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Thread: Captain America: Civil War

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Captain America: Civil War Xanatos's Avatar
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    Captain America: Civil War

    Not quite as good as The Winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy, hardly any comic book film is in my opinion, but a pretty good film nevertheless, better than Age of Ultron most definitely. If nothing else the airport brawl alone is worth the price of admission. For those who worry that Captain America is sidelined in his own film by adding all those characters, rest assured this is first and foremost a Captain America film.

    Ant-Man, Black Panther, and Spider-Man steal the show. Best introduction any character could wish for, Black Panther is complete and utter badass, from his stance, behavior to his fighting skills. Imagine when Cap himself has to steal a car just to catch up with Black Panther. Ant-Man is probably the best comic relief character I've seen in quite some time, and...

    we finally got Giant Man, a pretty funny reference to "The Empire Strikes Back" with him as well. Ant-Man on an arrow being fired by Hawkeye is pure gold, straight out of comics.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say this is the best Spider-Man yet without seeing his solo film first, but looking at Civil War alone he just might be. Everything I was looking for in both Peter Parker and Spider-Man, and let me tell you, seeing him interact with Avengers is something else, I still can't believe Marvel got Spidey back.

    I actually like the main villain, surprisingly given MCU's track with villains and the fact that Zemo is only Zemo in name in Civil War. His motives were simple yet human, somewhat even sympathetic, and while his plan was convoluted at times...

    he actually managed to succeed where far bigger villains failed. I like how he's well aware he cannot kill Avengers, but he can harm them in other ways. Luckily they didn't kill off Zemo like they usually do with villains, we could potentially see him again, preferably taking the title of a Baron and all the terrifying legacy and riches that come with it.

    The fighting choreography is on the same level as The Winter Soldier if not better, bit of shaky cam but otherwise out of this world. The airport brawl is arguably the best action sequence I have ever seen, as I've already mentioned it alone is well worth the price of admission.

    Civil War is not without its flaws. It was quite frankly dull at times, there were few scenes and characters, primarily Sharon Carter and Martin Freeman, who by the way was criminally underused, I could have lived without. I feel Vision got the short end of the stick after being the best part of Age of Ultron, I did however like his chemistry with Scarlet Witch. Spider-Man's CGI was piss poor at times. My biggest beef though...

    there had to be bigger, far more sever consequences to all of it than bad blood, and some wanted status for certain characters. It's your 13th film for ****'s sake, Civil War no less, stop playing it safe, kill off someone.

    After The Winter Soldier and Civil War I feel MCU is in good hands with Russo brothers.

    For those who have seen the film what did you think of it?

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  2. #2
    Queen Captain America: Civil War Crescent's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Just watched it tonight at the theatre n thought it was pretty good. Agreed with literally everything u wrote esp
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    -Not quite as good as The Winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy
    The way they were able to balance all these heroes while still feeling like a Captain America story was done really well. There was some interesting character development for Scarlet Witch and Vision while seeing newcomers Spider Man and Black Panther fight was epic. Even Ant Man whom I kno nothing about got his time to shine n reveal some of his awesome abilities. Spiderman's cameo was my absolute favourite tho. Overall, great action, humor, and drama.

    And I have yet to see BvS lol

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Captain America: Civil War Clint's Avatar
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    I thought it was good, but it suffered from everything that the Avengers films suffer from. Like The Avengers, it was overloaded with too many characters, most of whom didn't really matter, which was evident from the lack of character development. Sure, it's the 13th film in the extended universe, and most characters have had an ample amount of character development in previous installments, but without development, it feels as if most of the characters actually regressed and became less interesting.

    Ant-Man and Hawkeye randomly showed up, did some cool stuff for one scene, and that was it. Vision was pointless. The Spider-Man thing, although pretty cool to see, seemed a little pointless and out of place. Even Black Widow felt watered-down in this installment. There was so much development in regards to her relationship with Cap in Winter Soldier that seemed to be completely ignored.

    The dynamic between Cap, Stark, and Bucky was fantastic, and I'm glad that was the focus of much of the film, though it was never quite explained why a rebel like Tony Stark is all of a sudden selling out to the US government. Kind of contradicts the entirety of the first two Iron Man films. I understand that people can change overtime, but having Stark randomly betray everything he stood for in his previous films seemed a bit out of place.

    I feel like a movie following up on Hydra's continuing existence within the US government itself would have been a more compelling story, and would have related better to the previous two Captain America installments.

    It was good, but it felt like an Avenger's movie, not a Captain America movie, and that's not a good thing.

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