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Thread: Last Anime You Watched 2.0

  1. #31
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Let's see here...I have to catch up on the anime I have. But for now I've watched:

    One Piece - Episode 165
    One Piece is getting really good. I'd talk about the episode but erm, yeah.. spoilers.. so I can't really say much that I haven't already.

    Bleach - Episode 58
    Bleach looks like it's almost catching up to the manga, kind of. Just...I think about 15 or so episodes before it catches up. =P Bleach is way better than Naruto, even though it pains me to say it.

    Onmyou Taisenki - Episode 27
    It started a new season with a new intro theme. I'm liking the new theme as well. It's more rock'ish. There's a lot more drama going on and they don't fail with the humor.

    Capeta - Episodes 1-3
    Capeta is about racing. And a boy named Capeta who loves racing. So far I think the plot is that he starts off in Go-Kart racing and moves into F1 later on. I'm really not sure since it just started.

    Karin - Episode 1
    Karin is such a great anime. It's about an unvampire named Karin who has a family of vampires. It's really great. I still have yet to watch episodes 2-3.

    Naruto - Episode 160
    Damn. That's all I have to say. Damnit to all that filler till the 8th season. I think there's... what... 18 more weeks to go? o_____x Well, besides that, the filler is good. I liked this arc that just ended. It may be straining to have to watch all this filler, but it's still good to watch.

    Yet to watch:
    Lamune 1-2
    Shuffle 6-17
    Kyou Kara Maou - 46-55
    Marchen Awakens Romance a.k.a MAR - 21-22
    Pani Poni Dash - 7-13
    Gun X Sword - 10-11
    Koi Koi Seven - 3-5
    Black Cat - 5-7

  2. #32
    The last anime I watched was Episode 4 of Witch Hunter Robin.

  3. #33
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Jin's Avatar
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    Saiyuki Reload-episodes 1 & 2
    ~Finally. I have waited so long to get some episodes from this series (err, sequel series). A mate of mine has the full series on his hardrive and he sent me the first two. Although I don't expect thier to be much in the way of storyline in Reload (as it is virtually, all fillers), it's ****ing halarious. It's amazing how almost the exact same humour is consistantly funny. ^_^

    Until now!

  4. #34
    Lady Succubus Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Victoria's Avatar
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    Black Cat 5-7
    Oooh... Man is it getting good. The plot is developing very nicely.

    Lamune 1-3
    It's so cute. It has it's funny moments.

    Capeta 4-5
    Seems Capeta is a Tensai (Genius) at racing. Who would've known? =P

    MAR 20-21
    Haha, seems Jack and Ginta have more training to do. Should be awesome when they get back.

    Karin 2-4
    Haha, it's getting great. More funny moments.

    Bleach 59
    The fight between Ichigo and Byakuya is now done. It's almost catching up to the manga. Possibly... 5-10 more episodes to catch up. =P

    Naruto 161
    Meh.. this episode sucked. It wasn't even a filler arc. Just.. a random episode that had no importance whatsoever. I skimmed through it. =\

    Naruto 162
    Now it's starting to get good again. The new filler arc seems to be very interesting. 17 more weeks left. Oi. o_x

    Mai Otome 5-8
    I love this anime. It's so awesome. It's just as good as Mai Hime.

    MAR 22-23
    Wow. Just wow is all I have to say about these two eps.

    Onmyou Taisenki 28
    Woo. It's getting really good.

    Mai Otome - 9
    Well, it's getting really interesting now, I can say the least.

    Black Cat - 8
    Yay. That's all I can say. Because the plot so far has made my day.

    To Be Watched:
    Onmyou Taisenki - 29
    Capeta - 6
    (Where the hell is Bleach 60?!)

  5. #35
    GunGrave ~ Episode 15.
    I love it so much Character design is amazing!

  6. #36
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    The last anime that I watched was some episode of Misaki Chronicles. I'm still trying to forget that I actually watched it...


  7. #37
    .hack liminality 1,2,&3
    .hack//sign whole series

  8. #38
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I watch Rah Xephon the Movie recently since I got it for Christmas, and I will say that it is definitely a good addition to the show. Though it also assumes that you have seen the show and are not going to be surprised by things being introduced earlier than in the show. It is a retelling of the show, but it also adds new things and makes a few more questions clear and some answers a little clearer, since it is all a little hazy at times. Though some of the things are completely different than the show it all works in a similar manner. All in all, it is Evangelion but easier to understand.

    I also watch Abenobashi, or Magica Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, which is just something fun to sit down a laugh your head off for 6 hours straight almost. It parodies everything from anime to japaneese pop culture, to world culture, it holds no punches and gives you plenty of laughs for them. It is strange and will slap you upside down before giving it to you straight, but it is fun still none the less.

    Yu yu Hakusho, will this show on CN is finally coming to an end, first premier on Toonami a few years back when Toonami was still an after school program, it is now a late night earlier morning, before the rooster crows earlier morning Saturday show, makes me mad, but hey at least I do not have to buy the show now to see the end. There is only 20 episodes left so I am just waiting for them each which, it is still very interesting to watch even 100 episodes later and manages to bring new things to table too. Hiei's past revealed along with Kurama's, it is exciting things, Yusuke is getting a little overally powerful, but at least until like DBZ, Hiei and Kurama can hold their own even in the toughest battles, though Yusuke is still the go to man for the final bout, but they all get their shots which is what has made this show enjoyable to watch even now. It is not all just about Yusuke, and everyone else is a cheerleader.

    And Naruto, only thing I have seen on TV aside from Yu yu, since CN been doing annoying Christmas and holiday programming last two weeks. It was good, I really wanted Naruto to punch the kid's lights out, but stupid kid lost his nerve when he saw who it was. It is still fun to watch, and I probably look a little more forward to it than One Piece, but it is all just prologue to FMA and GitS SAC 2nd GIG, don't make me right that all out.
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  9. #39
    Watched the first seven episodes of Bleach again ... the art and plot has changed so much since then. It was good back then but it's even better now *_* I wish 63 would come out though.

    Watched Trinity Blood 7 and the last few episodes of the same series. It's so sexy. I wish I had the art book. And that the series was longer. And that the book would be translated into english. Woe.

  10. #40
    Lady of the Flowers Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Anthiena's Avatar
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    Ahh, let's see....

    #1: Haibane Renmei Vol 1 and 4
    I was thrown off by the lack of numbers on the packages and bought them. I love this series. ^__^ The end is so sad.... *sob*

    #1 Count of Monte Cristo Ep. 1
    I was dazzled by the animation, but some of the characters are done in very classic way. It was great, but some of the animation wasn't nearly as goood as I thought it would be.

    #2: Ghost Stories Ep. 1
    I was amused. Haunted Junction was better at explaining the ghosts, (At least at the beginning,) but this one does story a LOT better. The backrounds look oddly flat at times, though.

    #3: Neon Genesis 0:1 (first two eps.)
    It was a muddy download, but I think my fiancee likes it. I like it alot. (WHY DID I PAWN MY VIDEOS?! WHY????!!!)
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  11. #41
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Yukin's Avatar
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    Fighting In Ivalice
    Tsubasa Chronicle Episode 25
    The Last Episode of the First season...
    Do u guys know where i can find Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle?
    " A warrior takes sword in hand,
    clasping a gem to his heart.

    Engraving vanishing memories
    into the sword,

    He places finally honed skills
    into the stone.

    Spoken from the sword,
    handed down from the stone...

    Now the story can be told...

    Square Presents

    The 'Zodiac Brave Story'"</i>

  12. #42
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Ruouni Kenshin Episode 1, Ive never really been a fan of anime but a friend of mine was sharing it, and Ive heard it mentioned before so I decided to check it out. It was better than I expected, lots of blood and quotes which I cant remember off the top of my head. I will look into getting more, also I had the 1st episode of FF Unlimited on DVD but I lost it, so I will be buying the box set

  13. #43
    I just went back and started to watch Initial D for like the millionth time, >.>; Currently on episode ten when they are setting up to battle Shingo, the EG6 (Civic) Driver. I Also went back and rewatched most of the episodes to Stage Four also. It's really nice to see how they took the drawings of the cars to new levels, with Computer Animation, then to Cell Shading in Stage four, which in my opinion looks awesome.

  14. #44
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Earlier today I watched episodes 7-13 of Hellsing. I was getting a few friends of mine into the series. We watched the first half a week or so ago. I have to say; rewatching the series was quite nice, as it's certainly a very awesome series.

    I also just finished watching the latest episode of from the second season of Ghost in the Shell: The Stand Alone Complex, plus whatever episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion was on. With regards to Second Gig, I'm really interested in finding out more about Gohda and who he is. This season is definitely just as captivating, if not more so, than the first season and I can't wait to see more.

    EDIT: Oh, no. I most definitely did not stop watching Fullmetal Alchemist. I cherish every second of it. I actually taped tonight's and will be watching it tomorrow, when I can devote my full attention to it. >_<
    Creep? No, I'm the devil

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  15. #45
    Inuyasha... I love that show and if it doesn't come on, I got the entire Jap series and movies to so I watch entire series to keep me busy when there's nothing on at 2am but other then that I'm watching Adult Swim every night and occasionally catching the afternoon shows in between my college classes when I decide to take a break and skip lunch to relax in my room...
    And Cloud, you take care of yourself so you don't have another nervous break down. And let me handle Sephiroth."
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  16. #46
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Last Anime You Watched 2.0 postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    i just finished the entire azumanga daioh series - and i must say i was blown away. besides the perfect comedic timing and heart-stopping kawaii action, there was something else right underneath the surface. the whole chio-chan's father thing, and how it was sort of a malevolent entity that could travel in the girl's dreams... i dunno hehe, but i was really sad to see those girls go.
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
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  17. #47
    The last anime I saw was Ghost in the Shell. That was a few weeks ago.

  18. #48
    The last animes I just watched yesterday morning/night... were Elfen Lied, episodes 1-4.

  19. #49
    I think the last Anime i watched was Vampire Hunter D, then i prompty lost the DVD, so i can't watch it again! I'm going to have a look to see if i can get any of the Get Backers Anime's though (the manga's pretty damn good)
    Yes, I am that little white running man on the fire exit signs you see.

  20. #50
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    I've been watching the Ninja Scroll series the past couple of days. Jubei is such a pimp. As for the actual last anime that I watched, it was Fullmetal Alchemist volume 7.

    Good shits.


  21. #51
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 2ndPower's Avatar
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    This week, I've watched Appleseed and the Samurai X movie, as well as all the anime on Adult Swim.

    Appleseed is freakin' awesome. I've watched it some 20 or 30 times so far, and I still enjoy it greatly. It's got everything Power loves in an anime, and a little bit more.

    Samurai X was kind of a dissappointment. I hated the voices and the translation in english, so I switched it over to japanese, and the voices were even worse, there. Everyone sounded like they were a ten-year-old on helium. Plot wasn't really anything new, either.

  22. #52
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    I'm actually watching Wolf's Rain right now, the second volume to be exact.

    Though I wish I was watching new episodes of FMA...


  23. #53
    The last anime I watched was a episode of Full Metal Alchemist.

  24. #54
    Last Anime You Watched 2.0 ベト's Avatar
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    Fullmetal Alchemist
    My Friend code:

    Final fantasy III:

    Dark Knight, Knight, Devout, Summoner, & Theif.

  25. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    Well I got my new Newtype magazine and it came with three episodes again, they are making up for the one episode issues they were having. And I was pleased to find Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig. It would seem that they already started dubbing it, CN is going to airing this fall from what I remember. Must say the episode was nice, introduce a new problem straight off the bat, so the Laughing Man Incident must be completely over even with those deaths at the end, or maybe it has evolved into this new problem. It is hard to say, but it does not disappoint I'll say that, packs in all the politics, action and humor from the first season and gives you a good reason to want to get the volumes.

    Next was a curious anime, called Yumeria which seems to be going for the same sort of deliquent boy gets tons of girls falling all over him style, reminds me a little of Maburaho, both boys are not getting good grades. Though this time the twist is that the girls are entering his dream world and fighting strange things, and he apparently gets some power as well. It all a little confusing, but seems like a lot of fun a la Tenchi.

    Then it was Piano, which I do not know what to make of it. It seems like an ordinary setting, nothing supernatural or crazy, just everyday happenings. So I can only guess it is going to be able relationships, love, life as a middle school student and playing the piano. It is hard to know what they will do with it, but has me curious about it.


    SAC 2nd Gig Episode 1
    Yumeria Episode 1
    Piano Episode 1

    And for good measure I watched Fullmetal Alchemist last night, one of the ones I enjoy. Windry, Al and Ed, Ed is in the hospital from the battle at lab 5. And seeing as Newtype is showing some stuff for the upcoming episodes, they know that CN is starting up new episodes soon, like next week or something. Can't wait.
    No offense, but I don't like Windry, all she ever does is get in too much trouble and never gets spanked for it. She should've been killed off long ago (and Edward avenging her death), so I rate her as one of the worst characters in anime, sorry.

    Vandread----it's like no other. That and N.G.E. But now I hear there's a sad end behind that. Imagine that......
    Last edited by Andromeda; 02-11-2006 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Double Posting

  26. #56
    Did you just say &amp;quot;cheesy jeans&amp;quot;? Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Bryan 2.0's Avatar
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    Went out and bought the complete Chobits series a few days ago. Took me several hours to watch all of the episodes, but I managed to watch them all nonetheless. So...I watched Chobits last.


  27. #57
    Kail Silvers
    For me I would say I last watched Naruto or one piece. ome people think One piece is a bit of a kiddie show ,but I like it. His has some of the weirdest characters I've ever seen in my entire life.

  28. #58
    hmmm i just finished up
    the getbackers (really good)
    n cosmic blasters i think it is idr wasnt all that great
    ooo and chrono crusade (good as well nice ending)

  29. #59
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Somebody hold me, I just saw Cowboy Bebop in completion for the first time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  30. #60
    The Quiet One Last Anime You Watched 2.0 Andromeda's Avatar
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    O RLY?

    ^^; You poor, poor sheltered individual, someone hand him a pushie.

    Well, I saw the last few minutes of Zatch Bell, since Toonami changed the scheduling of it. I was not too terribly interested in it other than to see if Ponygon would disappear now that he had someone to read his book. It was a boring episode otherwise.

    Naruto, they are doing the Chunin exams now, and I find it clever the way that they are starting it out, so I hope that they continue to be as clever with the rest. It has not really disappointed me too much so far, lets hope that it does not.

    One Piece, long show that it is, still manages to find new things to do. It is not too boring at the moment, though I wish they had two episodes of it still since the arcs are often so long, you wish they would just get moving. The new arc or rather the existing arc that was interrupted by a mini arc, which turned out to not be so mini ended. So now they are back on course for Baroque Works.

    Fullmetal Alchemist, a little disappointed at who died, but still great episode and I enjoy the inventiveness of it. Ed still manages to come up with new things even though it feels like the same battles, it is always changed up. I find it probably more enjoyable now, then at the beginning and love the intro.

    Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex Second Gig, really long title. But still, a very enjoyable show to watch and it is getting even more curious. It is really hard to know where they are going with this all, but it is still interesting to watch. This week was a little bizzare with its ending of 11 suicides, they all were talking about how they were doing things for the cause and seemed like they had something big planned, and then just killed each. Really strange.

    Other than that, I saw Yu Yu Hakusho on Saturday morning, that was another fun episode and I am looking forward to more of the Demon World Tournament.

    I watched a few episodes of Lain last week and other than that not a lot.
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