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Just finished watching Dragonaut The Resonance. I must admit despite the bad rap this anime has been getting I found myself really enjoying this series. Sure like some anime it does have its flaws but overall its a really good solid sci-fi anime series. 8.5/10
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Steins;Gate came in the mail today. It's a rather good show. The plot has been rather predictable from what I've seen. Judging on what I've guessed so far, I came up with an ending to the show. I really hope it doesn't come out that way.
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Just finished the remake of the guyver series! Loved it
Iv always loved the original series and the remake is every bit as good :) a few bits different but was a nice change :)
Id recommend it :) 9/10
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Have quite a bit of catching up to do since my previous post was made "months ago" although I did go on hiatus from anime for awhile. Anyways, the last two I just finished up were ...
Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple: wasn't sure at first if I would like it but after two or three episodes I warmed up quite quickly to it. I found it thoroughly entertaining and humorous. Warning however, this is definitely Shounen so if you aren't accustomed to long battles, sometimes drawn out, sometimes not. Then this may not be for you, however the story is great and the characters are very likeable. Shinpaku alliance unite. 8.5/10
Samurai Champloo: being the first anime I watched that was set in some sort of feudal era, I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I was wrong. Pretty straightforward. Girl hires two unlikely fighters with a grudge against each other in hopes to find the Samurai "that smells like sunflowers" I won't give too much away without ruining the ending suffice to say it's a really great series worth checking out. 7.5/10