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Thread: Favorite TV characters

  1. #1

    Favorite TV characters

    So who are some of your all-time favorite TV characters? I would prefer to keep this strictly TV shows, rather than movies, but if you feel the need, you can include movie guys if you want.

    I like:

    Don Vito from Viva La Bam. This guy was freakin' hilarious with how he acted; how he would mumble and studder words in a way where 90% of the time, you couldn't even understand what he was saying.

    Arthur Spooner from The King of Queens. Just a crazy old man. That's the best way to describe him. Most of the show's funniest lines come from him. I loved him in the episode Strike Out, the final week when the IPS workers are on strike and he, Doug and Deacon all hang out and play childish pranks.

    Beavis from Beavis & Butt-head. Not really much to explain here. Everybody knows who Beavis is. FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!

    Those are the main three I wanna start out with.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite TV characters Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    Every, and I do mean every main character from "Only Fools and Horses", it's due to this show that I ask myself at what I'm laughing at while going through other shows because honestly every other show seems poor in regard of cast, and humor compared to what "Only Fools and Horses" has to offer. As for my favorite characters...

    Derek Delboy Trotter - it's due to this role Sir David John is what he is today, a legend. It's near impossible, nay it's truly impossible to top his performance, he lived as, he is Delboy Trotter. Delboy may not be the brightest bloke, business however is where he truly shines, he would con God himself if he had opportunity for it.

    Boycie - his laugh is national treasure is all there is to be said about this character.

    Trigger - every show has that one "no way he's that stupid" character, but it all started with Trigger. Joey Tribbiani, Jazz, Waldo, Homer Simpson...are all stupid, thus funny, but you don't laugh at Trigger just because he's stupid, it's his appearance, behavior, habits, compared to formentioned characters he's original, and fresh.

    To move a bit from Only Fools and Horses...

    Gregory House (House MD.) - they say all brilliant men are crazy, House would be prime example. I love his crude humor, his sarcastic, "I don't give a damn" behavior, the way he looks at certain things.

    Sir Edmund Blackadder (Blackadder) - Even though Rowan Atkinson is highly praised for his role as Mr. Bean, I find him to be way better as infamous anti hero The Blackadder. I love how he pretty much stayed the same through all four season even though setting, and story have changed drastically with every new season. I would also like to add Baldrick, bit disgusting by appearance but funny nevertheless. George as well, played by Hugh Laurie, it was kinda hard getting used to his somewhat serious role in House MD after watching this show.

    I'll add more later...

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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    -Trent Lane from Daria. Laid back deadbeat dude who was in a ridiculous band, but with surprising insights on occasion. Trent kicked ass. And then they started to derail his character in like the 3rd or 4th season-making him more and more selfish and stupid-because they didn't want Daria to end up with him. Lame.
    -Mr. DeMartino from Daria. Crazy-ass teacher with anger issues and some kind of heart condition. Mr. DeMartino was hilarious. And every THIRD word or SO was SHOUTED!! Though he didn't have as many crowning moments of awesome as some of the other teachers, he definitely had a few.
    -GOB Bluth from Arrested Development. What a hilarious asshole. GOB was a total idiot and unjustifiably arrogant. And that is what made him awesome. You didn't really care what happened to him, but it was a joy to watch him pull his stupid shit every episode.
    -#24 from The Venture Brothers. I don't know if I would have felt this way about him during any other season except for the last one. He definitely took a level in badass in Season 4, and fought against Brock Sampson-and lived.
    -Brock Sampson from The Venture Brothers. Yeah, gotta give the nod to Brock. He is just that bad ass. All he does is kill people and ****, and he doesn't give a ****. Patrick Warburton has an amazing voice, too.

    Those are the few that I can think of right now. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Dodie reminded me that I didn't put Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie is like a cute, female Deadpool. What's not to love?

  4. #4
    All evil will see the light Favorite TV characters Assassin's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    I really liked the character of Jim in Acorrding To Jim because his character was really good and funny and I also think that the tv show was awsum. The things he do are awfully funny. It was alwayz good to see him cracking funny jokes that makes one laugh out loud

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  5. #5

    Re: Favorite TV characters

    Most of my favourite characters are either from Six Feet Under or The Sopranos.

    Six Feet Under:
    - pretty much the entire main cast i liked, there was something about each and everyone of them that i loved and grew to cherish

    The Sopranos:
    - Silvio was my favourite mobster from the series, although i was kind of upset what they did with his character at the end of Season 5

    The scene where Silvio kills Adriana

    - Uncle Junior was my second favourite character from the series, he was old but he was still showing people he meant business and i couldn't help but feel love for him as he got older and started losing his memory

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  6. #6
    Final Fantasy I-XIII = LOVE! Favorite TV characters NeonLotus76's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    1. Dorothy Zbornak from "The Golden Girls"
    2. Frank Barone from "Everybody Loves Raymond"
    3. Will Truman from "Will & Grace"
    4. Niles Crane from "Fraiser"
    5. John Becker from "Becker"
    6. Stewie Griffin from "Family Guy"
    7. Lucy Ricardo from "I Love Lucy"
    8. Al Bundy from "Married...With Children"
    9. Will "The Fresh Prince" Smith from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
    10. Lennie Brisco from "Law & Order"

    Honorable Mention: Captain Jean Luc Picard from "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
    Last edited by NeonLotus76; 09-11-2011 at 10:03 PM. Reason: Adding specifics
    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

    My Final Fantasy Timeline ~

    Final Fantasy (NES)
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    Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
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    Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
    Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

  7. #7
    Registered User Favorite TV characters Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    Hanazawa Rui from Boys Over Flowers (Japanese Drama)

  8. #8
    Skie's Dark Lady Favorite TV characters SailorCallie's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    • The cast of Law and Order: SVU
    • Meg Griffin from Family Guy (I LIKE HER, DAMMIT, SO STOP TREATING HER LIKE A PUNCHING BAG!!) <-- To Seth MacFarlane
    • Ash Ketchum from Pokemon
    • Usagi/Serena Tsukino and Makoto/Lita Kino from Sailor Moon
    • Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
    • The Doctor from Doctor Who

    The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)

    PSN Username: SailorCallie
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  9. #9

    Re: Favorite TV characters

    My favourite tv show gossip girl .I like the character
    Queen Bee
    Aaron Tveit
    Jenny Humphrey
    Carter Baizen

  10. #10
    Chief Inspiring Officer Favorite TV characters Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    Quote Originally Posted by SailorCallie View Post
    • The Doctor from Doctor Who
    Which 'Doctor Who' version would that be?
    I get a kick from Damon Salvatore of 'The Vampire Diaries'
    Gregory House makes me laugh, too.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  11. #11
    Skie's Dark Lady Favorite TV characters SailorCallie's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    Quote Originally Posted by cyanosuke View Post
    Which 'Doctor Who' version would that be?
    Any Doctor, including 4, 9, 10, & 11.

    The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)

    PSN Username: SailorCallie
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  12. #12

    Re: Favorite TV characters

    My favourite tv show Friends .My favourite character
    Jennifer Aniston
    Matthew Perry
    Chandler Bing

  13. #13
    persona user Favorite TV characters foster kid's Avatar
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    Re: Favorite TV characters

    lets see.......Sam & Dean farts........ugh i had more but oh.......David Tenant, the doctor from doctor who...........Leo from Charmed........The demon of fear from charmed......misha collins, cass from supernatual......bobby from supernatural.......yep i think that might be enough lol im havin another brain fart lol

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  14. #14

    Re: Favorite TV characters

    My favourite TV characters are:
    1. Will Truman.
    2. Niles Crane.
    3. Kim Kardashian.
    7. Lucy Ricardo.

  15. #15

    Re: Favorite TV characters

    All the characters in the Saturday Night TV show are all my favorite actors..

  16. #16

    Re: Favorite TV characters


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