A very popular anime, most likely the first anime that almost anyone has seen (EDIT!!! My first anime was Bleach) or the most memorable. Starting with the main character as Goku, a child, who was confused about where he came from and curious about everything, then growing to be one of the most badass anime heros of all time, being able to go "Super Saiyan 1, 2 and 3"! Also because of hardcore research, the ideal good guy for any anime, seeing as how (through some research) others wanted a main character to be just like Goku, just a total badass who can F**k shit up. Then in GT (If you haven't seen GT I am sorry for spoiling this) he gets wished back into a kid by that stupid idiot Pilaf (Yes, Emperor Pilaf from the original Dragon Ball!), but he still has the powers of the Super Saiyan!
In my opinion, this is a very badass anime series (Personally my favorite ever!) and I would like to see what you guys think about this series and who your guys's favorite character is for each side (IE Goku for good and Cell for bad [My favorite characters]) And these can include the people from the movies!