animated, but sad and confusing story about a guy who's searching for a girl with wings in the sky. During his journey he meets a girl with a strange sickness who tells him that she has dreams about flying in the sky, and each time she dreams she becomes sicker. Episode 13 is a recap of episodes 1-12.

    Elfen Lied 1-13 ~ An extremely violent anime about a girl with horns who kills people with her invisible arms. She escapes from a lab(?) of some sort and ends up living with a boy and his cousin. It has a good ending.
    Last edited by Lucid; 06-03-2006 at 03:53 PM.

  12. #102
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makoto
    Elfen Lied 1-13 ~ An extremely violent anime about a girl with horns who kills people with her invisible arms. She escapes from a lab(?) of some sort and ends up living with a boy and his cousin. It has a good ending.
    It has a sweet ending. The whole series is one of my favorites.

    Anyway. I just finished watching Samurai Deeper Kyo the other day. I'm about to start watching Rune Soldier. I've only seen one or two episodes and it proved to be interesting. We'll see...


  13. #103
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well seeing how long it has been since I posted in here last, I won't go through everything that I watched last. But anyway, I just finished watching Scrapped Princess last night, I bought the entire collection for $50, so I could not pass it up. I started watching it on Monday and finished last night, I sort of ruined my sleep because I want to see the last 12 episodes since it was getting good then. And without spoiling too much about it, I will just say that it reminded me a lot of Xenogears oddly enough. It is pretty clearly a fantasy environment, but there is definite sci-fi elements. I enjoyed the story, and I will probably be watching it again soon.

    My other recent purchase was Sakura Wars TV, which I got like two weeks ago and already watched it twice almost. It is a fun mecha that is light hearted at times while be intriguing and serious. Some of the characters feel like they were pulled out of other shows because they felt like other characters, but it held its own quite well. It is a good mecha, semi-feudal japan setting. It seems place either between the world wars, which the first one did not effect Japan or a little before since a lot of what they are working with is steam. They are steam powered mecha and be bulky things. But as most mecha go, it is not about the mecha but the pilot inside.

    Others are Eureka Seven, which is entertain to watching, it is quite different. The way they have the world setup makes it interesting to watch.

    Naruto is going in to the final test for the Chunin or however it is spelled, and I will say that is definitely interesting to watch.

    One Piece, same old same, really, really long episode arcs that make you feel like you have not gotten anywhere and yet have at the same time. It is a strange paradox with that show.

    IGPX, a favorite of mine is back for its second season. I probably enjoyed the micro series more still, but the first season was good and I am hoping that the second can keep up that spirit.
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  14. #104
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 i heart sodapop's Avatar
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    in some house. on some street.
    The last Anime I watched was Fullmetal Alchemist. I recently acquired most of the disks. So I was quite happy about that. <3~
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    Kinney and Me + The Outsiders = Sodapop and Ponyboy! <33

  15. #105
    Rebirth very good but maybe love hina too.

  16. #106
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Omega OwA's Avatar
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    The last anime I watched was, uh, I think Naruto. No, wait, oh yea. I
    just watched the last episode's of Love Hina just last night. Its now time
    for those extra episodes!^^

  17. #107
    In the process of watching Naruto. I'm on episode 76.
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  18. #108
    I just finished watching the last episode of Chobits. I really enjoyed it. Before that i watched some Naruto.
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  19. #109
    I just got done watching Trigun episode one. Not sure why, I just felt like restarting the series for some reason.

  20. #110
    Zach Bell was the last one i watched that show is funny

  21. #111
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    I watched the first three episodes of the series X. I got the series last August and never got around to watching it, so I'm finally doing so. I have to say, the first three episodes are very solid. Aside from an all-star voice cast, the show's got a nice soundtrack and gorgeous animation (as expected, since it's from CLAMP!). The story's slightly confusing for the moment, but I'm guessing that's because I've only watched the first three episodes so far.
    Creep? No, I'm the devil

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  22. #112
    Full metal alchemist movie...It owned..

  23. #113
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Last Anime You Watched 2.0 RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Rurouni Kenshin. Saw first epi again ummm... the day before yesterday.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  24. #114
    Synthesized Ascension Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker64
    I just got done watching Trigun episode one. Not sure why, I just felt like restarting the series for some reason.
    You want to know a funny fact about that anime? Vash's voice is played by the latina black ranger WAY back then , no bullshit. (You remember, the guy adam?)

  25. #115
    Registered User Last Anime You Watched 2.0 maxpower's Avatar
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    I have been watching all of the Hayau Miyazaki films. I just finished the Grave of the Fireflies again. (that is such a sad film.) I also have been watching the Doraemon series which I brought back from Japan. (I know they are for kids but that series cracks me up.)

  26. #116
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zephyr's Avatar
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    Just finished watching Akira. It's a good movie.
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  27. #117
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 BlackMageInRed's Avatar
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    I recently finished watching the 1st volume of Gungrave and I'm waiting till I get some more cash till I buy the others, it's pro!
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  28. #118
    I've been watching Happy Lesson. Really messed up. The main character is an orphan living with his five teachers and one of his sisters is a pop star who lives down the street with his other sister. How'd he manage that.
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  29. #119
    Synthesized Ascension Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Zardoch's Avatar
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    Currently Watching: Escaflowne.

    It's a great anime so far, but I hate, I HATE, I HATE HITOMI!. She's the most annoying dumbass teen girl that can't do shit other than annoy people! If it weren't for the storyline I would've dumped this anime long ago. Kind of sucks the movie was much different from this anime though, but the series is probably ten times better. Argh, the only thing keeping me interested is the other characters and their developement. Oh, Hitomi should die.

  30. #120
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    I've just finished watching my boxset of Mezzo DSA (Danger Service Agency).
    I urge anyone who likes action and fanservice, and a bit of humor to get this series.

    There's also an OVA called Mezzo Forte which takes place before the DSA timeline. So watch that too. (Although it's optional.)

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