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Thread: Your FFXI Profile

  1. #91
    Elloewen Your FFXI Profile ultimatekupo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Milwaukee WI

    Re: Your FFXI Profile

    PlayOnline Handle: ?
    Server: syron
    Character: Elloewen
    Home Country: Bastok
    Current Job(s): MNK 9/WAR 18
    TFFcom LS: ?
    "There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow" -Shakespeare

  2. #92

    Re: Your FFXI Profile

    Server: Bahamut
    Character: Kairug
    Home Country: San d'Oria
    Current Job(s): 75SAM/37NIN

    Current Job(s):
    PLD: 75
    BRD: 75
    SAM: 75
    WAR: 39
    THF: 61
    Check my for more detail and send a message^.^

    Linkshell: Shinracorp (Miss you all dearly, Protoman, Drittz, Pjohn, Pep, Cloudsofflame, Lancalot, Ninjagirl, and all you others^^)

    Haven't been on in a year due to joining the US ARMY, but starting up as soon as i get home. /hurray .... /Hooah....?

  3. #93
    I'll make you famous Your FFXI Profile Rydia Lover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    alexandra, VA

    Re: Your FFXI Profile

    PlayOnline Handle: Ethanelephants (was my brothers lol)
    Server: Alexander

    Character: Fragglestickcar
    Race: Elvaan
    Sex: Female
    Allegiance: San D'oria
    Rank: 1
    Linkshell(s): none, but would like to join TFF
    Chocobo License: No
    Airship Pass: No
    Job Level(s):

    * Warrior: 0
    * Monk: 0
    * White Mage: 0
    * Black Mage: 0
    * Red Mage: 11
    * Thief: 0
    * Paladin: 0
    * Dark Knight: 0
    * Beastmaster: 0
    * Bard: 0
    * Ranger: 0
    * Samurai: 0
    * Ninja: 0
    * Dragoon: 0
    * Summoner: 0

    Crafting Levels:

    * Fishing: 0
    * Woodworking: 0
    * Smithing: 0
    * Goldsmithing: 0
    * Clothcraft: 0
    * Leathercraft: 0
    * Bonecraft: 0
    * Alchemy: 0
    * Cooking: 0

    im still new, so any help would be very much apprecieated
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
    You ARE my number one, Rydia Lover. <3
    current games playing:
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    Assassins Creed Revolutions
    Saints Row: The Third
    Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
    Fallout New Vegas

  4. #94
    Badass Military Agent Your FFXI Profile Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Your FFXI Profile

    PlayOnline Handle: Linuskino
    Server: Phoenix
    Character: Kirakuro
    Home Country: Windurst Rank 10
    Main Job: DRG 85/BLU 41 (One of maybe 15 Dragoons on my server that actually knows how to use the job in its entirety)
    Linkshell: None at the moment

    Job levels:

    WAR: 40
    MNK: 18
    BLU: 41
    SAM: 25
    NIN: 12
    DNC: 36
    DRG: 85

    All other jobs are lvl 1 or I didn't unlock them

    NOTE: At the moment, I'm not currently playing because honestly playing on Xbox 360 after playing on an awesome PC for 3 years BLOWS, so I'm just waiting to buy my new Desktop that way I can try and hit the Level 99 cap with my Dragoon
    Last edited by Linus Li Lelouch; 02-01-2011 at 05:49 PM.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  5. #95
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    PlayOnline Handle: loafers
    Server: Alexander

    Character: Meatloaf
    Race: Hume
    Sex: Male
    Allegiance: Windurst
    Rank: 1
    Linkshell(s): None till I get this Trial account taken care of
    Chocobo License: No
    Airship Pass: No
    Job Level(s):

    * Warrior: 0
    * Monk: 11
    * White Mage: 0
    * Black Mage: 0
    * Red Mage: 22
    * Thief: 0
    * Paladin: 0
    * Dark Knight: 0
    * Beastmaster: 0
    * Bard: 0
    * Ranger: 0
    * Samurai: 0
    * Ninja: 0
    * Dragoon: 0
    * Summoner: 0

    Crafting Levels:

    * Fishing: 0
    * Woodworking: 0
    * Smithing: 0
    * Goldsmithing: 0
    * Clothcraft: 0
    * Leathercraft: 0
    * Bonecraft: 0
    * Alchemy: 0
    * Cooking: 0
    Signature Updated: Yesterday
    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

    CPC8! - Chess Club


    Currently Playing: Video Games

  6. #96
    Registered User Your FFXI Profile HurdytheBard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Midwest, US EST
    PlayOnline Handle: CODEMAN
    Server: Shiva

    Character: Valyre
    Race: Elvaan
    Sex: Male
    Allegiance: Bastok
    Rank: 1
    Chocobo License: No
    Airship Pass: No

    Job: Thief 16
    Crafting: Goldsmith
    Last edited by HurdytheBard; 01-28-2013 at 10:13 AM.

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