Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Been a little while, apparently. Got caught up in playing Fallout: New Vegas, I think. Had this one drawn weeks ago, actually, but didn't want to post it until I had a second one to go along with it. Drew that one just now, tonight. A bit more of a serious tone, and I couldn't quite fit everything I wanted to fit into (as is often the case...) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
I enjoy your comics. :) I think they've got some interesting stories with really creative characters, and you do a great job of portraying your characters' emotions. I also like how you let your comics focus on many characters instead of just pretty much following only one, if that makes sense.
Are some of the things that happened to you irl reflect in some of your stories? I get the feeling that you do. Some comics that I've read seem kind of familiar like that. :P
Anyway, these are really good! Keep up the good work, sir! :D
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
As I've said before, thanks ma'am!
This is not a 72nd and a 3rd that I'm posting now-bit of a filler and a fanart-but I hope you enjoy it none the less. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a 72nd And A 3rd and a Back in the Day. I think there are a few panels in the Back in the Day that look really good, and others are kinda "eh." There are some pretty good panels in 72nd and a 3rd, and others that are "eh," as well. The plot thickens in 72nd, and I picked up an old plot thread in BitD (although I haven't done any of those in a long time, so...) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. First one's rather dark and smudgy, it seems. Although if I hadn't auto-leveled it, it would've been too light, I think. Such is the dilemna. First one also features the first appearance of "Dry Bones" in a 72nd and a 3rd... online. I think that was the name of an enemy in Super Mario RPG, actually. Oh well, I stole it. Second one is a little risque. Almost thought I should start over while drawing it, but changed my mind and altered one panel. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
"Whoa! That's not my shoulder this time"
Wow. That had me rolling. That particular comic was a pretty surprising entry, I think, but it was good. Also, your Ricky character amuses me with his douchiness. He seems like he's one of those characters you just love to hate. :P
Good stuff. You do a good job of working within panels, which is admirable. To me, it seems like it would take a lot of skill to work in such a smallish area and be able to convey the story and characters that you want. You do it well! :D Keep up the good work!
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. I've decided to introduce a character in the first one that was from a Mad Libs from last year. The Mad Libs was to "T'was the Night Before Christmas," and it called for a celebrity. Immediately, I piped up "Jack Shennanigans." My friend then proceeded to say this name with incredible dramatic build up each time it came up. "Who should it be but... Jack Shennanigans?" The rest of us were crackin' up, and a little later, I decided he should be an actual character. He's ridiculous, but awesome. Why not? Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here is one more, and then a filler episode. Mostly because there's kinda a cliffhanger at the end of the "real" one, and per Dodie's suggestion, I left it as a cliffhanger. A bit of both got lost in the scanning process-the real one more than the filler, unfortunately. I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that better. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Did a couple more tonight. The first one is the exciting conclusion to the cliff hanger from last time. The next one is somewhat similar in tone, yet more comedic. Maybe. Anyhoo....
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
When I got to the end of your first comic in your latest post, the victory fanfare from FF IX started playing on my iPod. 'Twas both awesome and weird at the same time. :P And lol. Big hammers always seem to get the job done, albeit a pretty gruesome way to go. :lol:
I liked how the whole story with your Ricky character played out. He got what was coming to him, though I think a follow-up is necessary to tell what happens with Milo and Ricky's wife. Speaking of which: How far ahead do you have these stories planned? Or do you just kind of go with what you feel like doing with your characters?
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Thankee for the comments as always, ma'am! I answered her question via VM, but I pretty much have some general ideas for where this is going, a few specific ideas, and the rest I just kinda do whatever I feel like doing. I'd like to see a particular scenario with particular characters, and I do it.
Here's one more. Was feeling a little lazy, so there's only one this time. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. The second one ties back to "Valentina's Interview," if anyone remembers that. This thought strand came up completely by accident, but oh well; looks like it might start a whole "Back in the Day" arc. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here are two more. They are a bit melodramatic, but still funny, I hope. (Are any of these funny?) I was actually thinking about going darker for the second one (you'll know how when you read it) but I decided that would be too dark. Probably would end up too melodramatic, too. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
The resolution of your Ricky arc turned out pretty good (gruesome, but good). :D Kind of surprised Milo developed some kind of Stockholm Syndrome though, but I suppose it can happen. Thought it was funny too. The panel with him having big, watery, sad eyes made me go "Awwww~". Oh well. Sometimes it's just not meant to be. :P
These last few have a nice mix of dark humor and drama. And yes. Your comics are amusing. Don't doubt yourself about that. :D
(I wonder if you're tired of me commenting on your work... I bet it would be nice to get another perspective... Other people need to get in here, read your stuff, and talk about it! :p)
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. These two are mostly less melodramatic than the last bit of stuff I did, though I suppose it depends upon how you look at the first one.
Todd's father is based off my father, to a degree. Mostly it's an extreme exaggeration, though, to be comical. My dad would be worried if I got shot-he'd probably freak out, in fact-and he's never disowned me. He probably loves me. Although the way that this character was just butting in to the conversation and interrupting people mid sentence is something I deal with on a daily basis. Also, Quimby was originally a random drawing I did on a page with a bunch of other crap (hence it's dubbed a "Crap" or "Shit" page, depending on how offended you want to be by "bad" words.) He was exclaiming "OH YEAH, Quimby Brothah!" in that as well. Then in a later one, I drew him again, and he said' Quimby Brothah is BACK!" And then the first 72nd and a 3rd Sniff was in, he was in it at the end as Sniff's brother, doing pretty much what he did in this one. (Sniff was called "The Sniffer" and was a very different character back then.) /Exlanatory crap. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a 72nd and a 3rd and a Back in the Day. I am kind of curious of how people will react to the joke in this 72nd and a 3rd. Could be interesting. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. I classify them as 72nd and a 3rd's, but they're mainly about Valentina. Meet Dilphy, btw. He sure is a great guy. Also, when Tammy and Valentina are in the same strip together, it becomes pretty evident how similar they look... although maybe I can cover this up by saying Tammy is a descendent of Valentina or something. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. Note that the same area that got scanned darker for some reason on the last one got scanned darker again on both of these. Also, the first one was attacked last night by my pasta dinner. The second one had some kinda eraser thing stuck to it when I started it. Guess I didn't care, heh.
I have a feeling these two aren't as good as the last few I've done. Actually, the first one's probably alright, but the second one I think I kinda forced. When Jay tells them, "I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about," I wrote that because I didn't know what they were talking about either. Their poking fun at him didn't make sense. Also, the second one wasn't drawn as well as the first, for the most part. Think I should've sharpened the pencil, or used a different one; the lead was flat at the tip. One thing about the second one is that someone actually said that to me once: "If I were gay, I'd fuck the piss out of you," or something to that effect. I just sat there and went "..." Then I decided it would be funny to put in a comic. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a Back in the Day and a 72nd And A 3rd. That 72nd and a 3rd is, in fact, the 50th one I decided to number, so whoah! ...there is absolutely nothing special about it, heh. In fact, a certain sequence of action might be confusing, so I'll say it right here: they jumped through the window, and now they're falling. My drawing skills at their finest... Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a new 72nd and a 3rd and a Back in the Day. I like how a few of the panels turned out a lot. Though I still haven't been using a ruler, haha. Kinda shows in a few places. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's some damn kinda Valentine's Day edition. Remember, the Squirrel died for YOU. So that you could be wished a happy Valentine's day. If you're a girl. ....anyhoo....
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a new 72nd and a 3rd and a Back in the Day. I feel kinda "meh" about the 72nd and a 3rd, but I kinda like the Back in the Day. The art, the dialogue, and the story are just all better overall, I think. Dunno why. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
I think both your comics in the new update are looking good, but I dig the 72nd and a 3rd a touch bit more. It looks a bit cleaner in terms of the art, and I like the story with it too, but maybe that's because I'm following that a little more than your Back in the Day comic. :o They're both enjoyable though. ^^
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
I've got a 72nd and a 3rd, a filler, and a Back in the Day for yas. Drew the 72nd And A 3rd over a week ago. Was gonna add some background, but I didn't know what the background should be, so... Drew the filler to get myself into drawing stuff again. Wanted to draw Todd as well, since I hadn't for a long time. Started to draw a fourth just now, but I got halfway through and didn't know where to go from there. Finish it later. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a couple more. First one has no backgrounds, because I am lazy. Second one has next to none. Didn't bother to read over either before I uploaded. Hope they aren't terrible. First one, I also started over a week ago. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here is what will likely be the last paper and pencil 72nd and a 3rd for some time. For in the mail, I have received a bamboo tablet, and with it and Paint.net, I have created this. And it took a rather long time to do, too. The better part of the afternoon, in fact. Good thing I'm sick today... The best part was when I realized that it'd probably be easier to draw panels on the main thing, instead of drawing each panel separately and then resizing them to fit in the comic.
There is actually only one new character; that idiot lion with the shaved head. Tommy was actually a character I had pre-uploading to this thread. He's pretty much the same as he was then, except more antagonistic, because I decided he'd be an antagonist instead of simply a jackass. (He was supposed to be comic relief, but some of my friends didn't like him, and I didn't really know how to write him, so...) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here is something new, seeing as I haven't done anything 72nd and a 3rd related in like 5 years. Pretty short, but hopefully okay. Took almost as long as that other one I did. Though if you have my dA page, you've already seen it, maybe... if you checked it five minutes ago. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here is something a lot darker. I will warn that it is kind of disturbing looking. Ricky is promising a return.
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a new one, a full one, a colored one. Took five hundred years to do. I don't know if I have the patience to do many full length ones, particularly with the coloring...And I didn't even do any backgrounds either, heh. Oh well. This one is based off an experience last night where I went out to eat with some friends and friends of friends, and we're a rowdy group. The waitress was really patient and good with us. When we went to check out, the dude in front of me did NOT give her a tip, and this embarrassed and annoyed me, so I gave her a 200% (of the price of a cup of coffee, that is.) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: 72nd & a 3rd
Here's a new one. Didn't take very long. Isn't very long either, though I didn't intend it to be short. But... *shrug* Haven't done one in a long time, thought I'd do something new tonight for yuz. Or mez. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom