While at TGS Yoshida talked more about Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, both on it's current state and the future. The specific focus for the future was the next update/patch for the game dubbed 2.1. He has already mentioned that they have things outlined and planned for 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. The progress on 2.1 is naturally much further along and so he was able to show the progress they made as well what will be in the update.
A quick list:
New Dungeon (Pharos Sirius)
Hard Modes for existing dungeons
Extreme modes for all three current primals
Hard mode King Moggle Mog
Crystal Tower raid
Player Housing
The Wolves Den (PvP)
Treasure Hunts
Hard Mode for a “Surprise” boss*
Daily Quests
Random Matchmaking (extra Tomestone rewards for random queues)*
And UI items such as item sort
The Crystal Tower, they warned will have the Cloud of Darkness present. It will be a 24 player raid which will has classic FFIII bosses appearing in the dungeon. Access to the tower will have gated behind another dungeon that must be cleared first. Yoshida also stated that it was set to be easier than the Binding Coil of Bahamut, which still remains unbeaten, the last turn that is, players have completed the first four turns. It will be the standard 2 tank, 2 healer and 4 dps setup, but will be 3 parties and can be used through the duty finder. Additionally, there will be times the alliance will need to work together and other times when they will be split up to do separate tasks. It is estimated at 90-120 minutes for completion. The gear needed is said to be around Titan hard mode level with the gear and music in the dungeon by FFIII themed or inspired.
The Wolves Den was outlined as a 4v4 team battle with possible duels coming later. There will be level 30, 40 and 50 groups. There will be some unique PvP skills and some class/job skills may work differently. There will be points to earn in PvP to get gear from the Wolves Den. The Duty Finder can be used, but if you make your own light party it will only be matched with other created light parties and not a random matchmake of 4 players. A Frontline PvP is in store for the future.
Source: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn's Crystal Tower Has Familiar Enemies From FFIII - Siliconera ; Eorzea Census And Patch 2.1: TGS Live Letter #1 ; Coils, Houses, Towers, And Wolves: TGS Live Letter #2