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Thread: Movies, TV and Games today

  1. #1
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Movies, TV and Games today

    This may seem odd, but I despise green screens and CGI. It just makes a movie or TV show far too fake, but it's all the rage today. The actors never have anything to draw on to make a scene, so it just comes off even more robotic. All that people care about is the VISUAL, which is just sad. Stories and expression have more or less fell to the wayside. I suppose it's just the movie industry making up for lost time and becoming more like the music industry. It's funny because the visuals look awful anyway. TV isn't suffering quite as bad, due to low budgets and the fact that TV has always been filled with garbage lol but games are REALLY feeling it, just as bad as the movie industry. All about graphics, story and game play have more or less fell to the way side.

    A GREAT example are the Star Wars Prequels

    Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Review (Part 1 of 7) - YouTube Watch these reviews they're as long as a movie, but better than the original star wars trilogy <_< should probably be 18 if you watch it though lol

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    When it comes to medias such as movies and video games, especially video games, I feel people bitch way too much nowdays for no good reason. Tons of truly great movies and games are released every year and yet somehow people only look at negative things, nitpick and point out laughable flaws which makes me wonder sometimes, how the hell do such people enjoy a movie/game at all.

    What irritates me the most though and this goes mostly for videogames, those who think everything new is pure and utter garbage, loud ****s who claim older games are vastly superior and in that ignorance keep a blind eye to same if not worse flaws in their old precious games. With all that being said there are things I indeed hate about modern cinematography and video game industry, mostly unnecessary remakes plus shitty DLC's for video games.

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  3. #3
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    When it comes to medias such as movies and video games, especially video games, I feel people bitch way too much nowdays for no good reason. Tons of truly great movies and games are released every year and yet somehow people only look at negative things, nitpick and point out laughable flaws which makes me wonder sometimes, how the hell do such people enjoy a movie/game at all.

    What irritates me the most though and this goes mostly for videogames, those who think everything new is pure and utter garbage, loud ****s who claim older games are vastly superior and in that ignorance keep a blind eye to same if not worse flaws in their old precious games. With all that being said there are things I indeed hate about modern cinematography and video game industry, mostly unnecessary remakes plus shitty DLC's for video games.
    I never said that there aren't gems released now a days, but the issue with it is gaming and and cinematography being swallowed up by the mainstream american audience. Gaming has become a lot more mainstream than before (I hate the term as much as you, just hear me out) and a money game than before. The public wants a more simple product that you can pick up, play and then sit down. Something that doesn't require hard thinking, but entertains your eyes. Shooters for instance, all you need to know how to do is aim and shoot. There are slight extras, but the main part of the game is that. Which is what sells. As for movies, back when technology was limited, it was still an art form, so even blockbusters were great. Now all the industry wants is to have the most extreme looking movie. One that will draw in a large crowd, regardless of how it turns out.

    What all this means is, it's harder to find the gold in the mountains of shit. The artists are more limited, so independent media is what you have to look to. I know it's a typical way to whine in the music world, but it's a recent problem with movies and games and so on. Oh well I guess.

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Nowdays you can try the game for yourself, watch various videos related to it and read it's reviews and player thoughts on it before you decide whether you like it or not, so I would say it's pretty easy to find a good game you'll like amongst all that "shit". I understand it's bit more difficult when it comes to movies, but the principle is pretty much the same. I myself wouldn't say it's a current trend as shooters have always been like that and always will be, this comes from personal experience.

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  5. #5
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Nowdays you can try the game for yourself, watch various videos related to it and read it's reviews and player thoughts on it before you decide whether you like it or not, so I would say it's pretty easy to find a good game you'll like amongst all that "shit". I understand it's bit more difficult when it comes to movies, but the principle is pretty much the same. I myself wouldn't say it's a current trend as shooters have always been like that and always will be, this comes from personal experience.
    Reviews and stuff aren't exactly reliable anyway. Fanboys say one thing and haters say another. Only you can really judge it. That still doesn't change the fact that more and more media is becoming shittier and shittier. Just saying.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Reviews and stuff aren't exactly reliable anyway. Fanboys say one thing and haters say another. Only you can really judge it.
    Every, and I do mean every reviewer is biased and it is a one man's opinion, but majority of them do fine job at pointing out flaws and positive aspects of certain game/movie, even if you neglect them you're still left with tons of videos, friends who have experience with certain game/movie, and as far as video games go you can try them out yourself, be it at friends place or via demo, hell even pirate bay. I'm quite sure that's enough to make a proper judgment.

    That still doesn't change the fact that more and more media is becoming shittier and shittier. Just saying.
    Sheer quantity of movies and video games in general is increasing with every year, ergo more movies and video games of poor quality, it's only natural. We're still left with huge amount of quality movies and video games, so much so one would need quite some time to play/watch all of them, if possible at all, and more are being released with each passing day, thus I don't see any reason for anyone to bitch and moan, but that's just me.

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  7. #7
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Every, and I do mean every reviewer is biased and it is a one man's opinion, but majority of them do fine job at pointing out flaws and positive aspects of certain game/movie, even if you neglect them you're still left with tons of videos, friends who have experience with certain game/movie, and as far as video games go you can try them out yourself, be it at friends place or via demo, hell even pirate bay. I'm quite sure that's enough to make a proper judgment.
    Pirating and the internet are a few things that give me hope. We're starting to get more widespread access to independent things.

    Sheer quantity of movies and video games in general is increasing with every year, ergo more movies and video games of poor quality, it's only natural. We're still left with huge amount of quality movies and video games, so much so one would need quite some time to play/watch all of them, if possible at all, and more are being released with each passing day, thus I don't see any reason for anyone to bitch and moan, but that's just me.
    The issue I'm pointing out is the shit choking out the life of the system. When the bigger studios get a hold of a script, they completely change it up to how they want. Better not explore sex, but be sure to put in explosions and murder. Most of the blame is to be placed on the larger studios and such. There's always a reason to rant though, because we all have our own opinions
    Last edited by Lacquer Head; 08-19-2012 at 08:36 PM.

  8. #8
    Xanatos there are nowhere near as many good games as there used to be, the quality is in decline all across the board now.

    Music, movies and games..

    There is **** all creativity anymore in all aspects, and those that are able to make games, have to be told what to make by board members who have no ****ing clue about gaming. There is no love or art going into the games anymore and nobody is taking any risks anymore, no putting belief in the game creators.

    Want proof? Resident evil, Final fantasy and pretty much EVERY game with EA or activisions name on it, and im sure theres alot more, i dont play every genre.

    Same with movies as ive pointed out numerous times, nobody is giving people chances anymore. Majority of our blockbusters releases these days are super hero movies, which already have alot of story/script for the directors to take from, so **** all new original stories coming out, or we get hit with a remake.

    How long till someone else is doing Batman again eh? If i see his parents getting shot again i think ill go crazy.. Same for Uncle ****in Ben..

  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Xanatos there are nowhere near as many good games as there used to be, the quality is in decline all across the board now.
    Last year was according to many one of the best, if not the best year in gaming history, so far year 2012 looks like it wont fall far behind, if at all. Huge amount of quality games came out recent years, so much one couldn't possibly handle, and that's somehow less/worse compared to whichever era you're referring to... if you say so.

    Want proof? Resident evil, Final fantasy and pretty much EVERY game with EA or activisions name on it, and im sure theres alot more, i dont play every genre.
    Because huge franchises never fell from their grace back in the day, oh snap (Sonic, Mortal Kombat, FIFA...), other equally great if not better series rise, that's how things work. Both Square and Capcom have over 20 games in their respective franchise (Final Fantasy/Resident Evil), both were dominant for quite some time, over 15 years which is impressive to say the least, it was only natural, kinda expected they would **** up at one point, and it's not like their newer games are all that bad.

    Everything under EA sucks, is that so, guess you never played Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect 2, Bad Company 2, Mirrors Edge, Shift 1 & 2, Dead Space 1 & 2, FIFA 2012... just few recent games. Some of you may find this interesting, overall score of games published by EA is only 2% lower than those published by Nintendo, then again facts don't matter, only thing that matters is what Nix says.

    How long till someone else is doing Batman again eh? If i see his parents getting shot again i think ill go crazy.. Same for Uncle ****in Ben..
    I'm all against unnecessary remakes, should have also added reboots in my original post.

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  10. #10
    Do you have any idea how idiotic it is to bring review scores into it and then try to pawn them off as fact? Especially when you have called them biased yourself, as if the whole system isn't corrupt

    EA control the majority of the gaming market, its not surprising they have a few gems, i havent played alot of the games you mentioned, mainly cause ive been sooo ripped off with EA in the past i avoid their games like the plague. But they have ****ed up alot of games with great potential, and rip off customers yearly by selling them reskinned games that by some weird reason to me, people are happy to buy (FIFA, Battlefield etc)

    Oh and which of the games you mentioned aren't riddled with DLC??

    Square went to shit with the merger and the games they offer are nowhere near the level they used to be, because they abandoned their fan base and went for a bigger market.

    Oh and there is no way in ****ing hell 2011 released a better array of games than 1998.

  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Do you have any idea how idiotic it is to bring review scores into it and then try to pawn them off as fact? Especially when you have called them biased yourself, as if the whole system isn't corrupt
    If majority of those games are indeed garbage as you claim, don't you find it funny they hold such score, I mean they can't bribe all reviewers out there since, well, ever, and if you read more carefully you would see I praised most of those reviewers for doing a fine job at pointing out strong and weak points of a certain game.

    EA control the majority of the gaming market, its not surprising they have a few gems, i havent played alot of the games you mentioned, mainly cause ive been sooo ripped off with EA in the past i avoid their games like the plague. But they have ****ed up alot of games with great potential, and rip off customers yearly by selling them reskinned games that by some weird reason to me, people are happy to buy (FIFA, Battlefield etc)
    You were ripped by EA in the past, funny as they were even better back in the day, ever heard of Populus, Ultima Online, Dungeon Keeper series, Medal of Honor Underground & Alied Assault, Sim City series, American McGee's Alice, Burnout 3: Takedown, Battlefield 1942 & Battlefield 2, Dark Age of Camelot, Need for Speed: Porsche, Hot Pursuit and Underground 2, Alone in the Dark 2, Black & White, Command & Conquer: Generals, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2... few gems indeed. They ****ed up quite a few titles, I agree, at the same time though published tons of truly great games or perhaps you haven't seen their list. Do play some of those games, we don't want you bitch about something you're not familiar with which in this case would be EA and their games in general.

    Oh and which of the games you mentioned aren't riddled with DLC??
    Mirrors Edge, FIFA 2012 and Dead Space for starters, Bad Company 2 got an expansion pack and several free DLC's, I'm not sure why you mention DLC's to begin with when almost every major company does the same, Capcom ****ed up even worse in that regard.

    Oh and there is no way in ****ing hell 2011 released a better array of games than 1998.
    Perhaps not, but there's no denying it's one of the best years in gaming history, just look at the list of games released in 2011, 2012 seems to follow the same patern.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 08-20-2012 at 12:27 PM.

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  12. #12
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    If majority of those games are indeed garbage as you claim, don't you find it funny they hold such score, I mean they can't bribe all reviewers out there since, well, ever, and if you read more carefully you would see I praised most of those reviewers for doing a fine job at pointing out strong and weak points of a certain game.
    Kinda like how Justin Bieber is better than the Beatles. AMIRITE GAIZ

    You were ripped by EA in the past, funny as they were even better back in the day, ever heard of Populus, Ultima Online, Dungeon Keeper series, Medal of Honor Underground & Alied Assault, Sim City series, American McGee's Alice, Burnout 3: Takedown, Battlefield 1942 & Battlefield 2, Dark Age of Camelot, Need for Speed: Porsche, Hot Pursuit and Underground 2, Alone in the Dark 2, Black & White, Command & Conquer: Generals, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2... few gems indeed. They ****ed up quite a few titles, I agree, at the same time though published tons of truly great games or perhaps you haven't seen their list. Do play some of those games, we don't want you bitch about something you're not familiar with which in this case would be EA and their games in general.
    You just named what the newer games are copied from lol

    Mirrors Edge, FIFA 2012 and Dead Space for starters, Bad Company 2 got an expansion pack and several free DLC's, I'm not sure why you mention DLC's to begin with when almost every major company does the same, Capcom ****ed up even worse in that regard.
    DLC is another issue, now you have to keep paying just to finish a game. It wont be long before the ending of all games will be DLC

    Perhaps not, but there's no denying it's one of the best years in gaming history, just look at the list of games released in 2011, 2012 seems to follow the same patern.

  13. #13
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Kinda like how Justin Bieber is better than the Beatles. AMIRITE GAIZ
    You got me there, although I highly doubt Justin Bieber fares equally well among good deal of music fans (which is infact true after checking several major sites, internet in general), while quite a few newer games published by EA (Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect most noticeably) got same reception worldwide by reviewers and players themselves.

    You just named what the newer games are copied from lol
    By that logic every FPS is copy of Doom, every RTS is copy of Command & Conquer/Starcraft/Warcraft II, every fighting game is copy of Street Fighter II, and yet somehow it's not the same to play NFS Underground II and NFS Shift 2, to play Battlefield 2 and Bad Company 2.

    Perhaps not, but there's no denying it's one of the best years in gaming history, just look at the list of games released in 2011, 2012 seems to follow the same patern.
    Yes, follow the same pattern as in dishing out equal amount (perhaps even more, we'll have to wait and see) of quality games, perhaps I should have expressed myself differently.

    DLC is another issue, now you have to keep paying just to finish a game. It wont be long before the ending of all games will be DLC
    I'm all against DLC's, especially those that have influence on main story, I miss days when we had substantial expansion packs.

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  14. #14
    All the battlefield games are just reskinned, sure after the futuristic battlefield game EA released a statement apologising for ripping off their customers. Majority of the games you listed are from a time when gaming was great, i didnt always hate EA.

    And fifa may not have DLC (yet) but the game is released every year with **** all difference between them, they would be pretty greedy to do it on that game, but i wouldnt put it passed them

    Black and white was a great game, they spent YEARS making it, they dont spend much time like that on games anymore, and it shows.

  15. #15
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    All the battlefield games are just reskinned, sure after the futuristic battlefield game EA released a statement apologising for ripping off their customers.
    You may think whatever you want, but Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 were huge back in the day, they were amongst better multiplayer games and were rather diverse compared to each other. Bad Company 2 was something else, eye candy, it's multiplayer and destructive environment surpasses that of Battlefield 3 which many will vouch for.

    Majority of the games you listed are from a time when gaming was great, i didnt always hate EA.
    Gaming is still great, I enjoy playing games as much as I did back in the day, although to be honest I do have less time and patience for games. There are so many great games I have yet to play (many I never will) for me to mind the bad ones, I don't see a point in bashing a game I never played, let alone refuse to try out a potentially great game solely because I was burned once or twice, if that was the case I would only play games made by Valve. With all due respect, and I mean no offense when I say this, but you do seem like a guy who labels everything new as a garbage without even trying it, you haven't tried a lot of games I mentioned which are by far among the best ones by EA, hell, you even bashed newer Tekken games which (and I only found out this later after asking you to back up your words) you never even played.

    And fifa may not have DLC (yet) but the game is released every year with **** all difference between them, they would be pretty greedy to do it on that game, but i wouldnt put it passed them
    FIFA improved vastly over the years, try out some of the older FIFA games which sucked pretty bad by the way, it's the best football game out there and this comes from die hard Pro Evo fan. The AI is improving quite a bit with every game and that's something you can easily notice, then there are changes in ball physics, and simple things as dribbling and shooting, manager aspect of the game isn't as laughable as it used to be... I consider myself to be quite good at FIFA and Pro Evo, despite of it I still need dozen of matches at least to adjust to newer version of those two games which should tell you something.

    Black and white was a great game, they spent YEARS making it, they dont spend much time like that on games anymore, and it shows.
    Yes, but they were also highly limited as far as number of people working on a game goes which is a rare problem today. There are dozen of developers who take their time nowdays (id, Bethesda, Blizzard, Valve, CD Projekt, even SquareEnix...), that doesn't always work out as we can see from games such as Final Fantasy XIII, while on the other hand AC Brotherhood took little bit over one year to make and it's a damn fine game.

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  16. #16
    Boxer of the Galaxy Movies, TV and Games today Rowan's Avatar
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    The quality of games is declining due to an 'appeal to the masses' factor. An example would be using leona lewis crappy music as a theme song for a final fantasy game. A song that people could recognize when they used it in an advertisement. Now its all flash and no substance. NO SUBSTANCE. Wheres the gameplay? I want some depth to my gameplay, I dont want to play through a graphic novel and pay to download the rest of the story. Games were better back in the day, because there were no expectations. In todays society, graphics are more important than gameplay (i disagree immensly) which is why fantastic games like Disgaea go unnoticed. Sure, they could take advantage of the newer consoles hardware capabilities, but its not a priority for their franchise. Its all about gameplay. I dont care if my characters are sprites, as long as I can use them how I wish and theyre not forced along some linear path with restrictions on the character advancements because im sucking on the c**k of commercialism.
    Last edited by Rowan; 08-20-2012 at 08:06 PM. Reason: needed some icing.

  17. #17
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    You got me there, although I highly doubt Justin Bieber fares equally well among good deal of music fans (which is infact true after checking several major sites, internet in general), while quite a few newer games published by EA (Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect most noticeably) got same reception worldwide by reviewers and players themselves.
    Popularity =/= quality.

    By that logic every FPS is copy of Doom, every RTS is copy of Command & Conquer/Starcraft/Warcraft II, every fighting game is copy of Street Fighter II, and yet somehow it's not the same to play NFS Underground II and NFS Shift 2, to play Battlefield 2 and Bad Company 2.
    No, but a FPS involving a space marine fighting martian demons is. Being a specific genre doesn't imply a lack of unique content, but using recycled game play elements and story themes DOES.

    Yes, follow the same pattern as in dishing out equal amount (perhaps even more, we'll have to wait and see) of quality games, perhaps I should have expressed myself differently.
    ...regardless of what you intended, your expression was more correct. Recycled content ONCE AGAIN. Oh look, another Halo, Final Fantasy 13, 18 call of duties...etc etc. ****, look at the blatant copies Sony and X Box are heavily endorsing. Kinect and that one thingy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    because im sucking on the c**k of commercialism.
    I love you

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    You may think whatever you want, but Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 2 were huge back in the day, they were amongst better multiplayer games and were rather diverse compared to each other. Bad Company 2 was something else, eye candy, it's multiplayer and destructive environment surpasses that of Battlefield 3 which many will vouch for.

    Gaming is still great, I enjoy playing games as much as I did back in the day, although to be honest I do have less time and patience for games. There are so many great games I have yet to play (many I never will) for me to mind the bad ones, I don't see a point in bashing a game I never played, let alone refuse to try out a potentially great game solely because I was burned once or twice, if that was the case I would only play games made by Valve. With all due respect, and I mean no offense when I say this, but you do seem like a guy who labels everything new as a garbage without even trying it, you haven't tried a lot of games I mentioned which are by far among the best ones by EA, hell, you even bashed newer Tekken games which (and I only found out this later after asking you to back up your words) you never even played.

    FIFA improved vastly over the years, try out some of the older FIFA games which sucked pretty bad by the way, it's the best football game out there and this comes from die hard Pro Evo fan. The AI is improving quite a bit with every game and that's something you can easily notice, then there are changes in ball physics, and simple things as dribbling and shooting, manager aspect of the game isn't as laughable as it used to be... I consider myself to be quite good at FIFA and Pro Evo, despite of it I still need dozen of matches at least to adjust to newer version of those two games which should tell you something.

    Yes, but they were also highly limited as far as number of people working on a game goes which is a rare problem today. There are dozen of developers who take their time nowdays (id, Bethesda, Blizzard, Valve, CD Projekt, even SquareEnix...), that doesn't always work out as we can see from games such as Final Fantasy XIII, while on the other hand AC Brotherhood took little bit over one year to make and it's a damn fine game.

    I've played most of the games you have listed, except the car games and dungeon keeper.

    I called the tekken thing a mistake, pretty sure i was taring it amongst other games. but bring it up if you must

    And when the hell did i use the word garbage???

    Regarding Fifa, the small improvements they make, do they warrant enough to be releasing a game yearly? Or could they patch it in? Exactly, it doesnt matter, they will have one every year, cause the people who buy those games aren't too bright. Oh you're getting good at the game? Wanna enter into big competitions? Auh sorry you cant, game devs dont give the game community time to grow as the game is replaced within a year.

    Xanatos, the reason you will find me hating on alot of games, its because ive played them before, may have been older versions of the game, but i know what they can offer and i know how they can improve pending on the company.

    Battlefield 2 was a great game in theory and at first play, but the more you played it the more bugs ya seen (bugs they dont fix by the way, why bother when sequel replacing it soon) The bullet registry for the game was horrendous, grand if you deal only in rockets and explosions, but tryin to snipe, it was horrendous. It was so bugged it wasn't targeted for competitive play, despite the money EA themselves put into tournies prize pools to try and kickstart the BF competitive scene.

  19. #19
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    There is a common misconception that things were back then, the problem is that you can easily forget all the trash that came out back then and just remember what you enjoyed at the time. Looking back it's easy to pick out all the gems then look at right now and wonder why things aren't good as they used to be. On top of that there is nostalgia and the new factor that would affect your view on something. Think of all the things you used to love but now they embarrass you, look for a movie that you used to love but people hated and re watch it and you'll see. That's what other people are going through, when they see the latest CoD they think its like they're really in the movie even though it does nothing special, that's what sells.

    On top of that do you only watch/play stuff that is new? Why not go back and see all those gems you missed out on or ignored, there is so much old anime I want to watch I can barely keep up and I am constantly finding stuff from a long time ago that I can still enjoy that we'll keep me occupied till the next gem comes along. A while ago I thought I had seen the majority of all the best movies, but then saw a list and noticed that I've barely scratched the surface. Not to mention all the games I've yet to touch on. My backlog just keeps growing and growing, I try to keep up with all the new stuff but I always fall behind.

  20. #20
    Ayyye Movies, TV and Games today Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    The only difference is that the trash 10 years ago wasn't the entire best sellers list.

  21. #21
    Hewerya love...? Movies, TV and Games today seanb's Avatar
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    aw goooood...
    time is the problem here, people don't notice it creeping up.

    when the odd few rubbish titles were first being released on ps1, people were saying, ah nothin beats the sega, sonic was a proper game bla bla graphics bla 8 bit bla bla

    in the 80's ... '60's music 4life!!'
    2000's .... '80'music for life man todays music sucks'

    just go with the flow people, and do whatever the FUCK YOU WANNA DO!

  22. #22
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I've played most of the games you have listed, except the car games and dungeon keeper.
    I was actually referring to newer games, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect series, Dead Space series, Shift series, Mirrors Edge, which you said you haven't played.

    Regarding Fifa, the small improvements they make, do they warrant enough to be releasing a game yearly? Or could they patch it in? Exactly, it doesnt matter, they will have one every year, cause the people who buy those games aren't too bright. Oh you're getting good at the game? Wanna enter into big competitions? Auh sorry you cant, game devs dont give the game community time to grow as the game is replaced within a year.
    If those improvements are indeed as minor as you say I wouldn't need dozen of matches to adjust, but let's say they do decide to refresh their game solely via patches, those patches would need to contain new tweaks and game mechanics, huge amount of content such as new clubs, stadiums, players, kits, multiplayer balancing... sounds like patching a MMO game without all the profit, unless they decide to charge those which would put us right back where we were. Not every video game out there containing multiplayer needs to be as competitive as Counter Strike.

    Battlefield 2 was a great game in theory and at first play, but the more you played it the more bugs ya seen (bugs they dont fix by the way, why bother when sequel replacing it soon) The bullet registry for the game was horrendous, grand if you deal only in rockets and explosions, but tryin to snipe, it was horrendous. It was so bugged it wasn't targeted for competitive play, despite the money EA themselves put into tournies prize pools to try and kickstart the BF competitive scene.
    I find it funny you call Battlefield games reskined and complain about it's bugs, yet you play and praise Counter Strike, doesn't make any sense and it's kinda hypocrit of you. CS 1.6 was the epitome of bugs, hacks and glitches, and I should know, I played that game for years. Graphics aside, list (there's an actual list) of changes Source made over it's predecesor is laughable to say the least (and you think FIFA is bad in that regard), and from the looks of it quite a few of those changes weren't well recieved among CS fans (the infamous hitbox and weapon recoil in particular), it's still a good game though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Popularity =/= quality.
    Couldn't agree more. Call of Duty is popular, it may have recognition on paper, though the game itself and it's fans are pretty much lynched by good part of gaming community. I'm refering to newer games recieved well by both media and players themselves, when it comes to games such as Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect, some other games I mentioned as well, I'm pretty sure it goes quality = popularity.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 08-22-2012 at 12:37 AM.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  23. #23
    Ok to put things in perspective for you as you're no good at getting there on your own, how many different platforms of counter strike has their been?

    And how many different battlefields have their been?

    Fifa doesnt not need to patch in whole stadiums, the only thing it would need to update after release are gameplay bugs, the alteration of the socks/jerseys and the player transfers, which wouldnt need to be redesigned, they would just need to swap jerseys pending on their new team.

    And not every game has to be like CS? No games are trying to be

  24. #24
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Ok to put things in perspective for you as you're no good at getting there on your own, how many different platforms of counter strike has their been?

    And how many different battlefields have their been?
    Dozen of Battlefield games at least, usually released in span of 2-3 years if you don't count expansion packs in between, on the other hand there's only handful of Counter Strike games (four I think), Source came 4-5 years after original, the way you rise it above Battlefield you would think it would be something more than graphical overhaul with few mostly hit and miss changes (the same thing you hold against Battlefield apparently), but no (it didn't even have new mods for God's sake). I forgot to mention CS Condition Zero, that game was quite a revolution in CS series with all the new things it brought on the table (sarcasm).

    Fifa doesnt not need to patch in whole stadiums, the only thing it would need to update after release are gameplay bugs, the alteration of the socks/jerseys and the player transfers, which wouldnt need to be redesigned, they would just need to swap jerseys pending on their new team.
    New FIFA usually guarantees changes in gameplay (ball physics, better AI, and such), additions such as player plus, new stadiums, new kits, new clubs, new players, new stats, tons of new information in manager aspect of the game in which you pretty much play with information... but they should drop all that and stick to basics (hell, even one year FPS games get more than that), you didn't even mention balancing and updating online aspect of the game which is essential part of the game, then again, you know the best...

    And not every game has to be like CS? No games are trying to be
    You mean games with little to no difference in between, games with total of 2-3 mods to play in, games solely for competitive purposes and nothing else... I'm pretty sure we had few of those.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  25. #25
    CZ was the retail copy of CS, the game was free prior to that, it was the same game pretty much except you could pick up nades off corpses.

    Then when half life 2 came out so did a new CS, source, free also might i add

    As there is no new half life out, i guess they got impatient and gave into the demand, 8 years since source was released new CS was needed..

    Its a major graphical improvement and a chance for them to improve on the hit boxes (hopefully), the weapons are pretty much the same, they have added in moltovs and incendiary grenades. They dont need to alter CS much as it "works"


    1999 Counter strike

    2004 Counter strike source

    2012 Counter strike global offensive - 2012

    I have spent a total of 13.00 for over 13 years

    2002 Battlefield 1942
    2003 Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome
    2003 Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
    2004 Battlefield Vietnam
    2005 Battlefield 2
    2005 Battlefield 2: Special Forces
    2005 Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
    2006 Battlefield 2: Euro Forces
    2006 Battlefield 2: Armored Fury
    2006 Battlefield 2142
    2007 Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike
    2008 Battlefield: Bad Company
    2009 Battlefield Heroes
    2009 Battlefield 1943
    2010 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
    2010 Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam
    2010 Battlefield Online
    2011 Battlefield Play4Free
    2011 Battlefield 3
    2011 Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand
    2012 Battlefield 3: Close Quarters
    2013/2014 Battlefield 4

    And the better part of a grand if you're a BF fan

  26. #26
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    We're now on money issues, good. I mean, how dare they charge full price for a well received game that offers a lot more diversity and overall content than your beloved Counter Strike, three times less for an expansion pack... those greedy bastards, they sicken me. We didn't have such policy in good ol' days, remember those days Nix when games such as Final Fantasy, Mario, Sonic, Dragon Quest, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider... were few and far in between, cheap as well... wait a minute, something's not right here.

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    They dont need to alter CS much as it "works"
    Clearly something's not quite right with Source, in essence it doesn't really need to change, adding more content on the other hand wouldn't hurt.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    We're now on money issues, good. I mean, how dare they charge full price for a well received game that offers a lot more diversity and overall content than your beloved Counter Strike, three times less for an expansion pack... those greedy bastards, they sicken me. We didn't have such policy in good ol' days, remember those days Nix when games such as Final Fantasy, Mario, Sonic, Dragon Quest, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider... were few and far in between, cheap as well... wait a minute, something's not right here.

    Clearly something's not quite right with Source, in essence it doesn't really need to change, adding more content on the other hand wouldn't hurt.
    I dont mind paying full price for a game, especially when i know it will have a good story like some of the ones you mentioned, battlefield doesnt have a story and they change very little between games, yet still charge full price (even their expansion packs, which are just more maps) and they bang them out more frequently than you presumed

    And what do you mean about adding more content? What kind of content do you mean?

    And money has never been excluded from this issue, its what the threads all about in essence

  28. #28
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Movies, TV and Games today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I dont mind paying full price for a game, especially when i know it will have a good story like some of the ones you mentioned, battlefield doesnt have a story and they change very little between games, yet still charge full price (even their expansion packs, which are just more maps) and they bang them out more frequently than you presumed
    Difference between Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142 and Bad Company 2 (all main games in between expansion packs) was so minor they all had different setting, different weapons and vehicles, and as the series progressed further overall more content and mods, better graphics and improved gameplay... hell, Bad Company even came with a minor thing called destructive environment where you can pretty much blow up anything you see... nothing compared to graphic overhaul of Counter Strike of course. Forgot to mention Battlefield Heroes, what a shameful copy of other games in franchise.

    All expansion packs were sold at lower price of a full fledged game (up to three/four times), Road to Rome had dozen of new vehicles, weapons, and maps to it, same goes for Special Forces and Bad Company 2: Vietnam among many other, next time do check what each and every one of those expansion packs contain.

    And what do you mean about adding more content? What kind of content do you mean?
    Just forget I said that, I always forget just how much of custom shit community tends to add to Counter Strike, my bad.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

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