PlayOnline Handle: Aerithiku
Server: Remora
Character: Aerithiku
Home Country: San d'Oria
Current Job(s): (the main ones.. at least) 75 MNK / 75 RDM / 58 BRD
LS: Hikari
PlayOnline Handle: Dizzy Daidouji
Server: Alexander/Midgardsormr
Character: Bridgit/Bridgit
Home Country: Windurst/Windurst
Current Job(s): THF (3)/THF (1)
LS: DeepSecond/Hokuten Knights
That's about it for both my chars on both servers. >>;
PlayOnline Handle: Aerithiku
Server: Remora
Character: Aerithiku
Home Country: San d'Oria
Current Job(s): (the main ones.. at least) 75 MNK / 75 RDM / 58 BRD
LS: Hikari
<img src="" border="0" </a>
The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing.
PoL Handle: Ellion
Character Name: Ellion (not to be confused with 'Elian Gonzalez' -.- but will answer to Ell, dork, and nerd)
Server: Gilgamesh
Main Job and Level: 74 Dark Knight (21.6k to 75)
Other Main Jobs and Levels: 64 Paladin, 58 Samurai
Leveled Jobs for subs: 37 Warrior, 37 Thief
Character Race & Gender: Hume Male
Starting Nation & Rank: San d'Oria Rank 10
Latest Accomplishment: Attained Private First Class for Assaults
Main Linkshell: LordofVanadiel
Dynamis Linkshell: Intrepid
Sky Linkshell: Currently, none, but joining a friend's soon.
Other Leveled Jobs:
22 NIN
20 MNK
12 DRG
Current goals: My main goal is to get DRK to 75 very soon. I'm also ready to do a fun, non-manaburn version of Divine Might so I can get my hands on an Abyssal Earring. I'm also going to start on CoP again soon, so I can get Sea, beat CoP and have my hands on one of those beautiful Rajas Rings. Getting a Walhara Turban, a pair of Black Cuisses, and an Algol goes in here somewhere too.
Artifact: DRK AF complete
SAM AF complete
PLD AF complete
Relic Armors: None for any job yet
About me: I'm quiet by nature, but very nice and laid back. Willing to help almost eveyone/anyone. I do have my silly side![]()
Pet Peeves and Annoyances: Not too much bothers me except for know-it-alls. Can't stand people who *think* they know everything. And I have a peeve where I have to keep certain skills capped, mainly my Scythe, Great Sword, and Dark Magic XD
That's about it for me, lol. Take care all.![]()
PlayOnline Handle: Suikojin
Server: Asura
Character: Suikojin
Race: Elvaan
Sex: Male
Allegiance: San d'Oria
Rank: 2
Linkshell(s): Chained Wings (a private one)
Chocobo License: Yep
Airship Pass: Yep
Job Level(s):
* Warrior: 29
* Monk: 15
* White Mage: 5
* Black Mage: 0
* Red Mage: 0
* Thief: 0
* Paladin: 0
* Dark Knight: 0
* Beastmaster: 0
* Bard: 0
* Ranger: 0
* Samurai: 0
* Ninja: 0
* Dragoon: 0
* Summoner: 0
Crafting Levels:
* Fishing: 5
* Woodworking: 0 (I am going to work on this one next)
* Smithing: 0
* Goldsmithing: 0
* Clothcraft: 0
* Leathercraft: 0
* Bonecraft: 0
* Alchemy: 0
* Cooking: 0
PlayOnline Handle: HYRO
Server: Caitsith
Character: Zegeo
Race: Tarutaru
Sex: Male
Allegiance: Windurst
Rank: 1
Linkshell(s): TheGuardians, The GobbieRockers
Chocobo License: Yep
Airship Pass: To Kazham yes
Job Level(s):
* Warrior: 1
* Monk: 1
* White Mage: 16
* Black Mage: 30
* Red Mage: 2
* Thief: 1
* Paladin: 0
* Dark Knight: 0
* Beastmaster: 0
* Bard: 0
* Ranger: 0
* Samurai: 0
* Ninja: 0
* Dragoon: 0
* Summoner: 12
Crafting Levels:
* Fishing: 0
* Woodworking: 0
* Smithing: 0
* Goldsmithing: 0
* Clothcraft: 0
* Leathercraft: 0
* Bonecraft: 0
* Alchemy: 0
* Cooking: 0
(M) Kieron Sumner. says:
strudel? :|
Maxi(L) says:
strudel ^^
(M) Kieron Sumner. says:
whats that haha
Maxi(L) says:
like apple pie but pastry instead of....pie stuff
Server: Cerberus
Character: Bricotius
Birth Date:November 8, 2003
Allegiance: San d'Oria
Rank: 6
Linkshell(s): TrainofThoughts, DaiSuke, GaiaLegends, NuevaSangre, DarkMatter, Avatars
Thief: 62
Ninja: 34
White Mage: 23
Warrior: 22
Dragoon: 20
Black Mage: 17
Bard: 17
Monk: 13
Dark Knight: 11
Red Mage: 10
Summmoner: 8
Samurai: 7
Blue Mage: 5
Ranger: 5
Scholar: 4
Beastmaster: 4
Paladin: 4
Dancer: 1
Crafting Levels:
Fishing: 9.1 Amateur
Woodworking: 22.7 Initiate
Smithing: 2.0 Amateur
Goldsmithing: 12.5 Recruit
Clothcraft: 2.6 Amateur
Leathercraft: 2.0 Amateur
Bonecraft: 0.0 Amateur
Alchemy: 0.4 Amateur
Cooking: 2.0 Amateur
*Not to mention my 11 mules:
Ophellia: 7 WAR, 4 MNK, 3 RDM
Carmen: 6 WHM
Raltimus: 9 MNK, 5 BLM
Danien: 4 RDM, 3 THF, 2 WAR
Naltina: 15 RDM, 5 WAR, 2 MNK
Jerle: 17 WAR, 3 MNK
Kinson: 15 WAR, 4 WHM
Dianora: 7 THF
Colinater: 3 RDM
Fentema: 7 BLM
Eggdude: 2 RDM
Believe it or not, despite my lack of leveling in the game, I've been playing since November of levels may suck, but you should see my equipment store...
08/08/2006 - Got Bricotius to lvl 50 thief 2 nights ago now time for G1 and rank 6!!
09/13/2006 - Finally got G1 done on Bricotius! On to rank 6
10/07/2006 - Got AF hands for Bricotius! Fun fun! XD
11/03/2006 - Got AF Headpiece for Bricotius, wish it wasn't called a bonnet tho ><
12/23/2006 - Completed G2 with Bricotius with the help of two level 75 friends. Also set my new record for SATA Viper Bite hitting the Boreal Hound for 1046 damage.
01/03/2007 - Got AF pants for Bricotius after getting an awesome party in Bhaflau Thickets. Was an easy grab using powders and a warp scroll
03/22/2007 - Phew finally saved up enough money to get Bricotius a Scorpion Harness! I got a helluva deal though, found a guy shouting in Aht Urghan asking for 610k!
05/12/2007 - Finally got level 60 thief! Not to mention Dancing Edge which really kicks ass!
06/22/2007 - Got all my promys done, AF boots done, rank 6 done, and Phomiuna Aqueducts done. Damn I had a productive week!
07/16/2007 - An old friend of mine as his last act in-game helped me finish G3 and also gave me some ridiculously good and expensive parting gifts. Darncat is the man!
01/13/2008 - Finally got up and over level 60. Trying to party around this level sucks!!!
Last edited by Bricotius; 10-15-2008 at 07:20 AM.
<img src="">
Server: Remora
PlayOnline Handle: Tharios(I'm using my brothers account)
Character: Nightstrike
Race: Hume
Country: Windurst
Gender: Male
Job: Thief lvl.22
sub Job: Red Mage lvl.10
Rank: 2
skills: all 0, but clothcraft is at 1
Hand-to-Hand: around 25
Dagger: 45
Sword: 50
Club: around 25
Arching: 5
Throwing: 5
Shield: around 40
Parrying: around 40
Marksmanship: 0
Evasion: 55
Last edited by Tri-Edge; 10-04-2006 at 05:58 PM.
PlayOnline Handle: Obsidian Dawn
Server: Alexander
Character: Jaide
Home Country: Bastok
Current Job(s): WAR/5
TFFcom LS: Erm...
Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
PlayOnline Handle: Barren
Server: Pandemonium
Character: Barren (Elvaan)
Home Country: San d'Oria (Rank 10)
Current Job(s): NIN75//WAR68//PLD60 (plus many others)
LS: XIII (Leader)
Crafts: Goldsmithing 48 (Journeyman)
Server: Pandemonium
Character: Lordtaru (Tarutaru)
Home Country: San d'Oria (Rank 4)
Current Job(s): WHM38//BLM22 (plus many others)
PlayOnline Handle: Liz
Server: Fairy
Character: Outrigger
Home Country: San d'Oria
Current Job(s): WHM 67/BLM (or SMN) 33
LS: Children Of Altana
Current missions: Sandy 7-1, ZM 5, CoP 4-2, ToAU 12
Last edited by You Spoony Bard; 03-16-2007 at 02:21 PM.
PlayOnline Handle: Emerut
Server: Cerberus
Character: Emerut
Home Country: Bastok
Rank:6 mission 6-1
Zilart: mission 4
Current Job(s): 55Drg/27War
War 37
Mnk 18
Whm 25
Blm 18
Rdm 30
Thf 18
Drk 7
Bst 2
Sam 12
Nin 7
Drg 55
Smn 5
TFFcom LS: no
Cratf lvls:
goldsmithing 7
smithing 2
bonecraft 1
Last edited by Emerut; 12-16-2006 at 09:42 AM.
"To be forgotten is worse than death itself"
character: Existingdark
job: Red Mage
nuff said
PlayOnline Handle: Max Power
Server: Alexander
Character: Tornadoaxman
Home Country: San D'Oria
Current Job(s): WAR (11) Monk (3)
Additional Info:
I am wandering in San d'Oria. Look for the giant old ape guy.
PlayOnline Handle: Kaddis
Server: Ramuh
Character: Relient (Hume Male)
Home Country: Windurst
Main Job: Blackmage
Blackmage: 75 (Max Merits)
Summoner: 60 (All Smmons)
Redmage: 38
Whitemage: 38
Theif: 35
Bluemage: 29
Ninja: 22
Corsair: 15
Ranger: 14
Beastmaster: 13
Warrior: 12
(Rest are below 12 and can't remember exact level details)
Nation Ranks: Rank 10 ALL Nations
Rise of Zilart: Completed
Chains of Promethia: Completed
Treasure's of Aht. A.: Incomplete (On Mission 12)
Tradeskills: Clothcraft 86 Fishing 60 Cooking 60
Chocobo: Genesis Grey (Black - No Abilities/Average Stat Build 1st Gen)
AF2: 2/5
Additional Info:
Pretty decent equips: HQ staves, Snow Ring, Tamas Ring, Mahatma Slops, Rostrum Pumps. Still trying to get my damn AF+1 and complete Yigit gear baaahhhhhH!!!
All Dynamis Zones Cleared: Except Xaracbard ; ;
Have owned every HNM except Vrtra, because he's teh hax0rz.
PlayOnline Handle: Locdog
Name: Verlander
Race/Gender: Hume(M)
Server: Kujata
Nation: Bastok
Linkshell: Forgotten Palantirs
Rank: 2
Title-Paragon of Dragoon Excellence
Lvl's: DRG 60, WAR 31, MNK 24, THF 15(Currently playing as a DRG/WAR)
PlayOnline Handle:$Nanaki$
Name: mikeyt
Race/Gender: Hume(M)
Server: Caitsith
Nation: Bastok
Linkshell: HouseAtreides
Rank: 6
Current Job: PLD67/WAR33
Summer bled of Eden
Easter's heir uncrowns
Another destiny lies leached upon the ground
A gilded wreath of reason
The flower crushed conceives
A child of fragrance so much clearer
In legacy
Comments? suggestions? Insults?
PlayOnline Handle: Jesselynn
Server: Midgarsormer
Character: Antoinette
Race: Mithra
Sex: Female
Allegiance: San d'Oria
Rank: 2
Chocobo License: No
Airship Pass: No
Job Level(s):
* Warrior: 1
* Monk: 16
* White Mage: 1
* Black Mage: 0
* Red Mage: 0
* Thief: 4
* Paladin: 0
* Dark Knight: 0
* Beastmaster: 0
* Bard: 0
* Ranger: 0
* Samurai: 0
* Ninja: 0
* Dragoon: 0
* Summoner: 0
Crafting Levels:
* Fishing: 0
* Woodworking: 0
* Smithing: 0
* Goldsmithing: 3
* Clothcraft: 0
* Leathercraft: 0
* Bonecraft: 0
* Alchemy: 0
* Cooking: 0
Finally got the game though the installation was a long ass wait -_-.
PlayOnline Handle: Kame
Server: Sylph
Character: Akukame
Home Country: San d'Oria
Current Job(s): WAR 6
PlayOnline Handle: Tebian
Name: Tebian
Race/Gender: Elvaan(M)
Server: Sylph
Nation: Bastok
Linkshell: RGoNots
Rank: 10 all nations
Current Job: BLM75/WHM35
Guilds: Woodworking 100+3, all other 60+1 (fishing 22)
Expansion Completed: Zilart & COP
PlayOnline Handle: Sa1l0rCall1e
Server: Alexander (pre-2011 server merge)/ Shiva (post-2011 server merge)
Character: Darklady
Race: Mithra
Sex: Female
Allegiance: Windurst
Rank: 2-1
Linkshell(s): FastandFurious (Shiva)
Chocobo License: No
Airship Pass: No
Job Level(s):
- WAR: 10
- MNK: 11
- WHM: 12
- BLM: 13
- RDM: 22
- THF: 15
- PLD: 0
- DRK: 0
- BST: 0
- BRD: 0
- RNG: 0
- SAM: 0
- NIN: 0
- DRG: 0
- SUM: 0
- BLU: 0
- COR: 0
- PUP: 0
- DNC: 0
- SCH: 0
Crafting Levels:
* Fishing: 0
* Woodworking: 0
* Blacksmithing: 0
* Goldsmithing: 1
* Clothcraft: 1
* Leathercraft: 0
* Bonecraft: 3
* Alchemy: 0
* Cooking: 1
04/20/2008: Just started on FFXI, so please bear with me.
04/30/2008: Participating in this year's Feast of Swords, hoping that I don't get killed despite the Lvl. 1 restriction. EDIT: Have added the Wings of the Goddess expansion last Friday.
05/15/2008: Reached Lvl. 7 for RDM, finally caught my first three fish (one Moat Carp and two Crayfish) after numerous tries in the past, and have just learned two spells, Paralyze and Barsleep.
05/21/2008: RDM leveled up to 8 and started and finished Glyph Hanger to obtain the Horutoto Ruins maps for Windurst Mission 1-1, The Horutoto Ruins Experiment. Finished said mission last night and looking forward to beginning Windurst Mission 1-2, The Heart of the Matter.
05/22/2008: Finally reached Level 1 in Bonecraft!
05/28/2008: RDM leveled up from 8 to 10, currently having difficulty with completing The Heart of the Matter solo due to massive Goblins and Balloons refusing to give me a break in-between battles. EDIT: Leveled up THF from 2 to 5, going to 6 so that I can equip the Coarse Boomerang.
05/29/2008: Having achieved Lvl. 6 THF, I've equipped the Coarse Boomerang and gave it a try. I later changed jobs to BLM, and trying my best not get myself killed without any potions or WHM spells at my disposal when I've played as a RDM.
06/01/2008: Changed to MNK, leveled said job to 2 and joined my first-ever Linkshell called Wheeloftime, before the server shut down . Being the first of the new month (bunny, bunny), I just got lucky tonight.
06/06/2008: Changed back to RDM after leveling up MNK to 4, leveled up RDM to 11, and FINALLY completed The Heart of the Matter after buying a couple of Potions, a few Antidotes, and relied on some good luck to get this quest finished.
06/17/2008: Decided to take on The Price of Peace quest at RDM Lvl. 12, and has successfully completed it in one try so that my Windurst rank increased from 1 to 2.
07/25/2008: It's been over a month since I've last updated, but I've been at the Selbina area since Sunday leveling up RDM from 14 to 18 (17 as of this typing) and doing my very best to not get myself killed by Goblins and such. Hopefully I'll get a Magicked Skull to go with the Crab Aprom and worm and exchange it in order to unlock the subjob.
07/27/2008: FINALLY got the Magicked Skull and was able to unlock the subjob option. I find this subjob hard to believe because I wanted my /RDM to be 9 instead of 18, but I should've worked on my other classes beforehand. ::embarrased::
07/03/2011: Doing some major-league updating to my profile to be in tune with the current content (i.e., add-ons and such), and included my server stats on both the former Alexander server and the current Shiva server.
07/04/11 HAPPY 4th OF JULY! Re-learning everything (movements, controls, etc.) in-game, including battle. Nearly 3 years of FFXI inactivity made me rusty of sorts. EDIT: I have deciced(sp) to concentrate on leveling up my other jobs (main only) since my RDM only 18 and the rest are level 10 and under. The payoff will help me out in the long run.
07/10/11: Got my RDM to hit 19 last night. Soon, I will hit 20 for said job.Continuing leveling up the other main jobs in the process with RDM as a side job. EDIT: RDM 20 at long last.
07/12/11: With the help of a wonderful party at the Maze of Shakhrami located in Tahromgi Canyon, I was able to level up my THF from 10 to 15 so I would get Treasure Hunter unlocked. Now all I need to do is invest in Thieves' Tools without going broke.Plus, I need to level up my WAR, MNK, WHM and BLM as well.
07/14/2011: Learning to harvest goods, reached level 2 in Bonescraft while synthsizing(sp) 2 Cat Bagnakhs weapons, reached level 1 in Cooking and reached WHM 10 & BLM 10.
07/27/11: RL threw a curveball at me which had me to do w/o FFXI for a while and help my family move into a new home. Joined FastandFurious linkshell.
07/28/11: Took a long, winding trip to San D'Oria from Windurst (on foot, that is), but was worth it. Levelled my MNK to 9. Will stay there until my RDM reaches 25, but in the meantime will concentrate on levelling not just my MNK, but my WAR, WHM, and BLM.
07/30/11: After my brief stay in San D'Oria, I've returned to Windurst and done the A Crisis in the Making quest. EDIT: Did the onions quest (Truth, Justice and the Onion Way & Know One's Onion) and scored both a Justice Badge and a free Blazing Spikes scroll.
07/31/11: Thanks to a in-game chance meeting with Dawezy, I was able to level up my RDM to 22 with his help. I've only got one Bull Dhamel to go until that goal's completed.EDIT: Both Goldsmithing and Clothcraft reached 1 while my Bonecraft reached 3. I must consider joining a crafting guild, including Clothcraft so that I would make use of the Yagudo Feathers and turn them into Yagudo Fletchings, but not until I reached Initiate level first.
08/01/11: Bunny, bunny. Made it to Jueno.
Last edited by SailorCallie; 02-29-2020 at 07:08 PM. Reason: Update
The Cringe: Empty Table AMV by SailorCallie (me)
PSN Username: SailorCallie
Nintendo Network Username: Callie1277
XBox Live Gamertag: SailorCallie77
Playonline Handle: Mike
Joined FFXI: May 2006
Server: Ifrit
Name: Avtar
Race: Hume
Nation: Bastok
Rank: 6
Linkshell: KupoLegion
Title: "StarBreaker"
Current Job: DRG71/SAM35
DRG 71
SAM 42
WAR 28
WHM 26
BLM 66
RDM 59
THF 12
BST: 5
PLD: 11
DRK 12
BRD 14
DNC: 8
MNK: 10
SMN 20
NIN 23
BLU: 13
RNG: 13
PUP: 2
Bastok Rank Missions: 6-2
Zilart Missions: ZM16
COP Missions: 3-2
TOAU Missions: 5
Wings of the Goddess Missions: 2
Sky: Obtained
Sea: Not Obtained
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Might as well post mine even though I am pretty new.
PlayOnline Handle: Cmaster16
Server: Alexander
Character: Belius
Race: Hume
Sex: Male
Allegiance: San d'Oria
Rank: 2
Linkshell(s): Ultimate Allegiance (now gone)
Chocobo License: Yes
Airship Pass: Kazham only
Job Level(s):
* Warrior: 16
* Monk: 1
* White Mage: 5
* Black Mage: 7
* Red Mage: 1
* Thief: 24
* Paladin: 0
* Dark Knight: 0
* Beastmaster: 0
* Bard: 0
* Ranger: 0
* Samurai: 0
* Ninja: 0
* Dragoon: 0
* Summoner: 0
* Puppeteer: 0
* Blue Mage: 0
* Corsair: 0
* Scholar: 0
* Dancer: 0
Crafting Levels:
* Fishing: 5
* Woodworking: 3
* Smithing: 0
* Goldsmithing: 0
* Clothcraft: 0
* Leathercraft: 0
* Bonecraft: 0
* Alchemy: 0
* Cooking: 5
~Decided I was done with Thf for a while and changed to War, where I will spend most of my time lvling.
~Just got back on after about a three week break. (7-24-08)
Last edited by Cactrot; 07-24-2008 at 06:19 PM.
Handle: Sasquatch21B
Server: Alexander
Character: Sasquatcho
Race: Elvaan
Nation: San d'Oria
Level 18 Warrior
Level 12 Thief
Last edited by Sasquatch; 10-24-2008 at 12:48 PM.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
POL Handle: MartininhoII
Character Name: Martininhox
Server: Ramuh
Race: Hume Male
Nation: Windurst
Rank: 2
Linkshells: Pandora'sBox, LegionOfDoom
Jobs Leveled so far: THF10, WAR18...
Yes not brilliant I know. I miss my Dragoon. A lot.
Last edited by Martin; 09-16-2008 at 06:18 PM.
Sigh...i got bored after a while at this game but anyways
POL Handle: Raven3005
Character Name: Raven3005
Server: Diablos (i think)
Race: TaruTaru
Nation: can't remember
Rank: can't remember
Job: Black mage and Summoner
Just set up an account and started playing this a couple days ago on Xbox, and I am loving it so far!
Server: Alexander
Character: Wolfdog
Race: Male Hume
Nation: Bastok
POL Handel:Wolfdog2k8
Level 11 Thief
Level 11 Red Mage
IGN = Hollister
Server = Caitsith
LS = none
CoP = 1-3
ZM = Complete [Beastly Earring]
ToAU = 44
ACP = Complete [Mirke Wardecors - +3 Crit, +10 Accuracy]
AMK = 1
Rare/Ex stuffs~
Shamans cloak, Assault Jerkin, Intruder Earring, Pilgrims Wand, Tortoise Shield, Optical Hat, Wahalra Turban, Star Necklace, Federal Army Mantle, Smart Grenade, Bibiki Seashell, Merrows n#17 Locket, Empress Hairpin, 6/6 MNK AF, Destroyers, Nadrs, Drainslaif, Tungi, Franscisca, Webcutter, Saruto bi Kyahan, Ochimusha Kote, Blood Ring, Shikaree Ring, Jelly Ring, Empress Band[3/3], Beastly Earring, Moldavite Earring, Tactics Pearl, Signal Pearl, Chocobo Necklace, and a lot of other things.
PlayOnline Handle: Tohasji
Server: Midgardsormr
Character: Jiopio
Home Country: Windurst
Linkshell: Perseverance
Main Job(s): DRK/BLM/DRG
Job(s) Levels:
* WAR: 37 * PUP: 22
* MNK: 26 * DNC: 37
* BLM: 73 * PLD: 54
* WHM: 37 * COR: 27?
* THF: 37 * DRK: 75
* RDM: 38 * BRD: 37
* DRG: 70 * BST: 20
* RNG: 37 * SAM: 37
* SMN: 25 * NIN: 37
* BLU: 37 * SCH: 33
PlayOnline Handle:
Server: Midgardsormr
Character: Tohasji
Home Country: Windurst
Linkshell: Perseverance
Main Job(s): THF
Job(s) Levels:
* WAR: 37 * PUP: 22
* MNK: 26 * DNC: 37
* BLM: 01 * PLD: 01
* WHM: 01 * COR: 01
* THF: 72 * DRK: 01
* RDM: 01 * BRD: 01
* DRG: 01 * BST: 01
* RNG: 01 * SAM: 01
* SMN: 01 * NIN: 37
* BLU: 37 * SCH: 01
I will update Tohasji's profile when I reactivate my ID's and continue playing again. some of my jobs may actually have a few lvls.
Last edited by Jiopio; 10-03-2009 at 07:13 PM.
Used to be: Trodorne Nesland
Server: Lakshmi
Highest Job: Lv 64 Black Mage.
Linkshell: The Mages Guild.
Reasons for leaving: it wasn't WoW i can tell you that. got fed up with waiting for parties. tried to solo but was too slow. i miss the people i had in the link shell. but now im in college and have no time for the game.
Handle: Finnerty
Server: Ramuh
Home Nation: Bastok
Main Job: Red Mage Lvl 37
Sub Job: White Mage Lvl 35
Bastok Rank: 3-3
Bastok Fame: Lvl 9+
Smithing: Lvl 10
Goldsmithing: Lvl 6
Woodworking: Lvl 2
Leathercraft: Lvl 3
Clothcraft: Lvl 1