This is going to be a gigantic wall of text.
I finally downed Twintania (Coil Turn 5) this week with my static. I've been with them for 4 weeks. Gone from i76->i80 the first week with 3 Allagan drops. Two the next week, and one last week (none this week). We've spent at least 30-40 hours on Twintania total over the past month trying to down it, raiding Mondays and Wednesdays for 2-3 hours each.
Looking back, it is not that difficult of a fight really. I'm sure learning the mechanics as one of the first groups was really frustrating, but now that their are guides, it's just about doing things correctly. That being said, getting 8 people together (which is a low number for most MMOs I think) that make minimal makes and are all on the same page for the same attempt in order to kill the boss, is one of the most frustrating things I have ever experienced in an MMO.
The reason is not because doing the mechanics are hard, necessarily, but the fact that there is no room to mess up. If you mess up doing divebombs, etc it could cause a wipe on the entire group. If one person dies, thats 800+ mana that healers do not have anymore, with max MP being 4k~ its 1/4th of a healers mana. If two people die...etc. And the lost DPS. The point being, it's extremely unforgiving, and even though its easy, if people's connections spike, or if their ping is really high it can cause all sorts of trouble, even if they are the best player, mechanically, in the entire world.
For that reason, doing end-game content in this game seems almost impossible to do at times. To complete both Titan EX and Twintania (both this week) I have had to just tell great friends and players I've met that I need to move on. I am a great player, way above average but I know that I'm not that best. Not even close, and I don't have to be to do this content. But my connection is mostly great, and that helps me tremendously. I've met so many great players with shitty connections and there is just no hope for them to complete T5 or Titan EX.
It's extremely sad, and unfair I feel like. The content is well thought-out. The fights are challenging and FUN to do, except when you get to the reality that most people do not have a stable connection. And that's if they have a drive enough to even care about really completing the game's content before the next comes out. I have played FFXI and WoW for like 10 years now, raiding with Death and Taxes and other top tier (world first kill) guilds, so I know I'm at an advantage when playing as far as knowing what to expect and how stuff needs to operate.
As of now, I'd say doing T5 and EX primal content (mostly just titan) is a complete headache. I really hope Leviathan is just as challenging, if not more, yet a lot more forgiving than this content is. I don't even know what to expect from Turn 6 in a month, but I guess we'll see.
This is a great game, and I want to see it get even better. And it will. I'm just hoping for a lot more forgiving content, as I honestly feel it's a little unfair at the moment. This game gets so many things right (classes are all useful and none are bad, so taking one of each class is really the best way to go). But it is still so young.
I guess if anyone has any questions about end-game content or just want to talk about it, I love talking and answering questions as best as I can. I mainly play BLM, but I also have experience as a WHM and SCH. I do not play the Tank role yet (my PLD is lvl35) but I can still answer tank questions as I know most of the mechanics anyway.
Here's my character: FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone | Rage Log
And my stream: Twitch