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Thread: The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers)

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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers) Rowan's Avatar
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    The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers)

    I watched it. It was pretty bad viewing it from a comparitive thought process, but I really wasnt shocked like many others claimed to have been. Maybe im just fu**ed up, but I thought there should have been more. Perhaps I saw the edited version, which is dissapointing. Why do they bother censoring a movie like that? If you've seen the first one, you would expect people wouldnt complain about really gross things happening in a sequel or watch it at all for that matter.

    Anyone else have any thoughts?
    have you seen it and wish to describe the grossest things (in detail) that you saw?

  2. #2
    Kiss with a fist. The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers) Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers)

    I watched the first one and that was quite enough for me. I have to give the film props though as it takes a lot to genuinely freak me out, and there is no question that movie disturbed me on so many levels (in more ways than one).

    I have a big phobia of being restrained/being bound and unable to move so the entire bit of them being tied to the hospital beds while being given the explanation of his 'procedure' gave me chills. As for the most disgusting part - when he had them in his backyard and the dude was all 'oh no, I gotta shit' and the doctor started to get all excited and exclaimed: "Yes, feed her!"

    I have a strong stomach, I work in Healthcare for God's sakes, but I couldn't take that - it mind ****ed the hell out of me.

    I am curious though, who was the doctor this time? Same premise or completely different storyline (other than the whole ya know, centipede thing).

    PS- I had the privilege of viewing the unrated, uncensored version of the first one. So in answer to your question: I have no idea why they'd bother censoring the film. That kind of movie is geared for a specific audience and has a specific purpose to be as graphic, vivid, and downright disturbing as possible. Independent horror films tend to be that way, I'm actually surprised they even made a censored version, I agree with you - what's the point?

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers) Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers)

    I believe its the same as R rated games in Australia, they deem it innapropriate for everyone, like they are our parents. By they, i mean the board of censorship.

    read here for a brief description of the antogonist and a scene.

    The doctor in it this time is in fact, not a doctor. He is a massive fan of the first film, and decides to create his own 12 human centipede. He is a disturbed man and quite odd looking which makes his action seem even more creepier. theres a scene where he injects them with a laxative (go figure, how can you inject a laxitive? they need to be digested) and they start shitting diarreah into each others mouths and its spraying out the sides. The whole film is in black and white, and the defacation is in colour. ewies.

  4. #4
    Kiss with a fist. The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers) Dranzer's Avatar
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    Swandiving in the Nexus

    Re: The human Centipede II and censorship (possible spoilers)

    WTF? And that was in the censored version of the film? I'd hate to see what exactly the uncensored version would include. Yeah, I'm glad I didn't let my curiosity get the best of me and look into the sequel (regardless of how revolting and disturbing it was/is, it's nevertheless intriguing). Especially when the most disgusting bit in the first movie (IMO) sounds ten times worse in that one.

    Also, that's downright ****ed up that the only thing in color was shit. Grodey.

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
    happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
    PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA

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