Does anybody know any good horror movies? i like every kind. s[ecially zombies. there just none too scary. >lol
Does anybody know any good horror movies? i like every kind. s[ecially zombies. there just none too scary. >lol
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Cat in the Brain by Lucio Fulci, Motel Hell (stupid movie but really funny), Suspiria by Dario Argento, Cannibal Holocaust. All of them are good. What kind are you looking for?
try watching RE movie's, but if ya want a game try the old RE's...
JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!
Yeah. Don't do this. The first RE movie was a dumb, fun, action film, but the others are total trash. Play the games, though, if you haven't. RE4 is amazing.
shinra_27, Sinister, Meier Link and Kilala all have the right ideas. I highly recommend looking up the Evil Dead series if you haven't already. And anything with Jason Voorhees in it. It's total cheese, but they're gory and fun as hell. Oh, and check out the Romero zombie films (save for Diary of the Dead, which is awful)
I also strongly recommend a Spanish horror film called REC, but don't watch the terribly mediocre American version.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
30 days of night - Vampires unleash havoc on a town in alaska as it plunges into night for 30days, the towns folk must hide and wait out the 30days till daylight arrives. Bloody amazing movie, one of my fav horrors.
Let the right one in - Not so much in your face horror, and its a foreign film so expect subtitles. Its basically about aloner boy who makes friends with the new girl who moved in next door, who turns out to be a vampire. Dont want to reveal much more but it is a totally awesome movie more so for the story than the scares.
Drag me to hell - Raimi returns to his roots of horror and graces us with a fresh and jump inducing horror movie. I really really enjoyed this movie, made me jump and laugh and actually care for the characters well being, a must see for all and especially fans of the evil dead series. Oh and its about a loan officer who pisses off an old lady who curses her and chaos insues.
Thats about all i can think of, Meier named a good few i would have - 28 days, dawn of, army of darkness.. All awesome movies.
Oh and ill add Rob Zombies movies, which are kickass imo
The devils rejects - Not so much supernatural horror, but its about a family on the run from the law and they are just basically murdering ****ers. Most of their crimes were showcased in the previous movie "House of a thousand corpses" which i didnt like at the time but feel i need to rewatch it to make a fair judgement.
Holloween (Remake/reboot) - Rob reinvents the Holloween series in his own take and does a bloody good job of it, cant wait to see the sequel which is also out very very soon![]()
Last edited by nix; 08-15-2009 at 12:45 AM.
Bruce Campbell from the 'Evil Dead' series is a B-movie GOD If you like Bruce he's been in some awesome tv series; I just finished watching Brisco County jr. (All cheese one-liners sci-fi spaghetti western) AND Jack of All Trades plays as the legendary 'Dragoon' hero semi-adult humor, with even more epic one-liners.
Today you probably know him as "Sam Axe" on the show Burn Notice
Here are some of my favorites from my collection.
1.Bad Tatse
2.Dead Alive
3.Dont Look In The Basement
4.Diary of the Dead
6.King of the Zombies
One I forgot to list yesterday was Audition. That was a messed up movie. One of my favorites.
Signature courtesy of Elise
My TFF Family:
My brother from down under: The_Dream_Recluse
The coolest sister I could ask for: Chocobo_Lover17
My nameless hero of a brother: Hero without a Name
My Gunblade Wielding sister: R.Kyra
My Brother, The Legendary Bad-Ass Ninja-Samurai War God Soul Reaper: Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima
My supernatural obesssing sister: LadyWinchester
My wonderful sister: eternity
My brother and FFVIII loving Adopter: Robbo
My one-of-a-kind sister: Bailax
My awesome sister: angelmarie190515
The onLy horror movies I watched are:
*The Ring I and II.. EngLish version.. I recommend these since it's reaLLy scary.. and I think it's popuLar since Japanese first made it.. aLso..
*FataL Frame.. it's originaLLy a game.. some says that it got a movie.. so.. if you see it, then try/buy it.. personaLLy I haven't watched it.. but based on the game.. it's reaLLy scary.. :-)
My Art Thread:
Event Horrizon was a good one, personally one of my favorites. I know it is not a zombie movie for the most part but it was pretty unique for its time.
I am going to just throw a couple out there now:
28 days later - Love this film for the sole reason it shows true human nature in a time of pleight. You could take away the zombies and add anything horrific to it and it would still be affective.
Dawn of the Dead - Pretty much same reasons as 28 days later. Really both the new and old versions are worth a watch. They are both really good, except for the ending of the old one haha.
Army of Darkness - If you want to call it a zombie flick or a horror flick, still it is good for a laugh. I will go ahead and say Evil Dead and Evil Dead II here also.
The boneyard - Not really scary per se but it was a good watch and I got a good laugh out of it. This straight to VHS gem is worth a watch for a B rated movie.
Ghost Brigade - This film is highly over looked but was a very excellent watch, it had it's freaky points but really wasn't set out to be a shock an aww horror film.
Pet Cemetary I and II - Stephen King adaptions before they sucked. That is all I have to say about that.
Versus - This is a great import even though I would not call it a horror movie by any means, more along the lines of an action adventure but I really liked it and it had some very good characteristics that made it a good watch even though some of the characters where cheezy.
Zombie Vs. Ninja - Never seen this one but I pulled it from a list of Zombie flicks, hell just look at the name; screams watch me now!
BTW I just saw that they are making a 28 months later and a new Resident Evil, hell yeah.
I might come back and add some other non zombie movies later but as for now it is time for me to work.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I love horror movies... When with a friend it's best though. I find that if you watch horrors in groups it can be more fun - plus it's hand for when I have a pillow over my head and I can ask what is going on xD.
I tend to prefer those movies with more suspense than gore (although sometimes gore is good too if you know what I mean). I like to be on the edge of my seat...
The scariest thing of all for me is my imagination. The things that I can think up... which is why I love a good hair raiser one.
The most recent horror I saw which has stuck in my mind is 'The Orphanage'. It was quite chilling and had a twist. Eden Lake was good too... as it was a 'realistic' horror it made it all the more cringe worthy.
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
ok. ill watch those movies. cause i love horror movies
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
ok ill go watch those movies too lol
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Ok heres my list :
The Priest
Season Of The Witch
Alone In The Dark
Hollow Man
The Ring
The Exorcist (The old one)
The Exorcist Of Emily Rose
The Women in black (I dont think it haz been released yet but u can watch when it will b released)
My Soul To Take
A Nightmare On Elm Street
Vanishing On THe 7th Street
Evil Dead"s All Partz (I dont like the movie coz itz supposed to B scarry but instead itz funny n disgusting ...... Sorry for any1 who likes EVIL DEAD)
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
I would suggest the following:
- Scream 1, 2, 3, and 4 <-- on DVD soon
- Final Destination 1-5 <-- in theaters as of this typing
- Resident Evil (both live action and animated)
- Vampire Hunter D and the sequel VHD: Bloodlust
- Underworld and it's sequels
If I have more suggestions, then I will update this post in the future.![]()
Last edited by SailorCallie; 08-15-2011 at 05:33 PM. Reason: Correction
The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)
PSN Username: SailorCallie
Nintendo Network Username: Callie1277
XBox Live Gamertag: SailorCallie77
Thanks for sharing your list. I love to watch horror movie.
I to am a HUGE horror-flick fan. Tons of titles I can't think of at the moment but by far my favorite is Aliens. The whole series is pretty good but that sequel stuck in my mind for so long I ventured into reading the Alien vs. Predator comics when I was a kid so when those movies came out I was a bit disappointed because of the under-budgeting (there's supposed to be entire armies of aliens of all different breeds and numerous kinds of predators.) The AvP movies didn't have a chance unless they made it like the end battle of The lord of the rings for the most of the movie vs the expendables and some colonial marines.
The only horror movie genre I never really appreciated were the 'Boogey man' types where its all suspense and sound, creaking, flashes and very little gore if any at all.
If you want the mother of all psychological thriller squirm movies, check out "the Human Centipede" WARNING: you may really hate this movie. I found it to be the most messed up torture head trips. Now really its not that gruesome but it more freaky-deaky makes you head woosey..
Well, that wasn't enough the director thought so he made a Human Centipede 2 that came out last year(idk if it's released in the states yet) After it got de-banned in Europe there were a total of 32 or 33 cut scenes removed. Now THIS sequel the director went for gore factor and he himself described it as making the 1st one look like candyland...
LOL wasn't enough for the director so he's filming a third final installment this year titled "human centipede 3: final sequence" which again, he describes as makes the 2nd movie look like candyland.
Although I only watched the 1st one and it was a trip, I'll have to prepare myself if I get around to seeing the sequel even after reading the synopsis.